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Chatty Member
Yeah I agree with previous comments, she really needs to move more. She’s also small so her weight is way more noticeable.
I feel she’s full of excuses - can’t bring girls out as they still have a cold.

She can , wrap them up well and off ya go. Or if she really wanted to get out - ask mammy to watch them while they napped and go for a 30mins walk. But the problem is Lisa would rather go back to bed too when they nap. If she walked even half an hour a day she would feel the benefits and for the twins. Poor girls , you could prob count on one hand the amount of times they’ve been out of that house.
I couldn’t believe it when she was saying about not taking them out for even a quick walk because of their colds. The fresh air will do them the world of good!! It’s a good job she bought a second hand pram as it’s barely been used!
Also it was very telling when she was talking about getting the saline machine that she said they keep her awake with their blocked noses- it’s not about them- it’s about her sleep!!
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She’s getting the word out early that she needs new seats at some stage. Maybe she’ll do a go fund me because she’s a single moooom and all.
Love she won’t compromise on safety. The children are in the seats for maybe one/two trips a week yet get fed from a choking hazard numerous times a day.
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This one is the absolute laziest bitch going..... 10 weeks or so, shes had those nails on, they are minging🤮 Shes sitting down every night after 7pm when the twins are asleep, she could easly remove them while shes watching tv..... shes actually so lazy, much easier to get someone else to do it, story of LAZY LISA'S life really! Maybe de mudder will do them for her if she waits a bit longer🙄


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She really sounds like she’s in denial about being depressed to be honest….if she listened back to herself would she realises there’s a few red flags sticking up.
The lip smacking she does in those stories actually made me want to throw my phone out the window!! 🤯
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Christ the story about going to the shop was endless.
making it out like its a piece of piss to get out with one baby! i have a 6week old here, first child and im seriously overwhelmed and have zero help because everyones keeping their distance with covid. Ive made myself go to dunnes and everytimenim ok for 10/15minutes then i start sweatin and panicking because shes mooching!
lisa going on made me feel like a twat for feeling that way because as she kept saying “I have two babies!”
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Ah please stop, she’s definitely trying to be like Julie… doesn’t need a man and all that shite…. Like there’s no sign on the box that says * recommended to be built by a man”…

She only half raging she has no dead beat baby daddy to give out about..

Also Lisa love, your babies do not need their next stage car seats…my first who was over 75th percentile in weight and height lasted in her maxi Cosi Cabriofix until she was almost 2!!
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Chatty Member
making it out like its a piece of piss to get out with one baby! i have a 6week old here, first child and im seriously overwhelmed and have zero help because everyones keeping their distance with covid. Ive made myself go to dunnes and everytimenim ok for 10/15minutes then i start sweatin and panicking because shes mooching!
lisa going on made me feel like a twat for feeling that way because as she kept saying “I have two babies!”

It's all about practice. The more you get out the more it becomes normal. Your feelings are totally valid and I think every mum has them.

I work with a lady who had a single baby first - night mare experience her baby had colic, reflux and screamed and puked for the first 2 years of life.
She had twins after. 'Easy' babies who picked a routine and were very calm. She has said many times that she'd have the twins over and over again. Found it much easier than her one baby (the twins are 19 now!) She shivers when she talks about how things were with her first baby 🙈

It really depends on your babies temperament.
Lisa's an eejit with the world of help and two babies she feeds into submission.
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Why does the price of how much she 'spent' to get her girls matter ? I'm currently £14,500 into my IVF treatments. But if I'm ever lucky enough to have my baby I wouldn't give a second thought to how much they 'cost' cos it's priceless

Why does she feel the need to almost brag how much they cost her. And that fucking photo 🙈
This! I think people forget that solo mums by choice may not have fertility issues so would most likely have a better success rate than struggling couples. Couples who probably spend more than 12000. I'm a solo mum, and not one person has asked me how much it cost Nor have I ever volunteered that information. Its irrelevant when the heart wants what it wants. I would NEVER sell my story to instagram, rsvp or anyone else. My story belongs to me and my daughter.
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Does anybody follow Gina from the daly dish? She was on there earlier tellin a story and her little fella in her arms asleep so happy and content. She put a video up durin the week of tickling him and he was so excited. Compared to the video Lisa put up, I feel sad for Lisa’s two girls.
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Tell me she’s not weaning them 😐😐😐😐
Shes weaning them cause she doesn’t want to be ate by the big one 😆 it’s a bloody disgrace what she’s doing.. I don’t know what she bothered her Barney ordering a cook book, it will be jars pouches and ready made meals all the way
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When safety (saftey) instructions are required and they have 5 'do nots', does that that not ring alarm bells already?
Also now that I see a nice close up shot of the product... laziness springs to mind?? It actually looks extremely uncomfortable and I'm stressed on the child's behalf.
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Chatty Member
The single mom hardly time for a shower shite is wearing very thin. Weren't you out shopping 'on a break' the other day. Hardly glued to the house now are ya.
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Trying to get a collab with Sineads curvy style by the looks of it for shapewear for the wedding 🙈 And the half arsed attempt at the go fund me for that poor girl I follow her story it’s horrific. I couldn’t listen to this wan all day she irritates me so much, ok Lisa you went to Aldi without the babies what’s the big deal 🙈 that story went on and on Christ above.
Omg she’s fucking shameless….tagging everyone in the hopes she won’t have to put her hand into the purse, she was no more recommended that shapewear than I’m married to a millionaire!!! Fuck off Lisa, you’re taking begging to a whole new level!!
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No matter how you feed your baby(ies)…formula or Brest milk….the feeding itself is such an important way to bond!
I could never breastfeed but with feeding my daughter a bottle, I held her close and got all those cuddles.
My best friend had twins and it would be one fed after the other, or both at the same time if there was more than one person around.
Lisa has other people in that house, she’s far from a ‘solo mom’
Does no one else in that family give a shit that this is dangerous and that Lisa’s bond with her children is so detached?! 😫
I think even if her family were concerned, Lisa is very adamant in her own beliefs.
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She is the worst “instagrammer” I have ever seen. Her voice, presentation… EVERYTHING!!! Nails are absolutely disgusting too!
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Don’t think there’s a rift, I just think her sister wants privacy now that Lisa’s page has 25k+ eyes. I wouldn’t want my sister broadcasting my information, face or kids to that many random people either.
i personally think it’s more the attention Lisa is getting. Like alot of negative comments ( & rightly so she’s hardly mum of the year) so I think her sister don’t want her children open to comments or being viewed as she always used to share her nieces etc
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