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He’s good! He’s still wham, he’s 15lbs now 🥴 but trying to roll over and that already, he’s very vocal just sits there shouting all day hahahaha
Baby R isn’t far behind at 10lb 9oz already 🤣 aww I love chunky babies!!

15lbs!?? Wow!! How old is he now!? God do I love fat babies 😍

Oh I have been hit with the baby urge big time again so I'm going to speak to my oncologist just to see if there is any possibility my fertility is intact and we can take a break from treatment to try for baby number 4. I know that's insane but I adore babies and I love being a mum and at least if I ask and we officially rule it out as being an option we can move on with our lives.
Keeping absolutely everything crossed for you 🤞🏼
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Hope you’re feeling better again soon lovely!

It’s mad about your hair. My colleague lost hers with chemo and it came back completely different, and like you found after she lost it again it’s just started growing back completely differently again. She said even her leg and underarm hair is different this time. And she’s of that age where she’s growing whiskers and before her latest chemo they were black and they’ve come back really fair which she’s pleased about 😂 It’s so crazy isn’t it? I wonder what causes it to change because if you wax it or it falls out for other reasons like alopecia, deficiencies or postpartum hair loss etc it usually grows back the same as it was before but something about chemo must completely change the root structure but over your entire body. I find it really interesting!
It's mental! and it's the same for my body hair too, it's totally different to what it was! I'd also love to know the reason why
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@raspberryjuice Sorry to hear Mr R is ill, hope he gets better soon.

I've been trying out my new garden gadget the last couple of days, a weed burner, who knew such a thing existed. I saw one on Facebook marketplace, which was sold, so went looking to see what they did.

Got one from Amazon, and have much tidier gardens front and back, love it.
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Hope the doctors goes ok, poor little mite 😔 the doctors have just booked in mini rasp’s first jabs and I’m absolutely dreading them. If they weren’t so beneficial I probably wouldn’t put him through it but I know short term misery long term gain. It’s a shame after so many years they haven’t come up with a kinder way of giving the immunisation!
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No wonder you need a 🍺 or 5 with the weather we are having today. If there is anything like here the now it's absolutely pouring and has been for 2hrs now
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What do you do then @Liverbird2003 buy it in for a treat? Do you have treats in the house for your boys? What about at work? I’m sure there’s lots of treats being dropped off and gifted. I’m so interested in how people can have it in moderation every now and then!

I'll buy it in for a treat but I'll eat it in one sitting, big bar of galaxy - gone. The boys have snacks but they are more into sweets and savoury than chocolate. Any chocolate they do have is like penguin or club bars.
I need proper solid chocolate.
We do get quite a lot at work but because I work nights, the day staff kindly eat most of it 🤣
I have no self restraint with chocolate so I've learnt/ force myself to just not buy it.
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I saw that Ruby Franke documentary. It was horrible to watch. I wonder if the school did anything about when they called to say her 6 year old didn't have any lunch with her and Ruby said it's her own fault because she didn't make it.
Surely it would have been an immediate red flag and safeguarding issue for the school?! Well you would hope so anyway. Such an awful case 😔
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I've been working, 13 hour day yesterday and back in tonight. My youngest has asked to go to bed early as he has a fever and extremely flushed cheeks so I'm assuming no school tomorrow 🙃
We had a lovely afternoon in the park and I treated my husband to KFC for father day.
Oh no slapped cheek? It’s doing the rounds at my kids school at the moment
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Lovely view Jammy.

I’m on an office day today again too but only working til thurs then break up for half term and me and the fam are off to the seaside for a caravan hol next week hooray hope the sun stays out.
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They said a maximum of 4 weeks but should be sooner for the scan. Just waiting for the hospital to ring with a date.

I hope it’s one of each just because that’s the ideal! Although like you say whatever the genders it’s just amazing they exist 💜

That’s it @Caledonianprincess. I always get stuff done asap if I need to do it and it really pisses me off when other people don’t. I feel your pain.

@Lucyxxxx sorry things still aren’t good. Have you been to court yet? Are you having regular contact?
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