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Rhys comeback today 🥱. Looks like top 1% earners and CEO of global company seem to all be sleeping in the same hotel room? I spy with my little eye a mattress on the floor!! 😂😂
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Chatty Member
This is the Tinpot Twins effect.

We saw this last year with the three musketeers where they were instructed to post videos just shouting and ranting pointless profanities down the camera to come across as some sort of purposeful individuals and we are now seeing from Harrison Cole.
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Literally just pissed myself laughing watching CT she uses so many LD pathetic word thinking there a priest

Can anyone add Rhys.peak to this title please. I’ve ask a few time how u make one about CUNT 3 CD

What kettle

Sorry meant CT
@bigup12345 you can request a new thread from the moderator on this link
you need to provide an introduction to Carly THORNTON Gluteywear which I am sure you won’t find difficult. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of followers of the thread once you put a link in this one to it…ready steady….GO 👏
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Chatty Member
I wonder if alpha clothing know the background of these 2 vile excuses. As according to llewy they have collabrated on latest clothing brand

I signed to her one to one. Exactly the same. In process of logging fraud allegation against her.
seeing as there’s few similar experiences mentioned , I think it’s time Carly gas her own thread on here

@Hunsgraveyard whatcha think?
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It’s like ground hog day!!! Made their millions 🤥🥱cars, watches!! Dealt with poverty, mothers numerous cancers, no dad and pot noodles argh!!! As we know they didn’t make millions just fleeced people and used their bounce back loans to create the illusion of wealth! If they are such great business gurus where is the wealth now? They don’t mention the present Rhys unlike Llewelyn Davis doesn’t have a girlfriend he can use to fleece her clients and neither are posting pictures of their spoils. They will eventually run out of steam but not for a while yet and will screw (in more ways than one) more people along the way!!!


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Hi Ben

Corrected me if i am wrong but did LD convince you to start a business with another guy called Ben which was called MINDFIT
So I wanted to come on here and share my views as someone that has been a client of Llewy and had dealings with Rhys and back in the day Champions of Mind

I felt it would be good to come on here as Myself as I want to help, I’m tired of seeing these pair attempt to rip others off, and continue to carry on with their unethical, false, misleading manipulative ways with their unethical Coaching, as I experienced this so felt obligated to at least share some my experience

This forum has been good to expose them I think and also allow people to vent, I do believe that the more exposure they can get from accounts from people the better

These two take advantage of the fact people are ‘Silent’ and it plays in to their hands and anyone speaking out only goes against this.

I could write a book on my experience with these two, however I will keep it brief and hopefully it can at least share some insight

I started to work with LD about 4 years ago, Like most people, your looking for help advice and wanting to improve your circumstances,

Llewy Rhys and James Burt AKA Champions of Mind were very prolific on social media, using their well marketed Social media branding and also leveraging their Material objects, cars and ‘Happy Family’ life to leverage and manipulate people in to buying in them and building trust. At the time, I knew no different, trusted him, and just felt like I was doing something good for myself.

Here are some typical plays they did that I experienced

  • Being charged Thousands for coaching packages
  • Being told that I needed them to progress
  • Constant pressure to pay them for their services
  • Over promising and hyping up expectations
  • Love Bombing ‘You’re the next best thing’ and being pedestalled on social media
  • Encouraging you to be coach using their tac tics so you can be a spin off for them and leveraged
  • Having no real direction, plan or journey on place, you was there to be taken for ride while they took what they could from you
Llewy and Rhys have only one mentality – take what they can from anyone using any way they can for as long as possible, they will use any kind of manipulation to ensure that the person is hooked and can keep leaching them

They are only after one thing - Self Gain, with anyone, whether that be Money, Leverage, Sex or Attention.

Their dribble, and exaggerated online persona is just a bi product of their smoke and mirrors to keep a false façade and image and to maintain, and I believe to keep a comfort blanket for what is a very Dysfunctional lifestyle and behaviour, and disillusioned sense of being. Unfortunately people get caught up in between and In its wake it is damaging people who get caught up.

The whole thing wasn’t at all beneficial to me, I was caught up in a very strange and situation, paying someone a lot of money to find a route to my problems. I ignored all the red flags from family people around me aswell as my intuition screaming at me that this situation isn’t right.

