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Chatty Member
I see on Lewys FB Harrison Cole ( another victim ) is spending 3 days training & video shooting with “the master bullshiter Lewy D “( only qualification ) seen this before with many victims 📈💰👀🙄
We saw this last year where the lemon Llewellyn Davies would have the three musketeers (Matt Hall, Pretesh Parmar and Alec Witts) come to his rented manor and lock them away in one of the rooms and just use them to make videos of him training and make videos of them posing in their pants for him.
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Well done everyone, we now have achieved a page 1 spot on google for Rhys Davies the scammers new email address via this thread. Please remember to add the terrible twins (and their associates) email addresses to your posts, as it makes it easier for future victims to find out about their scams.

[email protected]

Thanks to everyone’s efforts, this thread has become so prominent in google that when they change their email addresses we can easily link them back to this website!

Does anyone know Llewelyns email address?
Imagine finding out that the top search item on google about yourself is the fact you’re a con artist!! Congruent Googling!!
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What a muppet, Insta is blowing up 😂
So 8 likes in a whole day equates to Insta blowing up? Deluded beyond belief 😂

Its called TikTok, and do you mean Waist not Waste, what a moron.

So more 💩 content from LLEWELYN DAVIES & RHYS DAVIES Conmen! Biggest bullshitters on SM professing to have more enquiries than ever before, but only receiving 4 likes on sales begging post 🤔

So vain, they now employed a full time videographer to follow them around filming them shouting and sprouting utter bollocks!

Surely the Amazon documentary is due out by now???? Or the film about their lives and success 😆 Muppets.

They really are thick skinned and thick and full of 💩

No big brands from the USA will come knocking, why should they when LLEWELLYN DAVIES announced he was setting up his own premium clothing line and was the MD of another Global apparel brand, NOT!! Every week another LIE upon LIE.

Let’s see if his claims to winning Mr Amateur Olympia DENMARK 😝 actually happens... And that’s not the overall competition, although he words it as it is, it’s the Masters Classic group, basically the over 35 who still think they got something to show/prove, which is why is RHYS DAVIES not competing after the big announcement that he was is strange as he keeps showing off his body in manky pants saying how impressive he is, utter Twat!

And apparently LLEWELLYN DAVIES made 4 million pounds in the last few years, literally his business accounts show not even 10% of his exaggerated claims. Knobhead!


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Llewy has posted a new picture of his beautiful daughter - sadly the setting looks very formal. Probably a contact centre.
It is indeed a contact centre. Llewellyn Davies can’t see his daughter in any way unless it’s under supervision as a result of his past actions. He shamelessly posts each Wednesday when he is allowed his one hour with his daughter as though he’s an inspiration to her when in reality as she grows older and begins to understand things for what they are, she will come to the realisation just what a horrible human being he is and will form her own judgement.

He has dyed his beard blonde which quite frankly looks just as pathetic as it did a few years ago when they did so and went to America to do collaborations with Big-J fitness, Blondie builder and POG.
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Fuck off you silly cunt, The amount of pure shit that these pricks talk is unreal, People surely dont buy into this bollox??
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Yeah, lets see him do a shift at a food bank or sign up to the Samaritans. Actually, let's not!

Also what depressed/lonely person is going to get up at 4am to listen to his utter nonsense whilst blinking like it's going out of fashion.

All it shows is the pure desperation on his part.

It's the wackiest offer he's put out yet.

What's next, a midnight group coaching call on NYE for the homeless?
Surprised he hasn’t offered that already. I remember on one of the old CoM podcasts where Rhys said he lay on the mattress on the floor of his mum’s attic and cried because he was just so desperate to help people.

Rhys, we all know you read this- if you want to help the world, stop talking, stop pretending you are anything more than a nobody, get a job, and stop claiming carer’s allowance for the mum you don’t care for.
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Seeing as LLEWELYN DAVIES & RHYS DAVIES are only congruent with posting so much shit content, false statements and basically verbal diarrhoea 💩

Thought I would start a funny Friday with some of the Whopper LIES that have come out of their mouths, from the beginning of the year… needless to say, none of their proclamations or proposed businesses have actually happened or been launched 😂

They don’t even have Champions of Mind anymore, using gmail accounts speaks volumes about their supposed expertise in branding, which they have none!

Rhys Davies saying his company will impact thousands AND thousands of people, could a grown man be any more deluded! 😂

As for the posing in his manky pants in the middle of a gym, what a pervy ponce 🤢
Has the yacht been purchased yet?
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Maybe now as well as being a ex professional footballing superstar, former boxing champion, former WWE wrestler, former actor he will also be a film director too?

