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Has Janet Street-Porter died?

edit: I think people are joking.

edit 2: Okay they're defo taking the piss.

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I wasn’t putting anyone down. You were putting CL down, reducing her to a role of arm candy, saying you bet she was gutted she wasn’t with FL at his peak, when she had a successful career before FL herself. She didn’t need him. She had her own peak. It isn’t the 1950s.
I’m not putting her down or knocking her career path she’s done very well and she’s been very successful and her chosen industry. I was just pointing out the fact that she would’ve relished being a part of the whole wag era because she comes across as a bit of a clout chaser and likes to mix in the correct circles to further her career.
I don’t dislike her. I think she comes across as a lovely down to earth person
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She said herself she has an eating disorder and has weighed as much as 250lbs at her heaviest. She has been injecting the diabetic stuff and said she has gone too far and would like to put on 10lbs but she can't, I was so shocked to see her in the flesh as it were. There has been pics in the press of her weight loss but never imagined she looked so skeletal, maybe she asked for the camera to go off her when she went on stage.
She had a gastric band didn't she? (Decades ago)
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I think it’s worth remembering that Nicholas was born with his disability, whereas Sophie was a young adult when she had her accident.

Only Nicholas spent his formative years disabled. Sophie didn’t have to deal with the cruelty of other kids and navigating the playground as a disabled kid. The things that happen to you as a child stay with you for life.

Their life experiences will be entirely different. People don’t need to be reminded that disabled people have different sets of limitations.

I can somewhat understand where she’s coming from, but why can’t people just speak freely nowadays without caveats and calls for impartiality when people are talking about their own life experiences.

I don’t think her rant is proportionate.
I watched the programme and winced momentarily, but went on with my life not giving it another thought until I saw Sophie’s rant. This maybe because I am not currently using my wheelchair, but it may also be because I saw Nicolas on another show and it didn’t come across quite the same way.

Sophie maybe more upset because she works on the programme (where they make temporary adjustments to the set for her) or maybe it is because she is just tired. Like I said, I have a tendency to hide away when I need to use my chair but Sophie doesn’t have that choice unless she wants to stay at home forever.

I must admit when I tend to switch off when I hear and see these types of rants, IMHO she would have been better speaking to LW and then speaking about the outcome after.
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House of Tea

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Is Sophie still a panellist or has she left after 'the incident'? Her bio makes no mention of Loose Women, which I'm sure it did before. I may be mistaken though.
If she has left I bet she left herself rather than them pushing her out. The optics would not look good.
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I like Kaye, as she comes across as very genuine, and after listening to this interview believe what she says. Others I don't haha but K I do?


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I couldn’t really hear it due to where I am but the panellists all seemed quite positive afterwards and 2/3 viewer comments seemed positive as well. I was quite surprised as wouldn’t have thought that majority of viewers would be traditional Tory voters


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Just watching on itv+ now with Forsythes eife, how strange to almost never give interviews then decide to go on loose women 🤣
I saw it advertised but didn’t watch the show. Wondered what she must be selling to have popped up after all these years


VIP Member
I reckon he is hard to live with, even more so with all his health woes. He is quite bitter at no longer being considered for mainstream tv roles. Although I enjoyed Pip Schofield’s downfall I thought Eamonn was embarrassing doing that interview. He was trying to settle scores but came across as bitter. She is doing better than him. Her son left home recently- that concentrates the mind.
Hadn't thought about it like this but very true