Liv Purvis

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I wonder if he went on the press trip when he was meant to have Arlo and that's why Arlo was sad? Liv mentioned that she was sad but also said Arlo needed cheering up.

Since when is Joe invited on press trips anyway? I never took much notice of him when he was with Liv and thought he was mostly a wedding photographer?

He does follow someone called Aimee but her profile is private.
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This is my theory too. Especially as she followed it up with a story about bringing Arlo a cupcake because “I’m a woman of my word”.

The woman in the press trip photo appears to be the one in the kissing story he posted and also commented on one of his latest grid posts. Not sure why Joe is getting press trip invites when he’s a wedding photographer but if he’s bringing a girl along, you’d assume it’s kind of serious between them.

I wonder when they met. I still find it weird that he’s wiped almost all trace of Liv from his IG.
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I do really feel for her. I follow a few threads on here that have gone quite wild after the breakup of a long-term relationship (Carrie Hope Fletcher, now married (?!?!?), Hannah Gale, now trying to force her Tinder boyfriend into becoming a family unit with her young kids) and in comparison Liv is dealing with it in a very mature way.

She seems very committed to Arlo and it can't leave much time for dating. She seems to be having a tough time adjusting, so it must feel like a kick in the teeth that Joe has become semi-serious with someone else already. I wonder if their divorce is even finalised?
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Joe definitely seems like the one who desperately wants to be seen “winning” the divorce, usually by immediately taking up with a younger, “hotter” partner, accelerating how serious it is, forcing them on the kid/s too soon while telling everyone in their orbit “I’ve never been happier!!!”. But meanwhile behind closed doors it’s panic stations and and a creeping coke habit or some other vice to try and stay in denial.

I hope Liv stays the course, takes her time to rebuild herself and doesn’t settle for less than she deserves. It’s a marathon not a sprint. It does seem like she has solid, real friendships and a supportive family and I think that does go a long way.
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It’s wild to me that Joe was invited on a press trip - he’s a nobody with under 10K followers, most of them are probably Liv’s followers as well.
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I know people were saying that Liv was doing it for the attention, but if she didn't put anything and stayed quiet people would question what is up. I see that she is being mature and is processing things. Poor gal
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Joe still follows Liv, so unless he has her on mute he'll have seen her stories. I do sort of wonder if the 'sad Arlo' stories were posted just for him. If it is the case that he let Arlo down to go on this press trip then it must hurt even more that he probably got this invite due to his association with Liv - and now he's bringing his girlfriend along too. Ugh!

Of course it could be that this has nothing to do with Joe, but I can't think of a whole lot of things that would upset Arlo to the extent that Liv is also upset about it. Being let down by his dad fits.
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To me it seems like he might be working for the brand, not there as an influencer but as a photographer. Who knows though.

Thing is, whilst what she’s going through is absolutely shit, what is even more shit is that this is what routinely happens to mums when they split. They sit and watch their partner quickly meet someone else (often younger and child free) and they’re left with the kid almost full time, doing the ‘boring’ bits of parenting - ie midweek parenting and not just turning up at weekends collecting the child for fun activities. And often they’re left with all the damage having a baby has done to your body and self esteem. Whilst they’re partner appears coupled up with someone new.

If that is what’s happened to Liv then thats shit. But she knows and has mentioned how caring her followers are so to drip feed cryptic messages to them seems a little unfair. Either share the full story, wait until you’re ready to talk about it, or don’t share it at all.
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I really think she wants to talk about it but she’s actually reasonable and seems to care about her child having a good relationship with his father. Airing the grimy details of your breakup is not healthy when a child is involved, and I think her caring followers are smart enough to understand…people get it, they don’t need to know everything ( even if we all want to know the details )
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But she’s sharing some of the grimy details by what she posted. We’re only speculating of course but I agree with everyone above about what has probably happened. She’s not stupid, she knows full well what will happen when she posts stuff and she knows that he is more than likely going to find out about it.

