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Firstly, she needs to stop saying “gate keeper” she’s literally the only person I know that uses that phrase and it’s so annoying.

Ive always listened to lots of different genres of music and have been to festivals/gigs just wearing whatever I want. I haven’t ever felt judged or made to feel uncomfortable by other people for what I’m wearing. She clearly has way too much time on her hands if that’s what constantly bothers her..
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She thinks wearing dr martens and not having a problem breaking them in is a personality trait. But then did that weird tiktok/reel slagging people off who say they don’t have trouble breaking in their docs?

Yet she says it every time someone asks. Very odd child she is.
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Still using all the gen z/tiktok phrases she can all the time. Just accept you’re not 19 anymore, it’s unsettling. She’s so ‘pick me’ with the “I’m not like other girls, I like wrestling and 2000’s emo 🤘” zzzzz
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She said in a story the other day her resolution was to take more photos as her 2022 camera roll is pretty much all of her standing in front of the mirror. She’s supposed to be a creative person - imagine actually being *that* boring and self obsessed that your only memories from an entire year are of your Sinclair wearing selfies :sleep:
New Year’s resolution going well then. The content is becoming even more boring… if that’s possible.

Lily, if you’re reading this and are being held hostage in a scruffy bedroom, wear a red t shirt in your next video and we’ll send help.
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Because she keeps so much of her life private, which is fair enough it’s her choice, it’s like she’s having to cultivate more of an interesting personality by exaggerating/lying about stuff.

she also hasn’t mentioned her various illnesses and pencil phobia (?) in a while.
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I just had to check her IG stories about MO. Fuck me, she’s such a ‘I’m a bigger fan than you, look at me, I’ve loved them for sooo long’ moron. Absolutely insufferable. V glad it turns out I was nowhere near her last night. Don’t need to be near those ~vibes
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Errr what’s her beef with Neck Deep? 😂.

Good she’s becoming even more insufferable as she gets older.
Does she realise a lot of people who go to download are older than her? Lmao. Or younger than her?
why should they pick a random age and go “yes let’s base the whole festival around this one age group” I think that’s literally the most millennial thing she’s ever said 🤦‍♀️.

“keeping their core of classic rock metal fans happy” - sorry but you’re the same fucking person who tries to come across as a “metal” fan 😂.

She just chats a whole lot of nothing and she’s always got such a air or arrogance to her tone and the way she says things too.
she’s become very easy to dislike.
You're absolutely right, becoming more insufferable and more reminiscent of a teenager the older she gets.

I don't get what she keeps going on about with festival line ups. People who were teens in the 90's will have noticed the 00's booked different bands and genres and equally moaned about it. It's not a big deal either way, either go if you like the line up or don't!

All the gigs I've ever been to (rock/metal/pop punk/alt genres I mean) have a huge mix of age groups from middle aged people and above down to teens. Just because you were peak student years at the time of a bands peak era/releasing their best work/playing "back rooms" doesn't mean you're the most important fan, Lily :rolleyes:

My 3 year old is starting to enjoy Green Day and Blink-182.... maybe I should remind her that I was the one there back in the day NOT her so she can't be as big an OG fan as me LOLZ
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isn’t “black tie” dress code supposed to be, I don’t know… a little more sophisticated? 🤨 so confused by her picks, they either look like beach wear or drinks with the gals?
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She's insufferable. Why is she making out like it's so hard to be a woman and be into alternative music (not even niche stuff, the biggest bands in the world). At a teenager I wore band merchandise all the time. Went to rock clubs. Went to gigs. Still do a lot of the latter. Nobody has ever questioned my love for the band or suggested I'm not a real fan.

She's got a real chip on her shoulder about something.
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THIS. I read indie "sleaze" and spit my coffee out. Is that a genuine phrase? I just remember it being indie. And they were took the piss out of even then... Remember this

That girl's an Indie Cindy,
Lego haircut and polka-dot dress,
I don't care if she thinks she's indie,
How she's different is anyone's guess.

(no shade there I was a part of this time LOL) but Lily Melrose springs to mind when I hear this song.

Referring to herself as ICONIC or an icon oh my gawd... I'm triggered. The caption apologising for you all ruining your hair with ombré because of her... I'm triggered. You weren't that big Lily. You still aren't. You'd be so much more likeable if you stopped acting like such a try-hard

I LOVE passionate people and think it's awesome if you still totally dig and rave about music from your youth. It's the fact she still to this day makes out she's the only one that irritates me so damn muchhhhh
Also, can we just establish that the ‘Indie’ look started WAAAAAY before Lily was even old enough to post online. I remember being ‘Indie’ back in 2004 when I was at college and we all dressed that way then. Listened to The Strokes, Liberines, White Stripes, etc.

She’s such a fucking moron 😂😂😂
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It all comes across to me as the lady doth protest too much

I agree with all the last comments. Always worn whatever I want a long time lover of alt/rock/metal music and never felt any need to fit in. Eg - I have no tattoos and don’t feel the need, have never dyed my hair black or scene colours like they did back in the day, only have a few piercings….no one has ever made me feel stupid for wearing a band tee, mainstream or otherwise even though I look like a totally normal bird and no one would know by looking at me that mental screamy shouty music actually calms me LOL

I think people are probably questioning you Lily because this new you has literally come from nowhere and it’s the first we’ve EVER heard of you liking Iron Maiden and being so loud about being alt all of a sudden LOL
Agree with all of this!
I've always listened to rock/metal and can honestly say in all my years of being an adult and going to gigs and festivals that the community is the most open minded and friendliest... Maybe I have got lucky but I've never turned up anywhere and felt judged for what I'm wearing, whether that be back in the days where I'd go all out in all the merch or more recently where I've turned up in whatever is comfiest?!
The only time I've found GatEkEePinG a thing is when we were teens and we were all either emos, chavs, scene kids, greebos but the key word there is Teens ...... No one lily's age gives a shit about gatekeeping, I'm guessing she got one odd comment from a man child about iron maiden and she's having a meltdown over it 🤧
If anyone gatekeeps it's her..... No one likes wrestling as much as lily, no one likes wearing black in summer as much as lily, no one likes 00s pop punk as much as lily blah blah blah
It's boring and embarrassing
Also so funny how she loves to mention how long she's been an emo for but one look back at her blog outs her as indie 😂
If she didn't care so much about making this point then no one else would but... She does soooo
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I'm the same age as Lily and I also live in SW London. I bought a flat last year (help to buy + family help + two decent salaries so not exactly a 4 bed victorian terrace sitch), I'm engaged but not having kids. Most of my friends in London live with 1 friend or a partner or alone (albeit in tiny flats), not really in the house shares of our 20s. It is quite unclear what the actual set up is though since she shares NOTHING. She could have a cool flat with 1 or 2 friends and be living the dream but we don't see beyond that bloody jewellery stand she must be on 100% commission for. I just imagine her barricaded in a dark bedroom with a wall of doc martens boxes blocking her exit. Unless it's for wrestling.
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Wow Lily really is a fashion revolution with her autumn style tips to… ✨add a jumper over a dress✨

I would have never have thought of this, so crazy yet so genius. Thank you for this absolute game changer Lily!!
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Apparently her tattoo is always on show...... Well it isn't lily is it I think there are roughly 7537358383 other girls on insta with more visible tattoos than you
I reckon she deffo now thinks she’s an expert in tattoos and that she’s starting a new trend
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Really goes to show how much repetition, posturing and editing is done just to make a short clip seem quirky, casual and off-the-cuff.
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