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No need to call the Samaritans if your feeling down just give Rhys Davies Coach conman a call🤣
Yeah, lets see him do a shift at a food bank or sign up to the Samaritans. Actually, let's not!

Also what depressed/lonely person is going to get up at 4am to listen to his utter nonsense whilst blinking like it's going out of fashion.

All it shows is the pure desperation on his part.

It's the wackiest offer he's put out yet.

What's next, a midnight group coaching call on NYE for the homeless?
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They’ve had that official page running since 2012 and this is the first video that’s gone viral but the funny thing here is, it’s only gone viral as the large majority of comments show, people are ridiculing Rhys Davies over his terrible form as he is shoulder pressing. I guess when you are as small time as the tinpot twins are, this is something to savour.
It’s March 2022, and the two pioneers of social media have just discovered Facebook Insights. What a time do be alive- buzzing for when they discover how to monetise YouTube and boast about making eight quid a month from all the views their mum gives them.
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‘ bespoke’ payment means he will assess how vulnerable and gullible people are before he decides on a price .
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Maybe Llewelyn won’t be in the picture in the future? He is up on 2 charges 1 he has pleaded guilty too the other advised not to plead as will result in a custodial sentence hence up at the crown court??? I suspect that Ms Thornton isn’t such a bystander in his life as she is just peddling the same old shit drawing in vulnerable women with a vision of physical and mental success!! Her word of the day is perspective shift!! All just words if you don’t have any understanding and training in psychology or psychological therapies!! I think she struggles as do the Davies twins with separating reality from an inflated view of self from too much steroid use 🤯
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Rhys saying he has stomach issues and yesterday meals were low, yet ate a giant wheatabix protein powder yogurt 'cheesecake' with jam. He was so proud of it too, it literally looked like a 6 year old had made it!🧁

Sure that will do you guts the world of good when combined with the steroid abuse, absolute picture of health that meal.

Meanwhile Jason Corrick, his juice dealer, is taking pics of him with his pants pulled down in the gym! LOL!! Imagine being in that gym seeing that! What on earth are you doing lads??? 🤣

That Matt Hall TV appearance made me laugh. What an absolute plank. He even had me thinking he was actually having a crack at a TV show of his own or leading in something, he basically sat in the background of a completely nothing show, said nothing, did nothing, most likely for free, he probably got more attention starring on the TTTStyle YouTube page. :poop:

I also notice Steve Burgess scam coach has been a lot quieter recently, unless he's gone back to private posting that I can't see. Maybe he's busy with his new group coaching scam where he rants rubbish at multiple people at once instead of one on one. Or just starting to realise you can't keep up being a bullshitter fake coach with no actual skills other than regurgitating the same old bollocks day in day out?

Bunch of class a A wank stains the lot of them.
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This mornings sales pitch from conman Rhys Davies is laughable, in an incredibly long post he talks about reducing his fees to be “ethical” and work with people that couldn’t usually afford him. A few months ago he said he now only works with big corporates. Please do not give this man money.

Demonstrating his outstanding marketing skills, he has used two different email addresses on this single post. I assume he’s had to stop using the first one as it’s now associated with this thread.

[email protected]

Don’t worry Rhys, we will get the other one ranked in google soon enough!

Where possible please include his email addresses and a relevant caption with keywords on your posts for google to see.

[email protected] conman and scammer read more on tattle.
Changes his e-Mail as often as his primark pants!! These boys think Ethics is a place down between London and the North Sea!! Who would pay someone with no substance anything up front before services are provided? If anyone reads this thread who is contemplating doing this then DONT DO IT!!!!!
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Seeing as LLEWELYN DAVIES & RHYS DAVIES are only congruent with posting so much shit content, false statements and basically verbal diarrhoea 💩

Thought I would start a funny Friday with some of the Whopper LIES that have come out of their mouths, from the beginning of the year… needless to say, none of their proclamations or proposed businesses have actually happened or been launched 😂

They don’t even have Champions of Mind anymore, using gmail accounts speaks volumes about their supposed expertise in branding, which they have none!

Rhys Davies saying his company will impact thousands AND thousands of people, could a grown man be any more deluded! 😂

As for the posing in his manky pants in the middle of a gym, what a pervy ponce 🤢
We know them pair of CUNTS are reading this, So wheres the 16 syaff Rhys?? Where is the Yacht? LOLLLLLLLLL what a fucking nonce, Cant even afford Tax on your cars you silly cunt, Desparate desparate little boy, Bet your still sucking cock aswell you fucking freak
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What website ????????!!?😂😂😂
I think he means "Facebook, social media"..

It will take him 4 hours to come up with a ranty video where he randomly shouts certain words and reads off a quote from a piece of paper off camera that makes him sound like he's read all of a self help book.

The video from the other night was fun, at the end, he randomly shouts the word "conduct themselves" as if something had made him jump!

Rhys also likes making up new words, "Perceptionsal" is a new one on me.
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Honestly Steve Burgess and his 12 days of Christmas Crapness just shows how uneducated this man is in business.

Clearly he's reading here as I can see how some of his recent posts reflect what has been said here. Hi Steve!

If you look at all his advice during that 12 days, its just surface level stuff anyone with an ounce of sense knows.

Lots about what to do:

- Be healthy
- Don't get distracted
- Become the person you need to become
- Set goals you can measure
- Learn how to deal with overwhelm

Practically nothing about how to do most of this stuff which is how a real coach would help.

