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What...? This woman is so dull that she's in awe of the "beauty" of the radiator. OK. Looks pretty standard to me but the fact that it's black probably makes it look super premium in Lily's dim mind.

View attachment 332265
Knowing Lily she probably only washes her towels once or twice a year, so she probably forgot how it looked like under a pile of dirty towels.
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SE London has lovely places and is so green but can be shit to commute to certain places
“Desperation to keep a toddler entertained” - this is something a young inexperienced auntie in her early twenties would say when looking after her niece for 2 days for the first time. In my experience (not a mother but have two nieces) toddlers are fairly easily entertained with some of the most basic things, as long as they can find something stimulating as they are at the point of discovering things, different shapes, sounds etc. An empty box, scrunched up newspapers, or pots and pans can be a great source of play. How is she going to have two children, and more importantly why?View attachment 327002
Forgot to mention that we are still in a national lockdown. Why are the three of them all going to B&Q to pick up cable ties? Does she not realise there are people who much more need to be able to get necessary building supplies without tripping over her toddler while most shops struggle to allow enough space for social distancing? Why is it necessary for her and Grey to be there?
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Ok, whose listened to the podcast and taken one for the team this week? I really want to know what they have to say about relationships!
I’m not listening to it because I’m a *pretentious podcast listener who only listens to ones about economics, business, true crime and current events*, but to do an entire podcast about relationships when, between the two of you you’ve had a total of 2 long term intimate relationships is the most disingenuous bullshit ever. At least bring on a guest who’s been in multiple or isn’t yet married. They’re parents aren’t divorced, they’ve never moved away from their families or friends. What sorts of relationships insight would they have to offer?!

ETA: they have awkward entitled white girl syndrome. Same with Lizzy and Lindsey.
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Am I tight or what. I rarely splash 15 pound for a plastic tray. I kept those locitance Xmas box which is always sturdy and good quality and used it for organizer, or old biscuit tin.
Not tight, just savvy and practical and not adding to the ridiculous consumer driven landfill
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I also hate when she says 'work days' and 'mum days' am I the only one ? I'm a mum every day!
If I didn't know any better, I might assume that she and Rich were separated based on the expressions she uses. She keeps saying she's having a "Grey day" or that "Rich has her today" and they rarely do any activities as the whole family.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that they share the responsibilities and that they can both work without having to entertain a toddler at the same time. I just think it's odd that she has compartmentalized motherhood like this.
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It’s not even that cold in London today? Fucks sake Lily. Tights under trousers. And then socks. Long sleeve vest that goes over nappy so no draught up the back. Jumper over, maybe even two or a hoody. Splash suit all in one over it all. Hat and boots. And having been out in London today she would have been fucking boiling in all that.

Does this woman just enjoy showing herself off to be an incompetent fool? How can she be desperate to find ways to keep her child warm? What on earth?!

Also isn’t Grey 18 months old? How long could they have been out for? No longer than an hour at the park surely?
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I'm a long time lurker but I had to make an account for this: she's liking loads and loads of supportive and suck up ish comments on her new video to bury the ones telling her she's completely messed up her downstairs.
Her style is such a mess.
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So she did a boring ‘What I Wore in a Day’ video today which only means one thing the big downstairs cupboard reveal will mostly likely happen in next weeks video the same day Anna officially reveals her new house 🙄. What a coincidence 🙄.

Also the Peloton is in the office but Rich still doesn’t have a desk of his own.

Anna reveals a new house. Lily reveals....a cupboard! Lol!

I'm guessing the Peloton is still on trial, but wouldn't it be nice if Lily had splashed the cash and bought it for Rich for his birthday.
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That jumpers reel really was shocking. Was she trying to sell those jumpers and inspire women on jumper ideas? They looked awful! So baggy (not just oversized, really shapeless and drab) combined with her looking scruffy and unkept, the lighting and angle also was doh g her no favours. You can get away with a baggy creased jumper if your hair, make-up and accessories are on point. I wouldn’t think badly of your average girl for presenting herself like this, but Lily is an influencer specialising in fashion, beauty and lifestyle!!
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I use left over ice cream tubs to house my kids art supplies - they end up getting wrecked anyway and if they are hidden in cupboards no one is going to see them anyway?
but nobody told her she could use tubs like that?!?
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because uni, engaged, married, flat, house, baby 1, baby 2...
Lily 'I am not like other women' Pebbles is doing everything so much by the book it hurts.

I too get pregnancy or at least actively trying vibes. It's the way she talks about 'multiple children' as if it's already a done deal. She did that during the reno and found out she was pregnant on moving day.
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I’m sorry, but my immediate thought when she chats rubbish about needing so many “storage solutions” is, “If you need to buy THIS many crates/cupboards/silly little compartmentalisers, you have too much stuff.”

Honestly, why doesn’t she just declutter, then she wouldn’t need to bore us all with her vegetable crates? They ARE vegetable crates, Lily. You can see them in the supermarket.
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What’s the point of that reel? Creased jumpers aren’t reel worthy but I guess nobody told her because she’s a full time London mum!
I swear I will puke if I see yet another influencer repeating those idiotic poses. FFS, this fake smiling, looking down and wiggling from side to side is driving me nuts.
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Who gets up in the morning and thinks, “I know. Today I’m going to wear every single jumper I own and make a video out of it”

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That reel is truly terrible. She comes out, fake smiles, looks at ground, shuffles hair, then waddles back into the wardrobe with all the grace and posture of the penguin in a batman movie.
Seriously lily have a word with yourself
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I’m not in the UK. Is it perhaps ironic because lockdown rules have been relaxed and she’s stayed home regardless?
If your interpretation is what Lily meant to say (which I suspect it is), she should have said:

“Even though lockdown restrictions have eased, I stayed home because...”

She’s has a really hard time expressing herself clearly and concisely in writing, even though she’s a blogger and her career began by writing a blog. NOW THAT’S IRONIC, LILY!
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