Im a very Loyal person and Im trust worthy, however one thing I had to come to terms with was that I was allowing my lack of boundaries, and values in myself to be manipulated. I feel that in any ‘relationship’ with someone whether that be working or romantic, when you allow your Intuition, Values and boundaries to slide you start to loose yourself – it erodes you

However when you realise this, it is a huge way to build that Armour back up

Ive come to realise is that the ‘Life Coaching’ ‘Business Coaching’ is mostly a Hustle. It is an easy route for someone to charge money for a service and sell to people. A lot of people need help and Business is hard, when you see nice marketing its easy to take what looks like a fast route and, like I did, you feel like your doing something beneficial for your circumstances

Im not saying there isn’t ethical and good people out there, there sure is, however anyone seeking help must be lead properly, ethically, through proper framework, and the interest must be taken for the persons progress not their Wallets. Also GDPR and Safeguarding is another Duty of care to think about when dealing with people who are effectively asking for help and are vulnerable.

When I see NLP Practitioner in someones Bio, it immediately shouts Red Flag, it seems a majority of people use this as a gateway to all of a sudden be an expert in solving peoples problems and be paid well for it. All it is a strategy to understand peoples behaviour – Most people use this to market their products other than help people.

I have had experience in Business, I ran a real Business before that turned over a very respectable amount of money, and I know that a lot of these ‘Mentors’ have no idea what its like to even turn over ‘6 Figures’ let alone give people advice.

Also, not too long ago, I was offered some help from a colleague at work to help gain a qualification, and assist on a work project, he kindly off his own back ‘Mentored’ me for a few months, he just offered to help, he got to know me personally, he knew his field and was way more experienced than me. It made me realise that people selling ‘One size fits all’ mentoring to the general public is really selling Old rope, and I don’t believe many people know or realise this. It will never change, people are mostly focussed on making money than solving people’s problems.

I will say that Self Development and Business Development takes time, and not everyone is cut out for Business.

I believe When people come to you for help, you must be trained and aware enough to know if they are at risk and anyone must be aware of safeguarding,

People need framework, just charging for ‘Wise words’ or generic opinions, there is a huge need for more education for people around mental health and optimising health, most people can become happier by just looking after themselves better or just speaking to people for free

Anyone that is seeking services for help, really take time to take a step back and think about what and why your spending money – What is it you actually need? Is the person your asking experience in your field? Do they want to help you or just charge you?

As far as Self Development goes – I don’t believe that Life Coaching is the answer, think about why you need someone to tell you how you live your life?!

I feel it is Band Aid that is covering up issues in people, again I talk from experience. It is a short cut- Spending money thinking that it will save money when really you need to do the Inner work yourself

I would advise to invest in a good PT or Gym, focus on building some personal excellence, start with the basics of living a healthy lifestyle, get around some good people, read some good books study etc. Build up your Self Confidence and Self Awareness, this comes naturally and it’s a constant consistent work in progress. Only you can discover your Inner peace & Confidence not a Life Coach

A few years back I started working with a CrossFit coach from America, I wanted to improve my fitness and its my hobby, he was well known and trained Athletes, although he wasn’t the cheapest in this area, he was drop in the ocean of what these two charged. He was professional, integral and cared about my results, he taught me a lot, and although it was fitness coaching , I learnt more about myself and self development from him than anyone else – It was a breath of fresh air and made me realise how terrible most Coaches are, I even asked him why his services are the most expensive, He didn’t push market me, he didn’t manipulate me, I went to him and he was fair open and transparent. I did my diligence and it worked

Im not saying all Coaches are Bad, but its important to really look in to why you need someone, I speak to some trusted people who ive got to know over years, they help me if I have a problem, they don’t cost thousands of pounds, they never call me for Business telling me I need them. However they help me, and I want to make clear that it is important to still have people who can help you.

Through my own trial error and experience, I found these people and they are not life coaches, they are not NLP Practitioners they don’t push market their brands, they care about people are professional and are not Gurus on social media. Just my experience.

The experience with Llewy/Rhys etc taught me nothing it was a route to a dead end and the journey was nothing more than a ploy to see how long he could sustain me paying him.

You are just ‘Supply’ them, there is no morals or boundaries, they will use manipulation tac tics to keep you there in many different ways.

I once had an incident where I was in a gym with Llewy, Rhys was there also James and Llewy was verbally aggressive to me, It was played down and we carried on. At the end I told him never to threaten me, he then told me I was disrespectful to him for saying that. He did apologise and I was stupid enough to still work with him – A massive red flag ignored.

