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Hi Matt, fair play for coming on here and voicing your opinion and experiences with the twins but also addressing comments which have been specifically directed at you.

I believe alot of people have been manipulated and are victims, having been involved with the twins. In some ways I believe this forum has shed light on the twins tactics which is beneficial for so many who research them but also I read alot of "bitchy" trolling comments on here aswell.
Like everything in life we have to make our own judgments and form our own opinions...along the way... we all make mistakes aswell.
The one thing I will say in my opinion about the twins I have followed them for years and at first they came across as motivational and positive but overtime the narcasistic traits were apparent and the coercive manipulation became uncomfortable to watch so I stepped away from it.
I do know one of them personally and the ins and outs of their failed relationship...and all I can say is I am glad you got out!
I expect my comment will conjure some negative remarks but fair play for commenting and putting your side across.
Thank you very much for sharing your experience on that too.

And I appreciate your willingness to listen and not just write me off.

I totally agree with what you’ve said about them appearing really motivational at first and that we’re all on a journey where we make our judgements and sometimes make mistakes along the way.

I also agree that there has been good to come from this thread.

But the bitchy / “tolling” comments are at best not useful to the cause here and at worse really dangerous.
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A little birdie told me today that Harrison Cole mum and dad are multi millionaires. Looks like lewy got a regular income for a few year until he drys him out
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Well-known member
Unbelievable amount of bullshit.
I love the 'we've been getting hundreds of messages a day' script.
How the fuck do you have time to answer any, in between your dog walks, filming your far too long gym sessions, food prep, and your biznuss meetings?
Unless it's all a lie, and you do fuck all....🤷‍♂️
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Looks like Harrison Cole taking a leaf out of Hop along lewy book.


let me rephrase looks like Harrison Cole copying lewy D on the way he posts
Yep, with the same low engagement on all his posts, onply the lemon 🍋 commenting on this particular post. Surely the Penny must be dropping with him?
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Why has Rhys started dressing like Compo from Last of the Summer Wine? Couldn't he find a hat that fits him?
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I remember a few years ago the big bullshitting Bentley bellend Rhys Davies told the same story about a almost dying patient requesting his coaching in hospital. These two have absolutely no shame or filter with what they put on their platforms. It’s almost as though they don’t even think in their pea-sized brains just how delusional it is. It’s obvious that the lemon Llewellyn Davies is desperate for new clients hence thinking putting something as outrageous as that would attract people to his “services”. On a side note, the lemon Llewellyn Davies has his the pair of Harrison Cole and Dean Blackstock modelling the leading global brand that is Gluteywear’s T-shirts.
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If anyone has a spare ten minutes, please do check out the comments section on that video on YouTube. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies has been absolutely ripped apart in thousands of comments. Someone should post a link to this thread on there. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies’s 2007 Bentley is untaxed, but surely a seven figure earner wouldn’t be driving an untaxed car? Ha.
Post the link plz
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Chatty Member
Is Harrison still using the lemons services
He’s not been lovebombed on the lemon Llewellyn Davies’s Facebook for a few weeks now. A lot of the lovebombing is solely reserved for Dean Blackstock. Maybe Harrison Cole saw the light and rode off into the sunset like the three musketeers (Matt Hall, Alec Witts and Pretesh Paramar) did last year.
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If Carly Thornton Gluteywear cared at all about her brand testimonials, you’d think she’d get the spelling correct for such a debilitating condition! Crohns Diseade you absolute muppet! How insulting for this girl Katie, that she can’t Even get that right!

Meanwhile bellend Bent-ley Rhys can’t even maintain first position in the worst driver this month 🤭


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I’m looking forward to finding out what their lastest “TV project” is! I will be getting in touch with the related brand or TV production company and sending them links to these threads to let them know they are using two assholes that are extorting people.
This is who Rhys tagged in his post the other day when they were filming, I think he must be the camera man or something to do with the production
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@MattHall you've had the chance to read the threads on here about Llewy, Rhys and Sarah Akwisombe, can you see why all 3 of them have so obviously scammed, gaslit and abused their victims? I note that even now, you refer to Akwisombe as SA rather than her full name. Believe me, you aren't going to save her from the ravages of search results on her name by doing that. Had she refunded everyone she scammed 2 years ago, the situation would be different. Why exactly did you side with her? It looks very much like you cast aside say ethical considerations, going straight for "my enemy's enemy is my friend" in a bid for self preservation at any cost. But aligning with a proven conwoman, with a MILLION POUND scam to her name and a trail of victims longer than my arm was a stupid move at best, or a contrived, mercenary one at worst. Do you see that - and more importantly for your character & reputation - now denounce and distance yourself from her now you've seen all the evidence? That's a yes or no question by the way.

Over to you. I get this is uncomfortable, I really do, but nows your chance to publicly disown and disavow yourself of all of them, or be seem as part of it.
Hi Hunsgraveyard

Thanks for your understanding that this is tough. And I also appreciate your honestly and clearly presented points.

I’ll be honest, I’ve only looked very briefly at Sarah’s thread in the very early days over a year ago. Since then when I’ve come onto this tattle site I’ve only ever checked this thread and skim read through it to just see what people have said about me personally.

I’ve not really invested any time into learning about Sarah. I’m interested to know what I’ve done to give the impression I have sided with her?

The truth is I honestly still don’t really know what the full story is and I don’t understand exactly what the hell happened. That’s the truth!!

I was under the impression that the majority of people did actually get a refund!??

But from what I have heard there were also multiple people that had ongoing disputes and I don’t know the full story of what really happened with that? I also heard that Llewellyn had been manipulative to Sarah. But again I don’t know what actually went on in reality.

So did nobody actually get refunded?? If so that’s news to me.

I will take some time to read more of the other threads on Sarah. Or maybe somebody can fill me in so I have clear evidence?

I’ve certainly not defended or befriended Sarah. At the same time I’ve not been her enemy or had any known reason to dislike her either. I Don’t really know enough about her. But maybe that’s because I’ve not paid enough attention to what has really gone on there and obviously the version of events I got told was somewhat twisted and has therefore maybe given me a skewed view of the whole event.

But in answer to your question - absolutely - if Sarah has conned people and there is clear evidence of that then YES! Of course I do denounce her!!

I would never stand by and support a known, proven scammer. I just hadn’t been aware of what really happened or particularly gone looking into it.
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Chatty Member
The lemon Llewellyn Davies really does seem quite desperate to reel in some poor sods to his coaching. The other one, the big bullshitting Bentley Bellend Rhys Davies continues to provide us with “value” in the form of gym videos after injecting himself with a shit load of gear.
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