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Why isn’t her so called friends, or mother pointing this out?!
Cos they are all her enablers. Sunday sermon inbound! 🤣
As exemplified with old Lorna, narc’s often surround themselves with enablers ( think John, GakkedUpG’s etc) . No real true lasting friendships because they have no need to hang around when they’ve used them.

These enablers will always prioritise the narcissist's needs, wants, and feelings over their own. They go out of their way to make the narcissist happy, even at the expense of their own well-being. (John?)

While narcissists crave external validation from anyone and everything , enablers are essentially addicted to the narcissists themselves…. I believe they are recruited because narc’s only allow people into their “inner circle”. who can offer something valuable or useful to them. They will exploit the strengths, talents, and resources of others. For example, attractive people become ‘trophies,’ and those with good connections are used for their networks….( I mean Lorna literally writes the script here 🤣)

And because narc’s have this distorted version of reality where they are more successful, or attractive or respected, or important than they truly are. This false reality feels even more real to them when others ( enablers) participate in the delusion.

And this recent example of her fucking off with enablers, whilst her husband is terminally ill just proves every word.
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Those ankles !!!!! Her attention to detail is Fukkin awful . Sloppy bint .
That dress is making me sweat just looking at it . Same Ol same Ol ITS designs 🙄. Fukkin hideous surely her fawnas can see what a greedy charlatan she is ! Nice little freebie trip put on WOS account .

I’ve edited to say .::::::
Seriously if you cut the high neck off of her In the style Pink dress you’ve got the same crappy dress as her blue WOS dress !!!!!! Fukkin didn’t take much designing did it ?


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I think she is lying about it being from john. I 'know' a fella who works behind the scenes at NL, who she was on the recent PR trip with. He has been posting from Glastonbury all weekend too. It must be something to do with PR. Also, john wouldn't be able to just buy a ticket. Glastonbury doesn't work like that.
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Chatty Member
elasticated corsetry? Gosh I think I’ve heard it all now 🙈
I hope they take notes in the Ateliers of Dior and Chanel - lots to learn from Lorna who once was a seamstress because they were scissors in one of her pics on IG😅
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Sorry but what the hell is wrong with her?! I know if my husband was seriously unwell and didn’t have long left… I would be spending every god damn minute with him! X
That’s the normal response. Not the narcissist response as seen by Lorna. I can almost hear the conversation ;

John -( enabler) Princess, you must still go to LA, you can’t miss the opportunity to make LA Rose and hang out with rich people. It doesn’t matter about me and my terminal Illness

Lorna - okay then. Bye
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When my mum was suffering I was beside myself, couldn’t eat, couldn’t concentrate and lost weight from constant worry. Lorna just drinks her way through it and leaves the country?
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Is the Raisin one of the a-blocked group now then? FFS who’s she trying to kid it’s not gonna be a Fukkin surprise that she’s just arranged it’s obviously a freebie/gifted trip or event that’s been planned for ages. . Deceitful lying bint


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On another note-where is the DOG whilst all of this is going on?? Is he with her mum permanently now?? What was the point in even getting another one?
a lame attempt at 'cute content' but then she hit the engagement jackpot with 'ill husband' so dog got ditched
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Chatty Member
I know it seems all sunshine and lollipops, but that is the literal superficial level.
Deep down, so deep she might not even be aware enough to admit it, it does feel like she is on her way to some kind of negative crescendo , personally feel like she is running away from the fact John is as good as dead. He is an enabler, but at least looked out for her, these so called friends are just latching on to her 1.4 million subscribers and what buck they can get from that bang.
Without John as the stabiliser, she's just gonna be a very unstable cash cow.
She's caught between a sick man and sycophants...
And I am here with the popcorn, willing for them to fleece , lie and use her as much as she has done to her followers.
Sorry not sorry
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There’s been a significant Increase in posts featuring John. She’s still trying to make the poor bloke “a thing” though no one is sure why.
He’s even been wearing her Dior rip off kagool. As one of our TIT’s pointed out, John is an ill, elderly, short gentleman not a rabid, ripped sex Adonis.

Whilst seeking attention, Lorna got silly on TikTok and referenced their 21 year age gap. One classic comment was ;
“ who is the older in the relationship”?
Thank the lord for that jaw snatching treatment eh.

Some naughty people referred to John as Jimmy Saville and a predator, which resulted in Lorna landing a feature on the Daily HateMail side bar of shame.

Despite John’s evident health struggles, Lorna continues to be Lorna, and makes it all about herself. She uses his illness for personal gain which remains one of the most gruesome and repulsive aspects of social media and one of Lorna’s lows. Morbid health updates followed by a good old flog of some shite on Look fantastic.

They’ve been matchy matchy wearing white in New York. ( her in an ill fitting blazer, standard)
He’s been smoking like a chimney in Portugal with the gakked up Gays and the ladyboy.
She’s dressed him up and dragged him through airports just so that she can show off her double stacked Hermes and drive an Aston Martin.

She also showed off John massaging her thoroughly mutant feet which no fucker ever, EVER wants to see, but there you go. That’s what happens when you’re “Trapped in the womb” (apparently)

Currently in Provence. Drinking.

More awful clothes, more really awful swimsuits, more size reduction filters, more gunt, more rosé, more ridiculous blazers, more gurning, more greed, more bragging, more telling stories of stuff that absolutely didn’t happen, more chin hiding, more candles and more Rolf Harris sketches that come free with her Made in China polyester.
i Love that you got rolf Harris AND jimmy saville into the recap BRAVA 😂😂😂
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Wow. I honestly can’t BELIEVE she’s gone to glasto without a care in the world when John has just gone through a massive round of chemo.
I’m honestly shocked and utterly disgusted. Posting stories like she’s having the time of her life whilst he is seriously ill at home. If it was my other half, I’d be glued to his side every minute of every day to look after him and to make the most of the time with him.
She really doesn’t give a shit does she. 😡 She should be ashamed of herself-a huge new low for her.
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To everyone on here whose life has been touched by cancer, whether a personal journey, a loved one or a friend of a friend , I am thinking of you. Cancer is the great scourge and no one deserves it.

While I may not agree with Lorna’s choices, it’s their life to live and if it’s a lie then karma never forgets an address.

in the meantime it has opened a lovely support conversation amongst TiTs here and I for one am touched.
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