The relationship with him wasn’t normal, it was a kind of dysfunctional uncomfortable situation, I was paying him a lot of money for help advice, and knew I was involved with a someone not very normal. He mostly was approachable and friendly however there wasn’t any regard for confidentiality for anyone, anything with these guys has an ulterior motive and as silly as it sounds I kind of knew this. The fact they played such a convincing game maybe was the reason I ignored it. They never lead by example and were very hypocritical

At times he would come across like he was your friend, I am not sure if this was part of his play, or he would adopt this because in reality he doesn’t have any friendships outside of people of his ‘Supply’

There was a time when I just could not bring myself to pay him anymore, he in himself knew and we started to loose contact, at this time he had other people and sources around him so I think it didn’t matter to him so much at this time. Communication slowly went, he did try to convince me to come back but I was done, I started to see through bullshit. The last time I had communication was back in 2019 when James Burrt left, he randomly called me for advice, I sensed some strange vulnerability from him, and I didn’t hear from after, then in time came the blocking and no contact.

I very quickly dusted myself from the experience from these, and most more Llewly. I took it for what it was and knew that I had made some very bad judgments paying him and allowing myself to be taken down a path that had zero benefit to me.

As much as I can blame how they was, I had to accept responsibility and Fix what I knew was wrong in myself. It can be a hard pill to swallow, especially knowing that you have been taken advantage of, it’s a case of having some humility and having no choice but to move forward. Dwelling on it wont serve you. The hard pill is the realisation and shame, also frustration, regret and feeling of stupidity.

I leaned in to myself, I focussed on my career, my health my fitness and in a very short space of time become a much better person. Its like having ‘Stain’ on you, you want to get rid of as much as possible because you feel tarnished!

I studied, I learnt and grew more than I could have with Llewy. I also Studied Narcissism, it helped me understand a lot and opened my eyes a lot too, id recommend a you tube channel by Docter Ramani who is an expert on dealing with Narcissism and is great to listen to and relatable

I was fortunate enough to learn a hell of a lot in my Work I do, I started to understand how people learn through frameworks and had to learn a lot about GDPR, Safe Guarding and how to work with people as individuals. This was a huge motivator for me and also it opened up my eyes to the mistakes I made and also how mostly a waste of space the Life Coaching Space is and also helped me grow in myself.

Also I am a Spiritual Person and working on this made me realise a lot about finding Inner Peace and has been a huge tool in own self development.

I will say that I have had no choice but to take some positive perspective from what happened to me, it opened up my eyes a lot and it solidified a lot of personal Values in myself and also personal Boundaries. I see through anything a mile off, in some ways it taught me a hell of a lot

I had no choice but to improve what was missing in myself and I look back now and am incredibly proud of myself and also cannot believe that I was that person naïve enough to get involved with them – In some ways its embarrassing! But I have to take ownership of it. I hold my head up high that im integral. Im not perfect and never will be but Im mile apart from these guys.

I wouldn’t be the person I am now, so I have no regrets, I just have anger that these two can still carry on, because there are some that wont recover from the damage

All I would say to anyone who has been involved with these two – Don’t be hard on yourself, you most likely had good intentions. Get advice and never be ashamed. My view is No one ever will ever bring me down and any experience is good experience I say, because we always learn. Try and remember that. Again, I wouldn’t be the person I am now without learning from my experience. However there is Zero credit to them, it was me that made the choice to improve

That being said, The Pair of these should be ashamed of themselves for the damage they have caused many people and the audacity to keep posting how great they are, is just a reflection on how Narcissistic they are

The false persona online screams very loudly how big your Egos are, yet also very insecure cowardous and in some ways laughable.

Take a big look at yourself, the best thing you can do is seek help for your Narcissistic personality disorder and maybe have the courage to come forward and make up for the many you have ripped off. Show how Ethical you claim to be.

They are a disgrace and everyone can see through it– the constant scamming only has a shelf life and the more you try and damage people it wont end up good, they deserve to be in Prison and I only hope that the sad existence eats at them truly inside.

I think Matt Hall is good for coming on here, I have engaged with him on social media, I wanted to help him not put him down, I hope that he becomes better in himself and if your reading this, give yourself time and be kind to yourself, we all make mistakes, we can live learn and be better

I mentioned James Burrt on here and to be honest I feel that he was caught up in a mess he was trying to navigate through he wasn’t a bad guy, I knew him well enough, I don’t blame him for anything and wish him well

I also feel for the Partners of these two, Georgia Archer is a very Nobel person from a very good and nice family, and I think its best that if anyone knows what’s going on with her situation, permission should be asked before publishing anything, especially if legals are involved and children

Lauren I met but didn’t really know but she seems like a nice enough person, it’s a shame that she was caught up with a child with a toxic individual like Rhys

Im happy to speak to anyone privately if they want some advice, im happy to speak on social media, ill always remain confidential if you choose to engage.

