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I know you never know what goes on in someone else’s relationship but if he’s having 10 hour chemo sessions he’s got to be very unwell indeed so why would she leave him? I just don’t I understand. Surely people close to her judge her for this behaviour and not just us?
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I’ve just opened my insta and my jaw dropped to the floor that she’s in California AND saying how she wants to spend more time there. Firstly, her husband is dying. Secondly, is she already planning life without him. I’m going to have to unfollow her. I’m speechless. I wouldn’t leave the house if it were my husband. What kind of psycho narcissist behaviour is this? I can’t even comprehend?! Someone enlighten me!!
Also, can’t she see how bad this looks? (Because it is actually bad!!)
I absolutely agree with you. I would not normally ever comment on someone's health. It generally is not our obligation to even play out what could happen, when we only have half the facts. Also out of respect to John, I think is grosely unfair to do so. However, I think Lorna is literally allowing herself to be trashed by people knowing what they do know, only by what has been played out on social media. I am absolutely gob smacked myself that she has laid bare what she has regarding John, and is carrying on as if she has zero care in the world. It is not human.

We all have ways of coping, however this is too far. I would never in a million years be acting the way she is if this was my husband. It displays an utterly selfish human, who is looking only how she can line her own pockets. Yes, John maybe telling her to get on with life, but I would be stood by his side and not too far away to be as supportive as humanly possible. My mental state would also be that I HAD to be by my husbands side throughout this. Life is short, but when you know what potentially could happen you want to be with that person. Not across the pond, drinking vino and carrying on like life is one big party. She is in her mid 40's. She needs to grow up, and start portraying herself differently on the gram. The whole lot could backfire on her immensely. I have seen death stare me in the face, when I lost my father 3 years ago and that literally shook my world naturally, but made me far more aware that life can change like a light switch.
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Been at work so only just seen this, but her choice of words is appalling. Pissed off ? Really? because it’s ruining her plans?

Broken, devastated, terrified maybe? But pissed off just implies it’s a personal attack on HER.

None of us know what will happen with John but It would be good to see Lorna being respectful of his illness and not monetising it because that’s all I see.
Probably going against the grain too but with that news can’t say I blame them for however they choose to spend their time. Also (again against the grain) but a lot of criticism of her doing a paid ad etc in the same/next post. At the end of the day it’s her job we would all be expected to carry on with our jobs after receiving such news in my view this is just the same and probably a lot easier as she can just write a post/ put a picture on rather than having to face colleagues etc like we would have to do. It’s just incredibly sad.
Would we though? My husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I can hand on heart say that we didn’t just carry on and pop in to work to unnecessarily show strangers pictures of our house or wine. I certainly wasn’t filtering pictures of myself and sharing them with people I’ve never met. Yes, in time things do have to continue in some way, but in the same hour? Her post this morning was “ it’s too much”. 3 hours later she’s back seeking attention !
The reality is brutal and gruelling and horrible and crippling and it changed my perspective on everything.
Granted she only has to press a button and post stuff from the luxury of her bunker, but is it really necessary right now? Or is it all about Lorna?
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Call me old fashioned or sentimental, but if I'd just found out that the man I was supposed to see out the rest of my days with, was about to be cruelly taken from me, whether that's in months or (vest case scenario) year/s, I'd be absolutely devastated. You go from having your whole future with a person planned out, to all of a sudden waking up one day, them not being there and you're having to start from scratch. It'd take me ages just to get over the news she's had. I suspect that'd be any normal person's reaction as well. I certainly wouldn't be in any state to go prancing around LA without a care in the world, and showing off how much I don't care about the situation to 1.4 million followers and bots on Instagram. I knew she was a selfish vacuous cow, but whether he was with her or not, this has just made her look a million times worse.
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Why let a bunch of invisible strangers decide your Fukkin hair colour if you like it orange ?
Nah, she isnt really asking them for their hair colour opinion, its the usual engagement farming, but the real reason is she will use the lie that they want her to go back to Brunette because she realises how shite it looks with the mismatch copper rust crap - but she cant change it back without her subs supposedly telling her to otherwise thats a big fuck you, but please, i still want a freebie/ mates rates to the dude who does her hair...
This bint is as transparent as the hairs on the side of her head...
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Naa I don’t think he’s there. I think he's absolutely too unwell to go long haul now, and this is going to be their new normal…
But of course Lorna *HAD* to go to frat with the nepo babies.
What could anyone want with that twat I have no idea. There must be a million people with money to invest that have class and experience and knowledge and education who aren’t defined by their instagram followers?
In what world would Lorna and her insta-mates be the preferred option???
Genuinely the world has gone mad.
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Fake tanning on a Greek island give me strength. So it never was a romantic trip away they’re there to shoot the collection of shit 🙄
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It’s true narc discard.
Also anyone who understands how narc’s operate, they isolate their partners from friends and family. They aren’t allowed to spend time with people they’ve known for years, anyone that would appear a threat. We understand John has been allowed one friend ( when he went to the Gp) so he must be identified as no risk)
He’s lost his mother. Brother is in the care home.

So who is with him? Her mother? How can 3 days at Glastonbury which is entirely unnecessary be justified in this circumstance?
“ all his idea” infact he paid for it.

Hi Lorna! Receiving a bit of hate you selfish fuck?
No way is that a gift from OMR. She would have said that at the very beginning if so, she's backtracking as she knows it doesn't look good. Plus, she's gone with PR mates, prob a freebie she's muscled in on. Never spends her own money on anything does she! Well, apart from the vanity project.
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Ugh , her latest post, about reclaiming luggage - using the his meds excuse for the fact SHE needs something from the luggage.. and why isnt it in his hand luggage with a medical letter / proof of what it is .
and the ''natter with'' god, I loathe this bitch
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she will be flogging the bunker once there's only one person living in there, she will say the memories are too much, and by memories I mean mortgage.
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Nice romantic holiday with your poor husband who’s about to undergo chemo AGAIN. She’s such a liar. This is a shoot for her new round of crappy clothing with creepy and creepy 2
Doesn’t John get sick of other people always being there???
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Phil I Buster

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My IVF meds went in my carry on along with a note from my doctor. If I could do that for medicine which, while important, aren’t life saving, why the hell would you not do that for drugs helping someone managing their cancer diagnosis?

I mean I say this. Let’s be honest, the likelihood is she’s using it for engagement and to escalate the issue.
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Aren’t these young girls wondering who the fuck Lorna is? I mean she’s rocked up at least 4 dress sizes bigger than she is on her own edited pics. It genuinely is the maddest shit ever. And no one can say anything , even if they want to, because it sounds like bullying or sizest particularly after the anorexia claims.
The young girls are so desperate to be popular and “influencers” and get free stuff that they are no doubt all too fucking stupid to care. Look at them all, on their phones. It’s all about making other people ( women) jealous. None of them are engaged in why they are there, or who they are with. They just want to tell / show people they are there, that they’ve been chosen. That they’re getting free shit and “ you aren’t”

Fuccck me this is proper proper batshit, in that as a society we are normalising this with no accountability.
My book just writes its self with this lot.
she is bloated from all the booze she drinks.
That’s a hell of a lot of booze.
I mean less than a week apart. Which is it?
(The drawn on shading around the teat and blurred tummy might be a giveaway)


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A little SELF CARE is just what I NEEDED?
SHE needs to feel good?

Fucking hell. My next Sunday sermon is going to be epic let me tell you.
Queen Baby at her best .. Vile selfish person .

AND why the fukk is she getting her hair done midnight. ?
Because she’s so busy and so famous. It’s like when famous people are allowed in to Harrods when it’s closed. Same thing.
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