I think the chance of trying to have a good relationship with your kids father goes well and truly out the window when you post pass agg cryptic messages to 200k people.
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To me, she's not posting those stories because she wants to share all the details with her followers. She has really never shared all that much with her followers. Liv has always been pretty private (especially compared to some influencers I follow). I think those stories were just for him - to let him know he'd let Arlo down and the kid was upset over it. She called him out pretty publicly IMO (as we're all coming to the same conclusion here and most others will too). As a bonus she gets a ton of engagement from her followers. Whatever her reasons may be for doing this, I do feel for her. It can't be easy to see him with someone else. I'm a bit surprised she's still following him at this point - or at least she was last time I checked.
Reactions: 9
She's very gracious with it all, I think. As someone above said, there are other influencers out there who are very passive aggressive now they've split from their partners, and aren't giving a second thought to what they are posting. Hannah Gale for one, who is very much trying to flaunt her new life online.

Liv is only human. If she's had that tough of a week, she might have just needed to get it out, in the eloquent way that she did. Living your life out online has its perks and its troubles, and this is one of them. Hard to be so open in some aspects but private in others, but I've always thought she balances it well.
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It comes across as exactly this and I find it very depressing. They were together for their entire adult lives and to see him enjoying a sunny press trip with someone else must be painful.

I think she's right to keep things private, especially with a young child involved. She's not shared why they separated in the first place so it would be jarring to suddenly lift the lid on whatever is happening behind the scenes right now. It wouldn't fit with her brand either - she's smart so I'm sure this is part of her thinking too.
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Is nobody else getting massive relationship overlap vibes? It just seems odd that he’s in this super PDA relationship so soon after a divorce. Also not always, but most of the time, there’s a third person involved. Especially in a relationship with a kid. Sometimes that’s the extra push that makes you finally split.

Like others have said, I really feel for her. My last long term relationship before my now partner ended similarly (also teenage sweethearts) and it took me years to get my head right after.
Reactions: 12
I get this vibe big time. Separating so early in their marriage and so soon after the baby, always made me wonder if there was a third person.

Might be nothing but I looked up the woman he was with and she used to manage social media for a vintage business…that follows Liv.
Reactions: 14
When Liv announced the split, I did think it was rather sudden after her 'first family holiday' posts a few of months previously. That said to me that this wasn't a gradual growing apart but that something else had happened to cause the split...

I doubt we'll ever know the full story though.
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Might be nothing but I looked up the woman he was with and she used to manage social media for a vintage business…that follows Liv.
Looks like she was pretty big in the blogging world at one point too (If I have the right person). Her vintage fashion blog was featured in Cosmopolitan, Grazia & Vogue.
Reactions: 3
I wonder this too and also find myself wondering if Joe was a toxic person. I noticed glimmers of rudeness towards Liv in some of her videos, one of them being their lockdown Christmas Day dinner post where she was pregnant and he spoke down to her (I can't actually remember what he said but I remember it being quite sharp and feeling quite shocked at him speaking to her like that, does anyone else remember? I checked her highlights and the dinner is there but not the video of them where he said something)... if he was speaking down to her on camera what might he have been like off camera?

Opining here but I think he might have been jealous of her and her successes. She has done very well - successful blog, Instagram, YouTube, her podcast was #1 in the UK for a while and she has had lots of great collabs, she's written a book, designed jewellery, stationery etc... he graduated in finance/accounts and either didn't try or didn't get a job related to it, but got into photography and even that was largely made possible through Liv. She brought so much more to the table in that regard and maybe he felt emasculated or something.

And when Liv posted about 'Why Did You Stay?' being her book of the year 2022, I thought that said a lot and was maybe a bit of a hint as well?

It's all very sad I'm glad she is surrounded by such good friends and her family but time is always the best healer.
Reactions: 18
I had a glance at his insta and the thing that struck me the most was the one when their son was born. Liv and Arlo stayed in hospital and he wrote that his two hour visits were keeping him going and I was like….keep YOU going? Nothing about his wife. Or even son. It was about him! Red flag for sure.
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Does anyone find it ridiculous and cringey when influencers re-post all the birthday stories their friends post? Like if you went over to a mates house for their birthday and they forced you to read all the cards they’d received. We get it, you’re popular

I assume it’s a flex to show she’s ok not being in a relationship as she turns 30 but if anything it shouts insecurity.
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