Otherwise, even if this Post creates some awareness then that’s a good thing, I hope this forum can remain helpful as its intention should only be to help people
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I’m sorry but what qualifies you too give business advice to any one else. I’m sorry I don’t see it what successful business have you got or either achieved.

Anyway wonder how rhy getting on today ?
Regarding my business experience. I set up a company called Tribute Acts anagement when I was 19 to manage live bands and tribute shows.

At the time I knew absolutely nothing about business and over time I learnt a hell of a lot.

For 12 years now I’ve been able to build a business with an amazing team and run a profitable company that pays me a good wage as well as paying the wages for the full time staff we employ and also pay multiple people who are part time/ self employed and earn a lot from the work we get them.

We’ve manage to (just about) survive what was a horrendous time for the live entertainment industry in the pandemic and are now back in a position to grow again when many businesses in that industry have had to sadly fold due to too many knocks.

Once again… I’ve never said I’m the most successful person in business. But I do know I’ve got a lot of value to give to some people that were where I started. There’s also plenty of people out there who know way more and have done more than me (and charge more).

It’s all relative to where people are on their journey and what is the right fit for them.

I’m not forcing anybody to work with me if they don’t want to.

Just because you have the opinion that I’m an idiot and you wouldn’t want to work with me doesn’t make me a scammer. And that’s a point I want to make clear.

The posts you’ve made about Pretesh this evening suggest to me you’re more interested in simply being here just to take the piss out of people and have a laugh as you say.

That speaks volumes to me tbh.
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Chatty Member
It makes me laugh when the lemon Llewellyn Davies calls “Gluteywear” a global leading brand as though its on par with Nike and Adidias.

I can’t be the only one who finds it weird that they’ve gone from Spain back to the UK for merely one day and have flew to Portugal. Surely it would’ve made more sense just to get a flight from Spain and it would’ve worked out cheaper too!

The lemon Llewellyn Davies’s Bentley.


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Look like the house has come of the market for rent
Rhys Davies appears to of paid the rent for a little longer on the rented semi, no doubt by squeezing his latest victims, Kelly, James & Steve Quance! Why oh why are people st falling for the bull 💩 and not doing any checks on who they are handing their hard earned cash to. He’ll also be getting paid thousands no doubt from his TV filming that starts 1st July! Bring it on…Amazon Prime or Netflix do we think 😂🤡
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He’s not been lovebombed on the lemon Llewellyn Davies’s Facebook for a few weeks now. A lot of the lovebombing is solely reserved for Dean Blackstock. Maybe Harrison Cole saw the light and rode off into the sunset like the three musketeers (Matt Hall, Alec Witts and Pretesh Paramar) did last year.
Lovebombing tends to tie in with when money is due- Dean’s latest three-month instalment probably needs to be paid imminently. Meanwhile, that idiot Harrison probably paid up for several years in advance so has been forgotten about and blocked.

No sign of Harrison competing in his show in Maidenhead, but he was also due on stage next week aswell. Well worth pointing out that Harrison actually has a relatively good bodybuilding coach, so when Llewy tries to take any credit, remember to completely ignore it.
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Matt I’m really interested in what tangible results you’ve had with your clients?

Also you said that whatever happened between Llewy Davies and Sarah Akwisombe was none of your business, yet on both of your social medias, made it quite clear that you were in some kind of alliance with her following your departure from Llewy.

Can you understand why the many, many women who lost literally thousands of pounds during the pandemic to these two scam artists, who were gaslighted and made to feel the same sort of stupidity that you claim to have felt, may then see you in the same light?

It’s not the mistakes you make, it’s how you rectify them.

Personally I see all of this as self PR clean up which I’m afraid isn’t going to go down too well. The majority of people on these threads (and please do go and familiarise yourself with the Sarah Akwisombe one, as well as the numerous articles written on her and her scam) have lost money and their mental health to these scam artists. Of course people are going to “take the piss” - it’s a coping mechanism. People have been robbed by these scammers - are they meant to keep their mouths shut?

Oh stop with the gaslighting will you 👀
Yes. I totally understand that if many women have lost £1000s, have felt humiliated, gaslighted, manipulated and left hurt (and out of pocket) that they could then see me in the same light.

