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I don’t watch the show so I wonder last week did they look for people to join them on the show for financial advice and she emailed in! did she think it would be more promoting herself, surely she knew what she was going up for?!
She'll have up on her sleep training website "as seen on the Today Show"
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Lisa has just paid USD6,000 to learn how to put her own children sleep. She also has to pay USD1,000 in her second year to keep her accredation..

I'm setting up a rival sleep training accredation "Sleepy sleepy snoozy snooze Masters" for a limited time offer of 5,000 euro and 500 euro a year on-going. Course includes the best selling amazon audiobook (worth over 11,500 euro) about sleep training and upon completion a cert for you to frame. Rigorous application process includes correctly typing in your credit card numbers. It's also advised that you have a mentor ideally your mother available for 24hr access should you have any questions or get overwhelmed.

Offer ends 23:59 tonight. Any takers?
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She CHOSE to transfer 2 embryos with a 60% chance of them being twins if the embryos took. I have no sympathy for her moaning chats because people have the right to choose to become a mom, a dad etc. people choose to be a single mom but they are also then responsible singley going forward. And that’s fine with 99% of people who are adult enough to make a choice to get pregnant and then raise a child. She loves to remind us she’s a single mom and that she has twins so automatically she must have it harder than me with my one child and my husband. Peoples partners work, not everyone has a spare person at home to call on for help! Her poor mother Jesus Christ
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Make it worth my while 😂😂 fuck off lisa I can’t afford to do a weeks shop this week like most people and this one wants us to fund her lifestyle to sit on her big hole all day doing nothing
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Well-known member
These things are a load of shite! I’m sorry but they make victims out of vulnerable mums who are sleep deprived and will pay anything for a good nights sleep and now they’re making victims out of mums who want the opportunity to work and be home for their children.

I actually used a sleep coach once (yep! I was one of those Mammys!) and honestly it was garbage. Not to mention that the woman sent me through a friggin essay to read which I couldn’t have wrapped my head around even if I’d had a good nights sleep. It’s all smoke and mirrors and bullshit. Some babies aren’t good sleepers and there’s no tips that these snake oil sellers are giving that you won’t find asking your Mammy friends or on some of the Mum and baby sites online. Save your money and ask a family member to come and help one night and buy them a takeaway and a bottle of wine for their troubles.
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Listen to how organised she’s getting herself tonight in preparation for the morning but she couldn’t manage it before going back to work 🙄
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Someone asked about presents for the kids and she mentioned a voucher for their high chair or shoes? That’s not a present for the child. That’s the mother abusing the goodness of the godparents. Let them buy toys
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She's an overgrown baby herself. Just take them both into bed with you Lisa! . What's this over and back shit. I often slept with both twins in the bed with me if they were sick or crsnky, anything to get rest. Waking my mother wasn't an option, cos surprisingly she didn't live with me!!
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To my shame I paid around €200! It was a consultant in England who one of the instahuns was touting at the time 🫣 my package included a big plan (which felt generic!) a phone call and then a certain amount of minutes time on WhatsApp messenger (they would keep track of how many minutes I’d used) to be honest I lost my head with it after trying a couple of techniques. They said they didn’t advocate controlled crying yet said to avoid any interaction with a baby who was crying, ie no rocking, cuddles, singing, etc….

In hindsight I should have paid that money for a housekeeper and asked my sister and friends to come round of an evening so I could shower and rest a little before the late night started.
How can anyone charge that kind of money to tell someone to avoid cuddles & rocking. I’m sure anyone that hopes & dreams of being a parent some day automatically thinks of baby cuddles, curled up in a rocking chair for part of their day, that was my vision of being a mum anyway & man did we spend a lot of time in that chair, weak with exhaustion but I wouldn’t change a second of it. We got through it, it took a long time but it’s all a distant memory now & we have 2 pretty good sleepers unless something is wrong. I miss those cuddles so much. I still love when my big lump of a11yo asks can he hop into my bed for a while before he goes to sleep or in the morning if he wakes up chilly & my 3yo still wanders into our room a few nights every week, it’s not the whole night so we don’t mind one bit. I know those nights will be less & less as time goes on, this time last year it was every night & from much earlier in the night. They all adjust themselves over time.
I think using the money on help around the home is far better. Even a quick blitz on the house once a week & fresh sheets on the beds.
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Instead of sitting around on her phone all day chatting to a bunch of strangers wouldn’t it be lovely to see her do a shout out & ask if anyone is nearby & would like to meet up one or 2 mornings a week with their kids. I get not going to toddler groups so I’ve never judged her for that etc they’re my idea of hell being honest but it’s nice to reach out to a mam or 2 & get together in playcentres & parks & maybe she could form a couple of good friendships along the way. I know she gets out the odd occasion but the majority of time she’s on her own talking into her phone for company. The girls are a perfect age for soft play now as they’re so mobile, all she needs to do is sit herself just outside the baby area & leave them to it.
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Wtf with the videos of her big Crubeens…

Did she get offered money from those weirdos that message you to post feet pics?! 🤣🤣
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Chatty Member
Don’t say that or Lisa will start thawing out the last embryo
Some babies are born out of a drunken fumble, sometimes a pill gets forgotten, sometimes it’s out of pure jealousy that your sister had a baby 🤷‍♀️
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She’s a stupid c.u.n.t. she’s actually advertising herself as a soon to be sleep coach and she runs to mama 😂🤣 laughable Lisa 😂🤣😂🤣😂
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I really wonder about these gushing posts. I know it's her page and she can put up what she wants but the" I hope ye will always know how beautiful and loved ye are" just irk me. We all love our children and they will know if we tell them. She's not herself at all. I'd say she's a little depressed actually.
I would say the RTE segment has been egg on her face: she was all About it the day before and now not even a mention. It obviously didn’t go the way she had hoped. Three weeks ago she put up a poor me post about how down she was feeling about herself. Probably got loads of sympathy messages. Then she announces she’s on RTE and it was a mess, she looked a mess and came across as a
Mess. Back to the poor me posts and then her latest post about the girls- “I hope ye know how much ye are loved”. Ur children are one
Year olds, they don’t have Instagram. Tell them to their faces, Get off the couch and play with them,
Get off the couch and go for a walk with them. Snuggles them. Cuddle them. Stop going off for drives when motherhood gets too much for you. She’s well Able to be brash when she wants “ I never said I wason a weight loss Journey” That’s just a rude comeback. She could have politely said my healthy eating hasn’t gone exactly how ive
Planned or being nicer about it but when Lisa doesn’t like a question she’s rude about it or won’t answer! She’s well able to give out about other people parking skills or questions people allegedly ask about “dada”!
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Imagine her mam trying to have a friend in for tea & her adult daughter is slobbing around while her kids run riot. I’d say she can barely enjoy her own home these days. She’s out a lot
Her house is no longer her own, you’d fear bringing anyone in incase the paddling pool is up in the living room for the twinnies again with Lisa reclining diddies loose in the friends nightie acting as lifeguard
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