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Solstice & full moon Saturday so it's no coincidence the mood swings were all experiencing.
We hoped to go to Stonehenge for the solstice but the roads nearby that you can park on are all shut off plus some derranged idiots thought it a good idea to powder bomb the stones so we're going to go on a non solstice day later on.
Not because we're 'hippy' but just for the sight.
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Baby R has been poorly the past couple of days and we had to take him to hospital last night but he seems to be getting better by the hour now thankfully! But all he’s wanted for 2.5 days is me and he won’t be put down because he’s so chesty it must be difficult to breathe so I’m feeling quite frazzled 😩 hoping he’s well enough to take outside for some fresh air tomorrow!

Our new bed came today too. It’s absolutely massive. I think I need a ladder to get in and out of it 😂
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Afternoon Twattlers. It’s grandad time for me today in the searing heat. While his parents are off out watching their team get presented with the champions trophy (with apologies to the current buns on here 🤪)

I’ve mastered moos, oinks, baas and clucks. And that’s just my impersonation of his gran. We also played with his toy farm animals 😂😂

It’s a gorgeous day for sure 😎

Still no sign of @DellaC then? 🧐
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Attention Twattlers, @docmum wants to vicariously join in the love fest so she's sent a message through the OJF messaging service.

It goes something like this:
"Could you send the biggest squishiest hug from me to deleted please, she’s a warrior and sending her my love. Sending hugs to all in the thread, and baby squishes to mini rasp and mini Gigi too. Please don't be indiscreet and start mentioning what we got up to last night though, you naughty boy xxxx"

I may have invented one of those sentences :ROFLMAO:

She worries and really cares about you lot you know ❤
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I hope you had a good night and you could keep the news quiet. That the kids didn't spill the beans.

Hope Mr R is on the mend.
Thank you, the kids didn’t go, no beans were spilt, food was eaten and then I came home. A lovely night

Hope everyone has sunshine today and is enjoying it
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We had this when mini was 7 months old and the bitch that made him ill had the cheek to try and come see us in the children's ward 🤬 hope mini raspberry is better soon 😘
We had wee Caledonians appointment yesterday and it didnt quite go to plan 😔 we have been told that his ECG shows there is an issue with his heart but the Dr (who is amazing with us) couldn't tell us about it other than the structure 💔😭 having lost our baby to heart problems, you can imagine it sent us into a spin. So much so we had a blazing argument about a roundabout lane 😔 we did apologise to each other though
Oh Caledonia, I don't know what to say 💔 it at least has been discovered.
my husband was born with a serious heart condition and had open heart surgery as a baby. He has lived an extremely healthy life (he requires another surgery soon but we are just trying to get my surgery out of the way first, it never rains but it pours right!?). Heart conditions are scary but they can do so much now, it's amazing, please try and not be too scared about it all. All our children have had to have special heart scans in vitro and follow up ones once born.
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@MmmB777 This is an idea from our beautiful Docmum - she seemed to recall that you were quite chatty with Della and wondered whether you had taken it off Tattle? If so, people just need to know that she’s ok x
Ahh I wish! Really hope she’s ok. Sounds like I’ve missed a lot of big news with all you fellas, big love to everybody. Glad to hear docmum is ok too 💕💕
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Good morning Twattlers 😘
The sun is out again today but I certainly wouldn't describe it as warm!
I must tell you lot this story from yesterday. I'm still chuckling to myself about it 24 hours later.
Five of us from work - two staff and three Board members - were at a posh do in Glasgow receiving our Investors in People accreditation plaques and the Employer of the Year trophy. Anyway during the 'networking' part of the day, as often happens, the chat turned to football. One of our Board members, an older man, used to be a referee at a pretty high level, and he absolutely loves the sound of his own voice, which is unfortunately very loud. So we were basically describing funny or unusual things that had happened to us during our football careers. I might be imagining this part of it but it seemed to me that the general buzz around the room had just quietened down when he very loudly said - and I apologise if anyone is offended by the language he used but I'm quoting him directly - " I ONCE SENT A DEAF AND DUMB BLOKE OFF FOR USING FOUL AND ABUSIVE LANGUAGE!" After wincing at his vernacular I asked "Oh aye, how does that work then?" and he replied "HE CALLED ME A" and I shit you not, at this point he put on this excruciating what-he-thought-was-a-deaf-person's-voice and continued "FUCKING WANKER!" While doing the bloody hand gesture!
Does anyone remember the Batman and Robin scene from Only Fools and Horses? Well that is what the other attendees looked like at the end of his little story.

And this was before anyone had even had any alcohol.

Anyway have a good day Twattlers x
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I went out into my garden to see the northern lights after seeing people post about them. Walked out into a load of slugs, I'd left my flip flops out and there was slug on them too 🤢🤢🤢
Didn't see them but they were seen by many on the south coast. I assumed they wouldn't come down this far!
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Morning Twattlers 😎
She is very much missed on this thread but maybe best not to tie ourselves up in knots worrying what happened to Della. It is simply out of our control and we probably all have enough to worry about in the real world without fretting about an anonymous internet poster. I think if she was still reading the thread she would have reacted to the Vinted suggestion just like the lovely Docmum did. Maybe try something similar every so often but that almost prolongs the agony doesn’t it?

Anyway it’s another beautiful morning even at 5.30am. Hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you’re up to 😘😎
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My mates little girl didn’t master the tit properly til she was about 8-9 weeks old so don’t feel too disheartened.
Just remember he’s been chilling in your belly task free for 9 months, he’s been evicted, the world’s new and he’s already got stuff he needs to do x
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I'm speculating, but I wonder whether she's had to hand her phone in as part of the PC Prick situation and she can't remember her login details for Tattle to get set up on a different phone? She might be having to wait until they allow registrations to sign in/register under a different name. Alternatively, one of you private detectives needs to check the local news in Ramsbottom for the past week!
You know the little people in my head..... GET OUT, YOU'RE READING MY MIND.
I thought the very same Jammy.

I'm thinking it's PC related rather than anything more worrisome 🤞
Della if you're reading this go on Vinted & sell anything with TATTLE in the header ...we'll know it's you & message you a code!
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@MmmB777 This is an idea from our beautiful Docmum - she seemed to recall that you were quite chatty with Della and wondered whether you had taken it off Tattle? If so, people just need to know that she’s ok x
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