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Wow she does look thoroughly fed up. Somehow I just don't see her going back to little mix any time soon.
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I’m actually sick of her already. I thought by leaving LM she’d take the time to sort her head out and stay away from the spotlight and I was really rooting for her but literally nothing has changed. I can’t have sympathy for someone who constantly cries about her insecurities and the effects of social media but continues to feed off it
Me too! I am sick of her bleating on about her issues and being judged on her looks and then the next minute she’s all over socials with her chebs out.

I did feel sorry for her when I saw the documentary but now I am just not so sure about her
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Active member
I think if she had left, they would have just said it by now?

I would imagine she is ill in hospital, getting treatment in rehab or has had something bad happen to her (like pregnancy loss) and needs some time off to rest and recover.
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They’re super talented but Jesy has too many insecurities to handle the pressure. It must be draining for her and the others.
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Chatty Member
Maybe lock down gave her time to reflect and realise she wants/needs a break from it all.....
That's probably what happened.

Re-posting this bit from a recent interview because it's rather telling:

Q: You sing about being happy in Happiness. Are you happy?
A: Jesy:
No, not really. I was happy when the world went into Lockdown. It was a pause from all the hectic things. Finally,we could do nothing for days.
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It didn't take long for cracks to show. I can imagine management told her to get it together and sort herself out etc instead of taking her illness more seriously. The rest of the girls were probably more supportive but secretly felt dragged down by all the Jesy drama in a industry that's hard enough when you don't have problems.
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Chatty Member
I jumped over here from another thread to try and get the gossip. On another thread it was said that it was going round on Twitter that she’d overdosed and is now in rehab.
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The Devils Arse

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This sounds dreadful and I really hope it is not the case, but maybe she was so unwell initially they were not sure if she was going to pull through, hence a statement not being released until a few days later. Normally the management release statements fairly early on to try and quell any rumours.

I really hope she is ok, mental health is a bitch.
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Chatty Member
What I think is weird is that she seems to blame being in the band for being the root of her problems. I do think she intends to stay in the public eye in some form; she’s asked fans to continue along with her on her journey. She doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. It’s all very awkward.

I wonder what it is about being in the band specifically that she thinks is the issue, because I’m sure she will just run into those same problems time and time again as long as she’s in the spotlight. The media, her self image, being compared to other women - those are issues faced by any celeb.

The sad thing is I think LM were kind of at the golden hour of their careers - well established and with plenty of accomplishments behind them. They just seemed to have plenty going for them and lots of options going forward. Leaving the band if anything has just fixed the spotlight harder on Jesy and created more pressure as people are watching her more closely now.
I agree completely!

I hate that she's being celebrated as some kind of 'hero' for prioritizing her mental health but right now it looks like she has no intentions of leaving the show business and only left the band because she wanted to do something differently career-wise.
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I dont think hospital, the girls seemed way too happy performing at the ema’s, they cant be that great at putting an act on.

definitely think its rehab with no access to phone etc...
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Active member
Great post. Manufactured bands appear to have maximum shelf life of 10 years
Thanks. I posted it with a degree of annoyance as I know how hard our band has had to work, and also sadness as I also know how fun being in a band can be.

There is a culture of short-termism currently, which means you pause for breath, you lose the public's attention, and to keep people's attention these days, you have to literally haunt their fucking dreams every night. I don't think it's a case of "demand and supply" as in "the public are asking for this, so we'll give them it", it's more that via numerous mediums, the public are being groomed to see that as the norm.

Radio 1 is a perfect example of grooming their audience. If you listen carefully to the dialogue, it's discretely laced with comments suggesting people over 25 are "old", and that music is for young people which YOU are. A manufactured band only has to have a line in a song that mentions "and you're only 17", and it's a hit. It's clever, granted, but not invisible to a trained eye.

Back to Jesy: I just think she was the first to break, and they'll all break, in one way or another. It's just a question of how and when.
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VIP Member
Bless her. This all appears to point to a suicide attempt or perhaps she’s sectioned. I hope she gets better soon whatever it is. Such a beautiful girl and so talented , she just can’t see it.
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Chatty Member
Now I’ve seen the photo, and it doesn’t really scream “I need some downtime.”

The same pose, makeup, clothing and facetuning as previous photos.

A good observation made above that it’s more likely that she doesn’t want to be compared to the other three girls.
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VIP Member
I find it strange that nothing at all has been posted about her, how she is, where she is etc. I would of thought someone would of posted on her behalf this week!
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I remember I was shocked that the members of S Club 7 only made 500 grand each, considering how huge they were at the time, that's not alot, the music execs were definitely the big winners out of them. I am sure little mix have done better financially but the big winners are the invisible music execs.
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I agree something must have happened for it to be so sudden because if she simply just wanted a break I’m sure she would have had to finish the little mix search show due to contractual agreements seeing as it was only one more episode and the fact that she’s been allowed to miss it, it must of been something sudden
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VIP Member
She will start doing more interviews etc soon and the remaining three will be painted into being the bad guys here.
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There will be a PR Team behind her now ready to absolutely fucking rinse the "bullied" narrative for everything it has. Suicide attempts will be part of the "secret pain and anguish you never knew about Jesy", and that could quite well be the opening gambit. She'll possibly try to claw her way back with a couple of collaborations, and you might see her on some panel shows/I'm a Celebrity. We need to see her tears if we're to reinvest in her. Otherwise, she'll be "the ex-singer who used to look like Carol Vorderman".
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