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Sorry if I came across angry with anyone, I’ll ride on the excuse that i’m about 29 months pregnant and generally angry but I still can’t agree that anyone receiving or anticipating cancer treatment however it’s funded should be drinking or smoking. That’s my opinion and clearly we all have our own experiences with cancer that have formed opinions that perhaps don’t align.

But that said and to be fair to John you can’t believe anything Lorna posts and it might not even be what it seems, for some reason she’s always thought smoking and excessive drinking is cool and will go out of her way to post these images like the strategically placed glass of rose on the latest post. The opening and closing words on that post are equally fucked up when addressing your husbands latest results “team lady A always” please since when?
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Oh my god I can’t!
I actually can’t believe she went to glasto and he’s home sick, vulnerable and a 10 hr chemo session is no joke.
Also surely want to make sure you don’t pick up any virus’s that could potentially pass on. Be it dormant on you or not.

I had a friend who was going through gruelling chemo session. Decided to actually enjoy Christmas with family. Everyone was so careful but he somehow still caught Covid as his immune was so low.
Sadly, couldn’t get any more chemo until he was stable again, but he deter badly kpt picking up infections and recently passed away.

Each to their own but feck if my husband was diagnosed no matter what stage my face wouldn’t be looking like that happy and swanning off everywhere.

she’s not been home for even a minute.

fucking so strange that her followers aren’t picking up on this .
Are they so deluded and dumb
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Do you think this beauty is inspired by the bedroom curtains?


I think the curtains might have a better finish actually...
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Sorry double posting but I bet she’s fuming New Look have got her wearing their bag and shoes and she can’t hide behind her dusty old Valentino’s and mismatched Chanel
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The great thing about Lorna is no matter how low she digs - she seems to find a way to dig lower!
Ps I don’t thinks she’s much of a music fan???
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Chatty Member
She’s in LA 🙈

I felt guilty leaving my dog for the weekend when he had a bad eye , but she’s swanning off 11 hours away from her dying husband (I am assuming, surely, that he hasn’t travelled, but who knows!?)
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Speaking of greed. Has anyone else noticed that the “ All profits going to cancer research” are now “ net profits”?
So net profits are when all of her “business expenses and costs” have been basically she’s paying herself, everyone, the bunker mortgage, advertising, marketing trips to Greece to photograph the bloody things. Then giving what’s left….
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I have posted similar before, and others have said the same today. The only reason she began being so “I love John” and sharing him and showcasing her undying love, so frequently on her account (when he featured very little, if at all before!) was because he is ill. I’m not doubting she loves him (or the lifestyle he provided for her in the early days when she had far less income than she has now)… but it all seems a bit strange to me the timing of it all. I think she knew he was unwell long before she shared his cancer diagnosis in the first place, and she obviously knew about these results before sharing today. I’m not expecting an influencer to share the ins and outs of the entirety of their life online but she is just so disingenuous. I don’t know what to think at the moment regarding all the smoking and drinking - surely if chemotherapy and radiotherapy was an option, you wouldn’t be putting that muck in your body and would be trying to be as healthy as possible? I don’t know, maybe that’s just me. Either way I’m sorry to hear John is so unwell… but I don’t like how Lorna is using this for personal gain. The same with the Aston Martin and Audi trips… fishy. X
I imagine it’s terminal and the treatment is to try prolong the time he has left. I think (or I’d at least hope) that if he had any chance of beating it, he’d be leading a as healthy a lifestyle as possible. He’s going down living his best life and I can’t blame him! The phrase “life’s too short” applies tenfold here.

I honestly don’t even know what to make of Lorna at this point. Is her post awkwardly written because of her emotional state or because she’s trying to fake it? The thanking Lady A really is a kick in the nuts for John though.
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Do you think John is getting her a new bag or so for all the trouble he's causing her? 🫥
I should hope so - it’d be pretty selfish of him not to considering what he’s put her through. Imagine being diagnosed with a terminal illness and making it all about yourself when your poor wife is having to deal with changes to social plans, on top of having to show care for you! Unthinkable!
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Chatty Member
I’ve just opened my insta and my jaw dropped to the floor that she’s in California AND saying how she wants to spend more time there. Firstly, her husband is dying. Secondly, is she already planning life without him. I’m going to have to unfollow her. I’m speechless. I wouldn’t leave the house if it were my husband. What kind of psycho narcissist behaviour is this? I can’t even comprehend?! Someone enlighten me!!
Also, can’t she see how bad this looks? (Because it is actually bad!!)
I absolutely agree with you. I would not normally ever comment on someone's health. It generally is not our obligation to even play out what could happen, when we only have half the facts. Also out of respect to John, I think is grosely unfair to do so. However, I think Lorna is literally allowing herself to be trashed by people knowing what they do know, only by what has been played out on social media. I am absolutely gob smacked myself that she has laid bare what she has regarding John, and is carrying on as if she has zero care in the world. It is not human.

We all have ways of coping, however this is too far. I would never in a million years be acting the way she is if this was my husband. It displays an utterly selfish human, who is looking only how she can line her own pockets. Yes, John maybe telling her to get on with life, but I would be stood by his side and not too far away to be as supportive as humanly possible. My mental state would also be that I HAD to be by my husbands side throughout this. Life is short, but when you know what potentially could happen you want to be with that person. Not across the pond, drinking vino and carrying on like life is one big party. She is in her mid 40's. She needs to grow up, and start portraying herself differently on the gram. The whole lot could backfire on her immensely. I have seen death stare me in the face, when I lost my father 3 years ago and that literally shook my world naturally, but made me far more aware that life can change like a light switch.
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Been at work so only just seen this, but her choice of words is appalling. Pissed off ? Really? because it’s ruining her plans?

Broken, devastated, terrified maybe? But pissed off just implies it’s a personal attack on HER.

None of us know what will happen with John but It would be good to see Lorna being respectful of his illness and not monetising it because that’s all I see.
Probably going against the grain too but with that news can’t say I blame them for however they choose to spend their time. Also (again against the grain) but a lot of criticism of her doing a paid ad etc in the same/next post. At the end of the day it’s her job we would all be expected to carry on with our jobs after receiving such news in my view this is just the same and probably a lot easier as she can just write a post/ put a picture on rather than having to face colleagues etc like we would have to do. It’s just incredibly sad.
Would we though? My husband was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I can hand on heart say that we didn’t just carry on and pop in to work to unnecessarily show strangers pictures of our house or wine. I certainly wasn’t filtering pictures of myself and sharing them with people I’ve never met. Yes, in time things do have to continue in some way, but in the same hour? Her post this morning was “ it’s too much”. 3 hours later she’s back seeking attention !
The reality is brutal and gruelling and horrible and crippling and it changed my perspective on everything.
Granted she only has to press a button and post stuff from the luxury of her bunker, but is it really necessary right now? Or is it all about Lorna?
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Call me old fashioned or sentimental, but if I'd just found out that the man I was supposed to see out the rest of my days with, was about to be cruelly taken from me, whether that's in months or (vest case scenario) year/s, I'd be absolutely devastated. You go from having your whole future with a person planned out, to all of a sudden waking up one day, them not being there and you're having to start from scratch. It'd take me ages just to get over the news she's had. I suspect that'd be any normal person's reaction as well. I certainly wouldn't be in any state to go prancing around LA without a care in the world, and showing off how much I don't care about the situation to 1.4 million followers and bots on Instagram. I knew she was a selfish vacuous cow, but whether he was with her or not, this has just made her look a million times worse.
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