This is the problem with these fake coaches that claim to be the person to help you achieve your dreams. They talk a lot about the what but give almost no tools or systems to help you with the how, which is the real tough bit.

Sure if you need motivation to get out of bed or an accountability partner, these people can help, but im guessing they charge fees that reflect a way more experienced and well planned trackable coaching program that they are simply not capable of delivering.

The only reason these guys have supposedly coached hundreds of people is because 99% of people leave their services within a year when they realise its all hot air, and you have to pick up new blood.

High churn as a business coach is not a good sign. If you're that good, why do most people seem to appear and leave so quickly, often on bad terms?
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Hello all, I’ve been following this thread for a while. It’s really interesting and I read it everyday for updates.
A bit of my experience-,I have been a client of Alec and Matt and have also met the twin pot twins and went to LD house in Essex in 2019 (I saw the goblets!)
When I was working with Alec, this was at a time he was extremely sucked in by LD&RD. This was in 2019. I felt like he wasn’t becoming a nice person and acting exactly like them posting photos of watches, clothes, shopping trips and cars. It was all incredibly materialistic and Alec himself was so serious, he just seemed to live and breathe for the twins, the gym and wasn’t living a realistic ‘normal’ life. I felt sorry for him in some ways and was shocked to hear paid LD £20,000 for 12 months of coaching.
I parted ways with Alec because he had a go at me for not going down the gym once as I told him I had the chance that afternoon to spend time with my niece and nephew. I felt we were not on the same wavelength and that he was all about material possessions. That wasn’t me. He was also way too serious.
I don’t like how the coaches make you feel bad by saying phrases like ‘you obviously don’t care about yourself then if you’re not willing to pay’. Alec was becoming like the twins and it wasn’t nice to see. I also felt unsafe as I suspected the twins were a bit dodgy and Alec believed the sun shined out of their arses.
I am pleased to see both Matt and Alec stepping more away from the twin pot twins and not emulating them as much. Alec seems to be more relaxed these days and enjoying life a bit more rather than being so serious. and I did enjoy working with Matt to some degree although I did find his prices didn’t justify the content and packages he was offering.
I also didn’t like Matts opposition against someone having a 9-5 job making out like there is something wrong with that. I have a very professional job and not all of us want our own business. Matt did not try and pressure me to remain with him. I don’t think him or Alec are bad guys and they probably feel stupid for being sucked in by the twin pots but don’t want to admit it
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Hello all, I’ve been following this thread for a while. It’s really interesting and I read it everyday for updates.
A bit of my experience-,I have been a client of Alec and Matt and have also met the twin pot twins and went to LD house in Essex in 2019 (I saw the goblets!)
When I was working with Alec, this was at a time he was extremely sucked in by LD&RD. This was in 2019. I felt like he wasn’t becoming a nice person and acting exactly like them posting photos of watches, clothes, shopping trips and cars. It was all incredibly materialistic and Alec himself was so serious, he just seemed to live and breathe for the twins, the gym and wasn’t living a realistic ‘normal’ life. I felt sorry for him in some ways and was shocked to hear paid LD £20,000 for 12 months of coaching.
I parted ways with Alec because he had a go at me for not going down the gym once as I told him I had the chance that afternoon to spend time with my niece and nephew. I felt we were not on the same wavelength and that he was all about material possessions. That wasn’t me. He was also way too serious.
I don’t like how the coaches make you feel bad by saying phrases like ‘you obviously don’t care about yourself then if you’re not willing to pay’. Alec was becoming like the twins and it wasn’t nice to see. I also felt unsafe as I suspected the twins were a bit dodgy and Alec believed the sun shined out of their arses.
I am pleased to see both Matt and Alec stepping more away from the twin pot twins and not emulating them as much. Alec seems to be more relaxed these days and enjoying life a bit more rather than being so serious. and I did enjoy working with Matt to some degree although I did find his prices didn’t justify the content and packages he was offering.
I also didn’t like Matts opposition against someone having a 9-5 job making out like there is something wrong with that. I have a very professional job and not all of us want our own business. Matt did not try and pressure me to remain with him. I don’t think him or Alec are bad guys and they probably feel stupid for being sucked in by the twin pots but don’t want to admit it
Hi Alec
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Good for Lauren ?She is fucking poison and knew about the scamming all along , and was a facilitator in the early days ! Some people have very short memories of what this awful women did !
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Llewy has been allowed his quarterly supervised hour with his child, so posts a picture of her on his Insta. Surely there are some things he wants to keep private, especially when everything else in his car crash of a life has been so public. I wonder if she can talk yet? More importantly, can she ask Daddy why she has to drink out a plastic cup and not the antique goblets any more?

Also, it will be really awkward when his daughter audits her circle in a couple of years and chops of the Llewy Davies shaped deadwood.

Anyway, back to more pressing matters- where is the black out Rolls Royce Wraith? There is no way it will be safe to leave that parked up in Carly's council estate in Basildon, or is Rhys going to be building him a garage to store it in once he has finished construction work on the sauna and swimming pool?
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It’s been better than I thought. Llewy is starting his own clothing line, launching early next year.

They’ve done this before- who could forget the T-shirts with ‘LGFM’ ironed in the front?! Absolute bestsellers. Buzzing for the new merchandise.
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