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Chatty Member
Can anyone confirm if Rhys still has all 3 dogs or has he sold them?
Probably ate them.

Anyone seen the new Rolex he claimed he bought the other week?

(The one that appeared in a photo of a watch being held by a gloved hand in an unidentifiable setting)
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Chatty Member
I’d go for the first option…absolute bull 💩

Meanwhile the clock is ticking for Rhys to move into his next house purchase….cue videos from his car from the 10th 👀
He's not been filming from his 2mil mansion for a few days. I wonder if he's living in the boot of his untaxed Bentley?
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Chatty Member
let me rephrase looks like Harrison Cole copying lewy D on the way he posts

He said that he come from a corporate background apparently. Anyone on here starting to think Carly Thornton needs her own page on here ?
That's been mentioned a few times. I've not had any dealings with her personally so I've no information on her. I only know of 🍋➕👀🐻
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@MattHall thank you for coming on here to explain your association with the twins. Without a doubt you were manipulated and even groomed to some extent.

However this thread is to hopefully help others fall victim to their scams, by being available on a search to do some type of due diligence before parting with hard earned money. You have been mentioned here before you left Llewy.
Once you left you continued to talk his talk, in the shouty sweary twins way, even down to posting lives whilst driving! That’s illegal in itself, doubt you’d have to research that…but you continued to do it with no regards to anyone else’s safety on the road. God forbid you’d had an accident And killed an innocent person.
You also span the advice Llewy gave to you regarding cutting off dead wood and toxic people even if they were family members. This is what happened to the son of your client that you referred to in your first message, making that individual very isolated. That person came on here for advice and support, which us Tattlers we’re here for.

I do appreciate your honesty, I just wish you’d first of all done your own due diligence, been as open as you are a lot earlier on when you went on your own and stop the video whilst driving!
Thank you for being fair with your response. I really appreciate that.

And I take all of what you have said above and I admit my mistakes that you have highlighte

You are right.

I do not deny that I was very “shouty” and “sweary” in my social media videos…even after parting ways.

Some of this was because I resonated with that style of coaching myself.

Some of it was simply because I do swear quite a lot naturally (sorry). Some of it was because I know it helps people get results when they need that kick up the arse. And some of it was simply because I‘d been told to communicate that way for so long it had now just become a habit.

One that has now massively been broken and I’ve moved on from.

This point being raised has just reminded me of another example where I remember Llewelyn phoning me after I’d done a live video.

He shouted at me down the phone saying that he watched it and needed to tell me I’m still being “too nice”.

He said he can clearly see I just want to be liked by people and I needed to “man up” and be much tougher. “Leaders lead”.

He also went on to tell me that he needs to see me act more than just confident now… if I genuinely want to be a successful businessman, he said I have to become arrogant.

Obviously I was conflicted at the time with what he was telling me….but now I’m under no illusion that it is all just complete bullshit. And terrible advice!

I would do my “Version” of what he asked online just to appease him enough but I would NEVER talk to my clients like that (or like he talked to me).

He also knew I had some insecurities in a previous relationship as an ex-girlfriend that I’d recently split from had previously dated a very wealthy business owner who was worth approx £80 Million and was the owner of a very well known brand.

I’d openly told him I’d always had a lot of insecurities in our relationship as a result of thinking that she wanted him more than me. Those insecurities played a big part in us eventually splitting up.

Llewellyn knew that story and knew it was a sore subject for me as I had told him in a session when I was upset about it early on.

He would then often use that against me to say “He would not act like you're doing. He conducts himself like a successful person and that’s why she wanted him and not you. He is a proper man”.

Just all stuff I took at the time and sort of half believed to be true… but now I see it for exactly what it was.

A narcissistic, manipulative, bullying, lying, deeply disturbed and horrible man.

Yes I hold my hands up to making content while I was driving. That is totally wrong, illegal and a very bad decision on my behalf.

I fully knew it was wrong and should have never done that. Again this is something with time that I’ve reflected on and I no longer do.

In reference to the client whose son came on here, again that was a complex and delicate home life situation that I will never disclose details on here because it’s confidential and I would never do that to a client.

But again all I can say about that is there’s two sides to every story.

Equally if the son was genuinely feeling Isolated and needed some advice and support, I’m pleased to hear that he got it. I have no ill feelings towards him or his family in anyway. I honestly hope they’re all doing well and any issues amongst them have been resolved.

And yes now, with hindsight, I totally agree with you. I too wish I’d have done my due diligence and had the courage to speak out in depth much sooner.

I’ve certainly been ignorant, naive and misguided at multiple points regarding this situation. I don’t deny that. But I do regret it.

As much respect as I’m giving you for coming on here and sharing your side of the story, nothing has been taken out of context? I quoted your exact words - hardly “clutching at straws” when I’m not trying to disprove you, I’m genuinely asking questions which you invited us to do.

