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When I was in the Harry & Megan threads in the early days we had a few very regular posters go off grid. It's quite odd that we care so very much given that we're all complete strangers.
How long is too long....?
Baby D is due in July I recall?
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At least it’s done for another 2years(?) now? 😁

It’s why I stick to iPhone. Pretty much just put the new one next to the current one and it does all the work for you 😂
That bit was easy to do but it's the signing in to everything and trying to remember all my passwords for stuff. Everything automatically signs me in but that doesn't transfer over. Does it on an iPhone?

I hope this trial doesn't go on forever like the other one. Letby needs to go back to prison to rot, not have a jolly out in the van every day.
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Cloudy and rainy here in the North but I’m not complaining 🤣 I’m back at work tomorrow from maternity leave and am dreading it 😭
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Yeah I am extremely worried at the moment but who knows, maybe she just got blocked from Tattle or something 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm trying not to think the worst.

@Lucyxxxx I don't know what to say really, I'm so sorry. I feel like people (social services) get so caught up in being right that they won't hold their hands up and admit they have made a mistake. I hate the fact that your children are so distressed now because of them not to mention the stress you are now under in your current state. It's negligent. I do think of you and pray for you and your kiddies. 🩷
@raspberryjuice hope baby rasp and you are doing good, hope the heat the last few days hasn't made sleep too difficult for you all!!
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Sending you a big hug! 🤗

They didn’t give me anything for the pain because I’m expressing milk so apparently there’s nothing they can possibly prescribe (the hospital sent me home with oramorph so that’s bullshit 🙄), but if I keep a diary of when im taking pain relief for the next 2 days if im not coping then they’ll reconsider. Im taking it at the max daily dose and told them that but need to do a diary for 2 days. They have referred me for an urgent scan though so maybe I’ll know in 6 months what’s causing the pain 🙃 it’s like the first day I came home from hospital even though 2 weeks ago I wasn’t getting any pain anymore and coping without regular pain meds.
You will still be under the care of maternity so you can be seen in your maternity assessment unit (whether you want to is another question!!).
But not being able to control the pain at home with paracetamol and ibuprofen is a red flag for me, you need to be seen by someone other than a GP. You do not want a C-section wound infection 😟

I worked over the weekend then went to my friend's BBQ yesterday after 3 hours sleep post night shift. My husband drove so I drank. Night shift + 3 hours sleep + bottle of prosecco= drunk me. I had an epic time. All the kids were going wild and having so much fun. It was a last minute thing and it worked out so well.

Our CB hasn't gone in either 🙄
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I’m gonna say one of each
@Caledonianprincess my 2 younger ones got a rash and abit of a temp around the same time after their 1 year needles, i think it’s one of the main side effects x
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My best friend is getting married next year and I’m MOH so I figure I’ve either got to go for it now so the next one is here before her wedding or I’ll have to wait til after. So go for it asap is the plan 😂
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Happy birthday mini Cale. It's flown by. Can remember us all waiting to hear from you. I hope more cake is on the cards.
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You will still be under the care of maternity so you can be seen in your maternity assessment unit (whether you want to is another question!!).
But not being able to control the pain at home with paracetamol and ibuprofen is a red flag for me, you need to be seen by someone other than a GP. You do not want a C-section wound infection 😟

I worked over the weekend then went to my friend's BBQ yesterday after 3 hours sleep post night shift. My husband drove so I drank. Night shift + 3 hours sleep + bottle of prosecco= drunk me. I had an epic time. All the kids were going wild and having so much fun. It was a last minute thing and it worked out so well.

Our CB hasn't gone in either 🙄
Am I? The midwife who discharged me last week said I’d have to see my GP if the pain didn’t resolve - she was aware of the pain at the time and said as there’s no signs of infection it was ok and was more interested in trying to shave the stitch that was poking through from inside 😑 But I thought I had 28 days to go through maternity triage which would be Wednesday. The midwife doing our discharge, a nurse at the doctors and 2 GP’s have all looked at the wound in the past 5 days and all have said it looks good and no signs of infection but the pain is awful. I’m not generally a wimp with pain - I broke my ankle at work and finished my shift and went in the next night before I decided to get it checked and then went back to work that night with paracetamol. My pain threshold is pretty high. But this is awful. When she was pressing around today there was a very obvious place where it was like 10/10 pain but it’s slightly away from my scar so she just said it’s not an abscess in the scar 😂 ok but it’s clearly something I nearly jumped off the bed when she touched it?! I just feel so let down by every service whichever way I turn. Can’t wait for you to be my private midwife for the next baby 😂

@Wellthisisinteresting I get £25.60 a week for Baby R 😊
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