At that same time I was still paying him money to coach me, offering coaching services to people myself and being promoted/ put on a pedestal by him on a regular basis.

So I completely understand why I could be seen to be like him. Hopefully everything I wrote on here in my initial posts explains the other side of things and that it’s way more complex.

I’m sorry if I didn’t handle it well though.

In hindsight yes I wish I’d have left him much sooner, I wish I’d have spoken out sooner and I’m sorry to those who maybe needed me to be that voice at the time.

But the truth is he was the master at twisting everything, I was manipulated, I was unaware of the truth and I was also scared to question things or leave him.

If that seems hard to believe, I take it. From the outside looking in, I myself might have been pretty sceptical before this experience. But it’s the truth of what actually happened. And that’s all I can give you.

We didn’t know what was actually going on with regards to ladies losing £1000s etc. We were told a lot of people were unhappy due to misunderstandings and they all got refunded in full. And then the rest was people telling lies and people who were just trying to jump on the band wagon of the “heat” they were receiving to try and get money out of them! That’s what we were told.

I’m sorry to hear of the damage they’ve done to people financially and to their mental health. I mean that. I’m gutted for them.

I don’t agree that’s an excuse to spread hate, false allegations and mock people who didn’t scam them though. That’s not right. There’s nobody on this thread that I’ve scammed. Because I haven’t scammed anyone. But I do of course understand those peoples frustrations and why it’s been aimed at me too.

Tangible results I’ve got for clients include helping clients to increase profits, build their self-esteem, confidence, overcoming drug addiction, overcoming years of being on tablets for depression, getting fitter and healthier.

The list goes on.

But please remember that just because I’ve not made people millionaires doesn’t mean I’ve not helped people get great results.

Do you no what cracks me up he was on here a few month back pretending to be one of he’s clients when it was clearly him.
This is exactly what I’m talking about when it comes to lying and why these Forums can become so toxic and damaging.

To be clear I have NEVER had a profile on tattle before or written on this thread in anyway until tonight.

This is a great example right before my eyes of what I’m talking about - how people make an accusation but write their “guess” as if it was a proven fact.

Again - it takes credibility away.

If you genuinely want to do good, stick to talking about evidence.

I’m not the sort of person to make a false profile. As I’ve demonstrated tonight, if I’m going to speak out about something I’m willing to own my words and give my opinions as me. I wouldn’t make up a fake profile.

I think they’ve all done their turn on here. My favourite was when Lauren used to do her daily digs on Rhys. Those were the days!

Im also interested Matt, what’s the purpose of you coming on here? Is it to ask to stop the “trolling comments” as you are suggesting they are effecting your mental health (and from memory I can only really recall silly comments about your band and your beard - I’m not making excuses but surely with your mindset mastery, they’d be water off a ducks back? Personally I couldn’t care less what a bunch of “trolls” in a random corner of the internet we’re laughing about me, and I don’t have all these courses and trainings in my toolkit.

Or is it to clear your name so you can carry on “coaching” in the future?

Yes I absolutely do want to clear my name!! Of course I do. I am being made out to be something that I’m not!! I’ve got people saying I’m a scammer….Even though they’ve NEVER been scammed by me nor do they have any evidence to back up what they say!

It’s extremely damaging and totally wrong. It could easily destroy somebody.

Of course I do totally appreciate the hurt and upset that has been caused by the twins and have genuine empathy for that.

But I personally never scammed anybody! Yet I’m referred to as somebody who did!

So I think I deserve to share my side so people can hear a balanced view, fill in the blanks where there was room for confusion or fabrication and make up their own minds about me.

I’d ask you to consider, wouldn’t you want to clear your name if false allegations were made about you on a regular basis for almost 2 years?

It’s absolutely horrible!! And yes it absolutely has effected me mentally. It’s irrelevant that I’m big on personal development and mindset and have worked on it for years. I’m not perfect. And I’m still a human being that is being unfairly accused and that’s really shit to have to live with when you know it’s going on.
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VIP Member
I drove by a while ago and saw the same. It looks like the whole house is subsiding - I did wonder if they had asked Rhys to leave but after seeing the state of the rubbish he left behind I can’t imagine that’s true.

the house that links the Whitehouse has been renovated by the owners, wouldn’t surprise me if they knock the White House down. Would be ashame if they did.
Yes I noticed that, there were workmen there Friday working on the house it attaches to. Before blinking 🐻 Rhys moved out, it was being advertised for rental. He moved out, no more rental adverts.