The lemon, Llewellyn Davies did post a video a week or so ago talking about losing people in order to win or if their vision isn’t aligned with his or some rubbish like that. He normally posts this sort of crap when he gets told where to go (like he did with the three musketeers - Matt Hall, Alec Witts and Pretesh Parmar). I did think it was Harrison Cole who had woke up and smelt the (not Oragano) coffee however he seems very much tied right in. I guess Jason Corrick has moved on. So much for the treat they promised us with the tinpot twins and Jason Corrick on YouTube training in a gym together.
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I've read that screenshot a good few times now and it still makes no sense?!
I would pretty much read it as he's not building 3 new companies, there is no contract pending to work in house with a well established suppliment company, there is no school seminar booked (A quick check of his social media 'content' would be enough to put any school off instantly) and he won't be doing a keynote speech for the Army (Unless they are using him as an example to warn the lads that are leaving not to waste their resettlement grants on some bogus 'NLP training') 👀📉
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I've been reading on here for a while and feel now is my time to say something not about the twins but about Alec Witts. I know Alec as he is a PT in my local gym and it was through his Instagram I discovered the twins. I just want to put out that Alec is a genuine down to earth nice guy. He is not a "scammer" and is nothing like the twins. Nothing like them. For a start Alec actually has real clients. I've seen first hand in the gym him training clients and how he is with them and he's certainly not a cunt to them. Secondly he doesn't beg for clients the way the twins do and I know this as I once asked him to provide some coaching to my friend who lacks confidence and direction in life but unless my friend made the first move Alec wasn't going to offer his services, something that no doubt would of gone very differently if I had asked the twins to help him. Llewellyn also cheated on his ex partner partner didn't he. Cheating on a partner is something that Alec Witts totally despises and I know this as he told me that himself. Someone said something about his behaviour a while back when he went on a night out with Matt Hall and spoke negatively about the way he was partying in a club..... so what??? he's a single lad with no kid's, partner or real commitments. He is also a hard worker putting in genuine long hours in a real job and on top of that actually has his own business unlike the twins. A successful property business. Yes he was coached by Llewellyn but Chocolatedummygod didn't you say the following................

The problem is most of these peoples clients (or at least clients they used to have) are easily manipulated and often not usually in a good place mentally. They capitalize on this weakness like leeches.

Maybe Alec wasn't in a good place mentally when he first met Llewellyn. There also certainly wasn't a tattle thread about the twins back then and they would of met way before all the SA shit happened so there would of been no real way to find out what a bastard conman Llewellyn is. Maybe after some time of working with him he wanted to get out but couldn't? Maybe Llewellyn made it difficult for him to leave? Anyway I just wanted to put out there that Alec is no where near in the same league as them terrible twats. He is probably the nicest guy I've ever met and doesn't appear to have a bad bone in his body, trust me I'm used to being around bad people so I know straight away when a good one comes along. If you still feel that Alec cons or scams people then go down to his local gym and ask some of his clients if they feel like they have been conned. I'm 100% sure they will tell you otherwise.
Alec - welcome to the thread! I can’t believe that someone that just knows someone “through the gym” would write such an impassioned and loooonngggg post in defence of them. If you have something to say in your defence then be honest like other people have been!
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Chatty Member
Or has Rhys done that himself because he's run out of money and needs to cash them in? 🤔

Faking a burglary - what do we think?
Think this is a publicity stunt lol … as famous celebrities pull this shite too BUT YOUR NOT A CELEB RHYSY YOUR A FAKE CONMAN!!!
The house ransack was pathetic nothing looked broken , no protein shook all over the place just a few wokey pictures & cushions thrown about FAKE !!!!!!!
The wonky 'pictures' were such a nice touch from him/ his hired in 'burglar' (possibly his mum and aunt?). Also, has Rhys established if anything was actually stolen yet? Aside from his dignity, I mean.


First post from this account....

RHYS DAVIES - dat u brov?
'I have recieved (sic) multiple messages' is a pretty standard Rhys line. Translation- no-one has spoken to me about this, but I have some nonsense that I need to share.
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Does everyone remember when they found a new word that made them sound intelligent and they had to use it in every sentence??

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I’m pretty sure today is the best day there’s ever been on Rhys’s stories…

Re Redeight Gallery, he wants to warn people about their ‘shady business practices’ and ‘non-transparent business model’. He also wants to warn people about not attending their events and getting suckered into investing. ‘The disloyalty has made me feel ill’. Genuinely think he may have fallen off the stair master and banged his head- literally had someone use his own business model and take £159k of his ‘hard earned money’.

Also, he needs the money for his mum’s medical bills as she is dying, and also wanted to buy her house. Being cynical, how will she live in it if she is dead? Or is Rhys just upset because he thought he could buy it and move in once she croaks it? Not sure about anyone else, but I’m revelling in watching that sad prat close to tears.

N.B quick advice for you Rhys (we know you read this)… if you invest £159k in an asset, it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Redeight could easily sell the art to someone for £5k and then just give you that back. There is no obligation to give you a full return. Do you not cover that in your fantastic new syllabus under the ROI section?!
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Karma truly served up if this is true! A scammer getting scammed. Fucking brilliant 👏 👌

So we can take this as PROOF that all those previous times Rhys was "buying his mums house" were bullshit.

And yeah, what "medical bills" is he on about? Idiot.

Time to get the crowdfunder going to buy their mum the house seeing as the twins are such pathetic, incompetent failures at life. 7 figure earners. What, in Ugandan shillings?!?! 🤪🤣🤣🤣
Rhys Davies is not a happy bunny and is going down the rout , sorry route of legal proceedings 😂 as if he can afford that with his rent, his mums medical bills and his mums house purchase 😂
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Chatty Member
Any update on Rhys buying his mum’s house? That paperwork has been going through for nearly a year now- surely a winner such as Rhys wouldn’t tolerate such poor legal work?
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