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Rhys Davies appears to of paid the rent for a little longer on the rented semi, no doubt by squeezing his latest victims, Kelly, James & Steve Quance! Why oh why are people st falling for the bull 💩 and not doing any checks on who they are handing their hard earned cash to. He’ll also be getting paid thousands no doubt from his TV filming that starts 1st July! Bring it on…Amazon Prime or Netflix do we think 😂🤡
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Has anyone checked if it’s on undeleted?
Great idea! That site was a big part in the undoing of Sarah Akwisombe as it mean everything she tried to delete was easily found and shared on Tattle, court documents and social media to warn off other potential victims 👍
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And incase anybody missed it in my previous post here is Rhys Davies making out that he charges people two and a half grand to promote his social media and give him fake followers. Yes that's right THEY PAY HIM £2500 to give him promo and fake followers🤣🤣🤣🤣 fucking stupid cunt does he think we are all that thick??? I'm actually concerned about the mentality of the twins.


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If anyone has a spare ten minutes, please do check out the comments section on that video on YouTube. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies has been absolutely ripped apart in thousands of comments. Someone should post a link to this thread on there. The big bullshitting buffoon Rhys Davies’s 2007 Bentley is untaxed, but surely a seven figure earner wouldn’t be driving an untaxed car? Ha.
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Oh dear think Carly is pissed? The usual word salad is even more incomprehensible! Have a listen on Instagram and let me know if you understand any of it? 😂😂
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I got to say fair play to Matt Hall for finally coming on here and sharing his side of the story and exposing the twin's (took you long enough though pal) but you finally done it you spoke up. Maybe now the other's might come on here, yes I'm talking to you Alec Witts and Pretesh Pramar! I get you guy's are probably scared of the twins etc but Matt has got the ball rolling now surely if everyone of you speaks out then there is less chance of repercussions as let's face it the twins aren't going to go after everyone. Alec and Pretesh you are both coward's as far as I'm concerned as you both know Matt has took a risk talking about the twins on here yet you continue to let him do so with no back up. Surely you guy's were close once if not anymore? I also know you guy's read this thread so there is no excuses. This thread also needs more true stories and accounts from victims who have been conned from the terrible twins Rhys and Llewellyn Davies. Alec and Pretesh I'm sure you would have a lot to bring to the table but yet you are both happy to let other people be open and liable to be scammed by these pair of shysters as you are both too pussy to speak up.
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There were still in birmingham earlier.
I am still waiting to hear from carlys so called solicitor as she is sueing me for slander

They are a trio of fake fraudsters

You would think even idiits like these 3 sf profest life coaching extrodinairs would know mental healtg awareness was last week not this week
They missed it Last week so trying to cash in on it now!
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They did box professionally, but at a domestic level. They’re not lying about that aspect, both had under 10 fights as a pro and retired after their first defeats if you check their records.
But the issue we have is Rhys going around saying on a constant level he boxed around the world ….
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Such dangerous practice. As a mental health professional it makes me angry that he is willing to put peoples lives in danger

And happy to push her substandard bull shit on ppl. Then when challenged threayens them with her non existant lawyers. Hope carly lewey and rhys are loving thus thread as much as i am
Carly Thornton does seem to be as corrupt as the tinpot twins, her reputation must be worth risking! Silly woman!!
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Chatty Member
Good to see another former client of the tinpot twins to come on this forum and tell us about his experiences in parting his well earned money to the lemon Llewellyn Davies and getting such a shit service in return.

I just wonder, are there any former clients of the tinpot twins who have worked with them and actually had a good service and remember the tinpot twins fondly.

I personally know of lads who used the tinpot twins for PT sessions nearly 15 years ago and got such little quality for the money they parted with to these two scamming pieces of shit.
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Yes - sadly true. She was peaking in the height of the pandemic, when she preyed on people with bounceback loans trying to save their businesses. I believe Llewy, Rhys, Burgess etc all did similar mercenary tactics at the time. Look where their unethical, predatory approach got them all........
Shocking Steve Burgess is absolutely replicating the Tinpots with the disgusting language and ridiculous price point. Hope one day his children See this type of 💩 their dad is and feel proud! I know I wouldn’t be if that’s how my father or partner tried to make money…absolutely no morals or ethics !
but to keep on thread, Llewelyn and Rhys Davies are scam artists 💩😂

Steve Burgess has really only got to get one victim at these prices to match his shelf stacking job (and I’m not having a pop at anyone stacking shelves so please don’t shout me down…but he knocks that job constantly ) it’s a good income…for someone delivering absolute bull 💩!
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of course! I hope nobody will fall for it and form out 30k for the lemon Llewy. Sadly there were people who paid Sarah those money
Yes - sadly true. She was peaking in the height of the pandemic, when she preyed on people with bounceback loans trying to save their businesses. I believe Llewy, Rhys, Burgess etc all did similar mercenary tactics at the time. Look where their unethical, predatory approach got them all........
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