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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
Knowing Liz’s previous and entirely predictable track record about banging on about men that she’s got any kind of history with (no matter how trivial and tenuous) I am utterly amazed this poor bloke has never been alluded to previously.
Somehow, I doubt that this will be the one and only time we’ll hear about him via The Diary either.
I’ll open a book on odds that Nic and Liz start to stalk him via the internet, find out if he’s single etc etc
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Miss Anne Thrope

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I understand that the ‘ Dreary’ (thanks DigitalSpy) is written a few weeks before publication, but is she really claiming not to have had a single Covid vaccine yet? And she’s 62? Why does she lie about such stupid things?
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House of Tea

VIP Member
She has made no effort at all this week. Just a bullet point list of the many failings of all the men in her life, essentially a rehash of everything she has said before. The phrase money for old rope springs to mind.
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
I’ve never read 8.5 stone for obvious reasons, but I hear it’s HUGELY offensive in parts - something about the main character’s friend not wanting to walk home alone in case she gets raped or mugged by a ‘black man’ & some ‘quip’ about going make up free makes her look like ‘someone with Down syndrome’
How the fuck does she get away with this?! Beyond appalling.
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She lied about how she reconnected with David too. She wrote an article about having a date with him, then a couple of years later She pretended he’d just got in touch again and they hadn’t seen each other since being neighbours.
The original article was removed by the Mail but was cut and pasted and posted on one of the DS threads.
Just flagging this as I think it should be in the wiki - it’s such a blatant provable lie. I’ll see if I can find the deets…

Found it! Was printed in the Mail and then re,over.
she later pretends she meets him again in the Dreary:

"Liz,' the northern voice on the other end of the phone said. 'It's David Scrace.' This is someone I hadn't spoken to for 22 years. My first proper, proper love, someone I would have given anything in order to make him love me back.

We arranged to meet for lunch. I spent hours getting ready.

Would I be a disappointment after all these years? He had sent me a text saying he hoped he wouldn't be a disappointment.

Because he had never dumped me, I had never got over him. He was my, 'What if?' I remember what it was like, loving him.

It was a fierce longing I have never felt since.

When we met I was 20, 21 and he was 32. If he had only succumbed to my charms, I could have had a happier life, been, well, normal. I would probably even have a giant teenager by now.

I got to the restaurant early.

'Your guest is already here,' said the ma"tre d'. I looked over at the small man at the bar. He had really long, grey hair but the twinkle in the eyes was still there. We hugged. We sat down. I told him I wanted some answers, closure. He looked scared.
For Cathrin.....

'Did you know I loved you?' I asked him. 'No, I didn't have a clue,' he said. 'But even your best friend guessed,' I persisted. 'He never mentioned it,' he replied. (What do men talk about?) I asked him if I had actually told him how I felt, would he have gone out with me? 'No,' he said. 'You just weren't my type. You really had a lucky escape. I'm a complete waste of space.

It would have ended badly.' He told me he had got married in 1985, had a son, Ben, now 18, and then his marriage broke up because he had an affair. He lived in France for few years, but is now back in London, with a new girlfriend, Paola, who is two years younger than I am. 'Did you realise our trip to see Siouxsie and the Banshees was a date?' I asked him. 'Um, no. I don't remember even going, to be honest.' He commented on the fact I must be really successful. 'Yes, well, I threw myself into work when I couldn't have you,' I said, which was true. Plus, my self-esteem had taken a mortal blow.

When I got home, I cried for my 21-year-old self. If I had known then what I know now - that David would marry two years later, that I would wait 20 years before I found someone who loved me back - I would have given up there and then. If I think of all the time and effort I put into making him love me - the squash lessons, the concert tickets - and for what?

I had reminded him that at the party I held in 1983, just so that I could invite him, he had got off with my friend Wilma.

'How on earth is she?' he had said as I paid the bill. I asked if he thought I had changed. 'You still have the same hairstyle. To be honest, I hadn't even remembered your name,' he said, walking out of my life all over again."

Publication dated 9th October 2005.