As I said, I’m actually giving you a lot of admiration for coming on here as I understand about manipulation, and the fear involved. But I am finding your replies a little patronising if I’m honest.
Ok I apologise. I maybe mistook the tone of your message and I’m sorry if I did or if I seemed patronising. I guess this is partly why it’s sometimes difficult communicating only by written text as it can be misinterpreted.

I thought you were being pedantic because I just because I used the word “research” when I thought clearly the point I was making was just that simply aside from working with the twins I worked with and researched other people too. And that was the reason I thought it was “clutching at straws”.

And hopefully I’ve now explained why I also thought it was a little out of turn to even think that just because I invest in myself and give back more to my Clients that it makes it all an MLM scam. But obviously I’ve already explained that now.

Again sorry if I seemed patronising and thank you for hearing me out. I do appreciate it. And I welcome genuine questions if I can shed more light that is helpful.
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New member
He does like the helicopter bullshit stuff, yes he rented one to collect him and his then wife from the manor once for a trip to London (20mins), but as I recall he didn't have enough ££££'s for a return journey!!!! And just took photos for 'social media'

He is also very well known locally in the local pub for spouting off his bullshit about his non-existent relationships with successful business people and made up trips in their own helicopters (just to note, these businessmen do not have helicopters) and everyone he tells knows this!! And also knows they wouldn't choose to spend 10 secs with the man shagging, wife beating, narcissist c**t. But the absolutely cringe worthy stories just to get some praise from people is so embarrassing!!
Seems like whatever has happened is serious if he's still seeing his daughter in a contact centre?? Not that a person like that deserves to be a father, but as his daughter has a brain in her head it won't be long before she works that out!!!!
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No you haven’t ! If you have been receiving an astronomical amount of enquiries you would up your prices , this is called supply and demand ! Why would anyone reduce a package if you are so high in demand ! Ah … sorry being the top 1% that you guys are , you do it for the passion and love ! Not for the money ! Anyone who falls for these 2 cock ends deserve to be rinsed !
He never pointed out that the only reason he has medals around his slimy neck is because he was the only one in his class
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VIP Member
Also I think that's the same Bentley just without the shitty 'bodywork wallpaper job'
So yeah, old , fucked , untaxed, and driven by a roid raged neanderthal
I'm almost 100% that pic is an old one from down the lane by the old rented Manor, just after he bought that old Bentley to copy the blinking bear.
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Well-known member
What a find!

'One of these pairs is lying' classic, maybe he should have said 'One of these pairs can't stop lying!'

Fair play to the producers, perfect typecasting to get these two Billy bullshitters on a programme about lying 🤣
Why on earth did these muppet get chauffeur driven to this YouTube show like idiot. Why wouldn’t they just drive like normal people would
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In stitches 😂😂😂
Rhys, I know you're reading this you silly silly cunt, You are the biggest bullshitting cunt i have ever witnessed We are going to fuckin ruin you, We will fuck you on Facebook, We will fuck you on Instagram, We will fuck you on TikTok, Every social media platform we will go out of our fuckin way to make sure you go back to that fuckin mattress, We will make sure you don't bully your way into peoples wallets no more, You aint bought your mums house Cash, You're a fuckin liar, I know because i actually bought my parents council house cash and it literally took 2 weeks, you ya daft prick have been buying your mums for 6 fuckin years, Stop chatting shit, Show us all the cars, Show us all the watches, NOW!!!!! you cant can you cuz there are none left, You're finished and you fuckin know it you woman beating battybwoy. And Hi Llewy, Probably cant talk right now as its Wednesday and you be in the contact centre spending that 1 hr a week with your daughter, you're finished as well pal, Its all over, and as soon as Carly realises what a sponging Cunt you are she will kick you out on the street. Oh and one last thing Rhys, If you need to borrow a few quid to pay the road tax on the one car you've got left let me know LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, See ya soon princess
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How rude of Rhys, when his tinpot twin was offering this lady a 50% discount the other day!
Hope she sees the red flags and avoids them like the plague.
Its the right way to do business, its just in his case that his product is shit.
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Active member
I wonder whether Carly thrornton realises that she become part of these two and her name is on here more and more.

As before while she stuck to her gluteywear no1 knee who she was
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Also, she has cardiac arrests several times a night? I’m not a doctor, but even I know that’s bullshit.
As if Cardiac Arrests and Low Blood Pressure are psychological issues.

He must have used the same strategy on himself when before his bodybuilding show, he managed to heal a broken foot in a matter of weeks.
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Chatty Member
The tinpot twins’ days consist of going to the gym, posting a load of nonsense on social media, making nonsense live videos, having naps, eating their meals and posting even more nonsense on social media. That’s their idea of a hard day at work. The lemon Llewellyn Davies telling us that when he goes into public places he gets a hero’s welcome yet the majority of the public wouldn’t have a clue who he is besides just a dickhead. The big bullshitting Bentley bellend still begging for people to take him up on his services by telling us that he’s at full capacity yet is putting 50% discounted rates. What an entrepreneur!
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