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Kikini Bamalam

VIP Member
Yeah I know about the DS threads, I used to be on there myself. She name checked DS as well in her diary, I can only guess because she has so little else to yak about. Also let's not forget about the Mumsnet coke pictures drama :rolleyes: Jizzy probably frequents all these forums as much as the rest of us do
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Miss Anne Thrope

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I can't actually find ANY tweets where anyone has mentioned Liz in connection with the Amy Winehouse article. I did however find this one:

Being of Chinese descent, am I allowed to say a hearty "up yours?"
Yes you may! And I shall join you. Loathsome human being, isn't she? Wll, there it is, for all to see. Despite her protestations, I knew she was racist.
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Knowing Liz’s previous and entirely predictable track record about banging on about men that she’s got any kind of history with (no matter how trivial and tenuous) I am utterly amazed this poor bloke has never been alluded to previously.
Somehow, I doubt that this will be the one and only time we’ll hear about him via The Diary either.
I’ll open a book on odds that Nic and Liz start to stalk him via the internet, find out if he’s single etc etc
He is easy enough to find….
imagine waking up to find you are in the Mail and now a load of strangers are going to start looking you up.
she could have easily changed his name….
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Seriously though, in all of these years of her ‘dating’ this rock star, someone, somewhere would’ve seen them in public?! Yet no one has, not even one picture 🤷🏾‍♀️
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I should like to point out (as I know she's reading this) that if Jones is so very keen on writing the unvarnished truth about her life (quiet at the back there), then she should have the guts to let the comments on the Dreary be unmoderated. I dare her.
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Rita Chevrolet

VIP Member
No church bells thankfully, but he used to complain about the horse shit on the road outside his house and used to hate when livestock was put in the field next to his house, it's almost as if he expected the countryside to smell of nothing but roses and not :poop: 🤣
We get the same with Parisians who come down here to their second homes then moan about everything from the smell of cows and horses to not having mega-fast internet. Another one we heard about pitched up and the mairie to launch a complaint about a neighbour's pet peacock that used to roost in a tree over where he parked his posh car - he wanted someone to shoot it! The mayor listened to his endless list of complaints then sent him packing saying "This is the countryside and none of what you are moaning about is valid - get used to it or go back to Paris! Oh and as to the car, just park it somewhere else!" He also said that if anything untoward happenned to the old lady's pet peacock then he'd be getting a visit from the gendarmes :)
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I'm sure LJ would probably think I'm only saying this because I wear size 12 pants from M&S, but why would you want dry cleaning fluid residues in that area?!?!? Dry clean only knickers is just really, really silly.
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It gets worse, not only does she still have the column spouting the same old things. She now has a pod-cast with the poisonous Nic. They cackle together like a pair of witches with not a good word for anyone. It got so vile I stopped listening to it. She gets Nic to sell items for her on Ebay. She sold her shoes, dresses and some items of furniture. She sold an old sofa that she admitted the dogs had nibbled and looked rather stained. There's a lamp for sale on there now that's been on for months for £405.
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yes and I think the fact that her sister has a son who obviously loves and cares about her, puts her in a far better situation than Liz, she is such a vile person
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She wants pets to receive treatment on the NHS as vets bills are very expensive. It was pointed out by Peter Purves that you not get a pet if cannot afford its upkeep.
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it makes me angry that Celia Hammond didn;t check more about her background
Celia doesn't seem to really care. Liz said that when readers started contacting Celia about the dogs savaging her rescue cat, Celia responded with "can we have an update? Do you think the dogs will do it again?" Liz said no and that was that
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And what of the tour of her self-published blockbuster? #479,261 on the best seller list isn't to be sneezed at!
She announced that was cancelled because of COVID. Don't worry though, she has another novel coming out: The Tortoise, a "sexy, spicy thriller" about a woman taking revenge on her ex. Which I'm sure is not at all "inspired" by Liz's relationships with Nirpal and/or David Scrace
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I’ve met Liz in real life, a very long time ago. It was when she was editor of Marie Claire at the so-called Fat Summit at the Cabinet Office.
two things struck me - she was tiny and not in a good way. She had the oversized head and stick thin physique of we now know was a recovering anorexic.
she was very quiet and subdued. Answered questions as a panel member in very few words. Looked like she’d rather be anywhere else . I suspect she knew then that her campaign, laudable as it was at the time, had cost her the job.
She touts her "support for models" as the reason for her dismissal from Marie Claire (after a pitifully short tenure, 17 issues was it?) but the truth is more mundane: circulation and readership declined under her stewardship, as did revenue. As a result, she got the Order of the Spanish Archer.
You only have to glimpse at her 'novel' to see what she really thinks about fat as a feminist issue. I suspect she was quiet as she had little of interest to say (ref the last 20 years) and was terrified someone would ask her why she called Sophie Dahl 'fat' in print.
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I remember when she wrote a column about her debts and what she spent each month and it was absolutely astounding. And how she wouldnt get the 2 for 1 tooth paste when the checkout girl told her to go get another because ' she couldnt be bothered'. She then explained how basically every single person in her life had ruined her and exploited her kindness and generous nature. Now I know she is almost imperceptibly dry but I was really shocked. She just abused everyone and made the locals in Somerset out to be something out of Deliverance shooting up her mailbox. She was just about the worst person in the entire world to go and live in the Countryside. But I often felt The Mail were deliberately trolling their readers because they had her once trying to live off JSA... well you can imagine how that turned out. She tried to get on a bus in London and then complained and called everyone on the bus because she needed a pre paid travel card to get. But it's like she loves doing that...coming across as totally clueless.
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There was definitely alcohol involved in the writing of that column, it was just incoherent rambling. Notably she didn't use David's name as I think she's been told not to mention him in the dreary again. However, if she's going to try and resurrect that relationship again, I think it really will be the death knell for the column as no-one wants to read that borefest again, particularly with all of the malicious, nasty swipes at David and his friends, I'm surprised she got away with it this far.

eta just realised I used the word "again" 3 times in 2 sentences, I could be up for the Liz Jones repetitive crap award for writing.
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Is she still doing that😂
That’s one of her oft-repeated phrases like “oily bath”, “spiky flowers”, “giant children”. Forty years ago I bought myself a eyelash comb, no idea why she uses a bloody pin!
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She still has a column in You?? How is that possible?
I’m another one whose parents buy the mail and I used to read the magazine when I lived with them 😂 she was vile, she was always blaming everyone else for the various problems in her life.
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