Also for the Wiki - she names and abuses “Garner Fructis woman” via inserting her name into one of her Diaries.
i wont do exact quote as it gives away her surname but she wrote
greedy Bitch”
where greedy was GFWs surname. Her surname is an unusual yet descriptive word.
I’ve just looked for the article online and I think she has had it edited out now.
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Miss Lola

Chatty Member
Having re read the diary, I am wondering if the mention of the two famous exes pertain to the fake rock star and ex husband, Nirpal and not Mr Hutchence. I realise it’s tenuous at best, but in Liz’s addled mind Dhaliwal is ‘famous’ as he’s been on the tellybox a couple of times, had a few articles and written a dreadful book. As I said, tenuous, as he’s hardly a household name. Not even z list!
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Isn't SUE NEEDLEMAN too busy staying in hotels and drinking champagne with her husband of 30+ years because she has it all for no good reason while Liz struggles?

Isobel would be a fool to do Liz any more favours after the way Liz has spoken about her recently. Maybe Liz will try to have another book tour when she releases her "sexy, spicy thriller" The Tortoise
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What? Her problem with most of the chaps in her life is that none of them spend any real time with her in a face-to-face sense. How does she love-bomb them? She barely sees them, and by her own account she's so busy working she doesn't have time to call, text or anything else. Most of her "personal" life appears to be spent with her assistant, moaning that she can't meet a decent guy.

As for David, they go back about 30 years, and for the last 10 or so he's kept a cautious distance, only reappearing occasionally (note that even after their most recent engagement, he was hardly around). His "London address" is a Brixton council flat.
His address is actually an h/a. Had they got hitched, she would have had the rights to continue living there. It was the convenience rather than the value of the actual dwelling.
With regard to the "love bombing", cast your mind back to the days when he was the Dirty Baker, having her up against the concrete pillars of her rental flat, his pony tail thrashing in the breeze!
Then think about the house party thrown by one of his chums. She was furious she wasn't being suitably revered and dobbed everybody in for smoking weed.
Then fast-forward to her constant slagging of his lifestyle/looks/health/, the fact that he was 'always crying'...
She's not 'always working', she is preternaturally lazy. She churns out the Dreary and, maybe, another article every couple of weeks. She shares a modest gaff her paid companion (who's mid-term agenda is to make sure Jones doesn't hook up with anyone) and lives a weird half-life, slagging off everything and everyone while Bebb cackles in the background.
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There is definitely a power play going on there in that dynamic - God only knows why she feels superior though.
When one of her pets died (can't remember which - I thought it was Hilda but re-reading that column now, it wasn't) she wrote about how she'd called Nic to verbally abuse her for not being at Liz's beck and call. Where was Nic, I hear you ask? She was in hospital herself and very ill!
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She is truly awful, I do not know why the MoS still pay her for that drivel, and it really is, it's fiction and not even remotely interesting or well written, it's the most depressing thing to read, I tend to read it online on a Sunday morning, mainly so that I can roll my eyes and say what a pile of bs. Today's offering was totally dire, claiming that she met up with the rock star, then brushed him off in about 5 mins, so that's probably her way of shutting down that story arc again and there is no way anyone believes it and of course if she continues to infer that it is Jim Kerr then his lawyers would be on her.

