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Being called guys in restaurants. We were four women and were asked "Everything ok with you guys?" Just " Is everything ok?" is sufficient. So Americanized.
Someone called me "dude" on here the other day.

Talking about Americanised my mum got a telling off from her dad for using American speech as the norm. Guess what she had said...


So your "is everything OK" would have had my grandad fuming 🤣

I hate it when kids talk in what I call a youtube voice not only that but seem to do everything in a way that suggest they are being filmed or viewed
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1001 others

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When you visit a website and accept the cookies, only for more banners to pop up ... not just 'showcases' but prompts to sign up to their newsletter (among other things), and/or a little box in the bottom right hand corner with a video ... and then when you get rid of all that stuff, the HUGE banner from the top keeps expanding so you can't see what you're trying to read ... ugh!
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When I visit the paint store and tell the person serving that I'm hearing impaired so they'll need to shout - only for them to offer me a wheelchair! It's happened twice at this same store now (with different people serving).
I guess they are the ones with hearing problems.
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Doing a search on FB to find a post that you wrote 13 years...and as a now 41 year old, realise that I was in my 20's (albeit late 20s) when I wrote it :oops:

Goes along the lines of...

'(Insert name) is tryna find out wot X factor contestant will win.'

Find that delete button NOW! The very thought that somebody else has seen this post sends shivers down my spine!

In fact FB should automatically archive ALL material from, say, 5 years ago.

In addition, I wrote a comment to a business about a problem I was having and if they can PM me. Next minute I get my friends messaging me asking what the problem was.
Why can't I write a comment on a business page without all my friends seeing?! Pisses me off!
Oh my goodness yes! All my posts from 11/12 years ago are to do with X factor or “feeling tired tonight going to go to bed with a cup of tea me thinks” 🤮 I use to wonder why people unfriended me, now I judge those who didn’t.
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Whenever anything else is reported on at the moment - especially of a fun or happy nature - people stop to comment on how articles shouldn't be allowed at times like this.

I'm as worried as the next person about the Russian-Ukraine tension, but wars are happening all the time and it's not as if the average person can do much about it.

Finding or making time to read about something not war related does not mean you don't care about what else is happening, so stop telling people what to do or how to think!
I dip into the Ukraine thread a few times a day and people are scared to death but still watching the news 24.7 as they feel it's disrespectful not to. WTF How does anyone being scared to death but still watching fear-based news help anyone, least of all those in Ukraine? Then in the next post, they want to ride the president's bones I cant get my head around it.
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Itchy nipples.

There is no way to scratch them without either looking like a twat rubbing it with your forearm, or feeling like you'll rip a nipple off with your nail
Or knickers riding up your crack in the busiest of places. I'm sure the other people in the chilled aisle of Tesco, dont mind me de-wedging before I pick up my meat.
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watermelon sugar

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People who make every single thing about themselves. Also people that constantly portray themselves as the victim when they are far from it
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People who don't indicate left when you're waiting to get out of a junction. Happend to me tonight , didn't indicate until he started turning corner! 😡then cars came in the other direction, if he indicated earlier I wouldn't have had to wait
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Ruby’s mum

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I spent almost three hours yesterday going through the thousands of photos on my phone, highlighting the ones I wanted to put into a file for possibly printing out later. I was down to the last couple of hundred when my phone died before I had clicked add to file and I lost the lot. Need to do it all again 😡
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House of Tea

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I dip into the Ukraine thread a few times a day and people are scared to death but still watching the news 24.7 as they feel it's disrespectful not to. WTF How does anyone being scared to death but still watching fear-based news help anyone, least of all those in Ukraine? Then in the next post, they want to ride the president's bones I cant get my head around it.
I learned my lesson with covid doom scrolling. It cause major insomnia and anxiety for me. I can’t control or change Ukraine or could I covid, so apart from just flicking over the headlines, I bury my head in the sand. At times like these I keep my world small.
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Bluetooth headphones/earbuds disconnecting for no reason and then refusing to pair, or even be seen/detected, by whatever they were paired with, FFS.
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Family who rock up at 6pm on a Sunday when you’re clearing up from dinner and several kids to get ready for bed ,two of which are babies and go to bed at 7.
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Piff paff puff

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When i park in a massive car park and deliberately park where there is loads of spaces so i can easily access car seats and pushchair and then some fucking twat comes and parks right next to me when there is literally 20 other places to park right there.

this was even more annoying when i was pregnant and had to be able to fully open my door so i can squeeze in.

one time i was 9 months pregnant some poor guy saw i couldn’t get in and he had to reverse my car for me so i can get in.

this applies to places where I obviously can’t find space in a parent/child bay.
Cars have got bigger, parking spaces have got smaller, councils have got richer 😕
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People who feel the need to comment under a comedians video on Facebook with ‘just not funny’, ‘is this supposed to make me laugh’ etc. Do you know what? We don’t all find the same things funny. Crazy, I know. And there is no need to announce that to the world, absolutely no need.
It’s a bit like “I’m just real and honest” when people feel the need to voice their opinions that are just absolutely unnecessary and uncalled for but justified because they’re “real and honest people”. No, you’re a cunt.
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