I suppose I'm just waiting for the day when the column is just gone, and hopefully due to being fired, I dont imagine it will bring her down a peg or two though, she'll just continue to swan around, but at least no one will have to hear about it and get annoyed that she actually gets paid for that crap. TBH I wish that someone would pull her up about that dreadful book she's just written, 8 1/2 stone, which is basically a rubbish version of bridget jones, but without the humour or pleasant characters, it's got an incredibly bad taste racist "joke" in it and I do not understand how she got away with that, I also hate that she refers to one of her exes as the Osama Bin Laden lookalike, my god people are getting cancelled left right and centre by the woke brigade, which I dont always agree with but she seems to just get away with it, unbelievable.
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She's better off having no cats given that she allowed her wretched dogs to kill one and savage another (the latter incident not mentioned in this week's column.) Her beloved Gracie and "Mini Puppy" are elderly now and won't be around much longer, but she already wants to adopt another "nervous collie" so no doubt the cycle would continue. If she got any more cats the RSPCA might start asking questions
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I have a confession I used to read her column every Sunday for years but since the paper went online I don’t bother buying it or reading it. God knows why I read it as has been said it was the same old rubbish every week, drama with men, animals, family, all the palaver of leg shaving, designer dress wearing for her latest bloke.
Anyway this recent article really started half way through with one line about becoming empathetic since she’s worn the fat suit. Do I believe her? No. She is one shallow lady another who always blames other people.
Nice dress by the way Liz, was it Peacocks?
so did I when I lived with my parents as my mum bought it, I would never buyy the mail myself, once I started to read the book she wrote of a collection of her columns... I got about 2 pages in and gave up, all together was even worse and unmanageable!
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She's such a walking set of contradictions, isn't she? Liz spent decades writing extensively about how she was a virgin until age 32, and how much she didn't like S-E-X. After the tortuous, failed romance with David, she transformed into the Martini Girl - any time, any place, anywhere (except for Premier Inns, of course)! It's kind of hard to believe, really.
BIB that could refer to everything she writes. What a load of twaddle this week's dreary was, I still cannot believe she gets paid good money for this, on the one hand she's claiming she's like catnip to a cat, but every potential romance ends with the bloke running a mile in the opposite direction, on this occasion even before the first date, a more accurate description is that she's more of a man repellent.
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I agree with this. I read Liz’s autobiography a couple of years ago, and she describes being sexually assaulted by another child whilst at primary school. Sounds terrifying and painful experience. She takes care to point out that she was ‘hairless’ (didn’t need to say that as she was a child, so of course she would have been). This must surely have affected her more deeply than she let on, and she perhaps feels that a man would only be interested in her when she’s fully waxed. She says in the book that she never told anyone about the assault, not even her mum. But she does recognise that it triggered a fear of men (understandably), and perhaps explains why she gets stuck on the fantasy stage of a relationship, but dislikes intimacy and is quick to find faults in any prospective partner.
You may be right. I have to confess that I thought there was more than a whiff of a certain chinny football pundit when she wheeled that story out (it was in the Dreary, too) but it may be true. The problem is that she tells so many whoppers, it can be difficult to spot the possible glint of a needle of truth in the haystack of utter bollocks.
On another note, she is at great pains to point out that she considers herself to be the World's Greatest Lover and completely fails to correlate this with the fact that every single one of the 3 ½ men she claims to have done "all the sex" with have cheated on her... and even the elderly baker turned down the chance of a free, three-day shagathon in favour of spending some time with some people he actually likes.
No, I think it is as a majority of us suspect: She lives in a weird, two-dimensional world with no colour, no depth, no passion. She is enabled by a tiny clique of fellow narcs and/or those out for the very modest crumbs off her rickety table. One thing is certain, however: she will never shoulder responsibility for her own failings, be they fiscal, emotional, career or whatever, because whenever it hits the fan, it's always somebody else's fault.
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I genuinely think she's broadly asexual, her emotional age is about twelve and her weird obsession with being "hairless" harks back to a wish to remain pre-pubescent for ever. She has never expressed an actual positive emotion towards any man ever. She proclaims to "fancy" men and then despises them. Chance meetings forty yeas ago are various "loves of her life". I cannot recall her ever writing a single sentence either expressing love for a man as a person or for any of their attributes (the baker is a quite talented artist... she has never mentioned this ever She claims to love animals but merely collects them for others to care for.
There is a phase that many girls go through when their first real crush is on a 'pop star' who would be considered broadly androgynous (Marc Bolan, say, or early Bowie) then grow through it. Jones is trapped for ever as a Jackie reader who once glimpsed a copy of Just Seventeen, was absolutely horrified and was determined nothing would change.
yeah she never seems to actually enjoy any of her relationships, it is all about her just looking perfect and hairless or whatever. It is very typical of (usually much younger people I have known) with anorexia tbh. Sad that she has never really recovered tbh
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I love that she mentioned tattle by name, I assume (just like with Salk Hughes) she will just drive people here 😂
I came to tattle a few months ago for the Mr & Mrs Markle threads. The tattle mention will backfire on her for sure.
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