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I find it cringe because it's said with an air of "not like other girls", she's made a lot of comments over the years implying her audience aren't into wrestling as if she's such a unique flower for enjoying wrestling and looking good but she doesn't really ever talk about wrestling in a way that the audience can really respond to (iirc she did one video once about a particular event - I think it was wrestlemania predictions which actually did get some engagement?)
She's clearly quite gate keepy and it shows, like how desperate she always was to appear more of a true fan of game of thrones than anyone else (funny she never mentioned it prior to the TV show becoming big though?).
Something I always thought made Lily a good influencer is that she was quite good at judging the next big thing just as it was happening and being able to give off the illusion that she'd been into it the whole time but it makes her quite off putting as a person because she's just a bandwagonner herself but tries to pretend she's not.
I also find her very gatekeeper-y; like the girl at school who thought she discovered little known bands. Very much “I liked them before they were cool” vibes.
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You have to understand guys... lily doesn’t want to interact with us plebs, she just wants to use us to make money.
Back in the OG blogger days she was one of the first people I followed and got influenced by. I liked her YouTube but think in the last year her attitude is utterly disgraceful.
She basically saying she won’t do YouTube etc cos she doesn’t like it, she shows nothing but herself in her room, trying clothes on again and again and again. Add in the odd ‘oh look what I got for free’... haul, haul, haul. Her content is shit.
totally agree with all of this I quite frankly find it an insult. Linking clothes and expecting money to pay your rent?? Absolutely zero effort whatsoever. I don’t interact with her content anymore I find it incredibly insincere.

note how she said she always gets questions about people wanting her to do YouTube again! That’s because lily we like to know the person not just be bombarded with affiliate links or wish list items without any substance or purpose behind it other than to pay your rent.
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Chatty Member
She's done a swipe up for her slippers every day this week. Honestly what the fuck.

Why doesn't she try doing some actual work to produce content? I've honestly not seen anyone but Lily use that many aff links over and over again for random shit she either owns or 'wants to get'.
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Well-known member
Came here because I fairly recently came across Lily’s page and liked her style etc.

However, and I’m getting that others are commenting on this, everything in her stories is affiliate link affiliate link affiliate link. Does she actually like any of this stuff?

Like, really. People don’t need it rammed down their throats right now. Someone else said it - read the room. So many are out of work or struggling financially. Give people style ideas that are affordable and attainable.

And the Depop thing. ‘Oh hey guys, when you’re done with my affiliate links, buy all the stuff I was probably given for free’.

Sorry for the rant but it’s been really bugging me.
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Lily’s new Reel seems so out of touch at a time when fast fashion is becoming increasingly frowned upon. Especially when we’ve all been locked down with nowhere to go, who really needs that many new clothes at the moment? The weather is rubbish and we have to stay outside to socialise so most people are just wrapped up anyway!
Her entire content is out of touch. All she does is share aff links for fast fashion.
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I'm just concious of all the returns because I know MOST retailers throw
Came here because I fairly recently came across Lily’s page and liked her style etc.

However, and I’m getting that others are commenting on this, everything in her stories is affiliate link affiliate link affiliate link. Does she actually like any of this stuff?

Like, really. People don’t need it rammed down their throats right now. Someone else said it - read the room. So many are out of work or struggling financially. Give people style ideas that are affordable and attainable.

And the Depop thing. ‘Oh hey guys, when you’re done with my affiliate links, buy all the stuff I was probably given for free’.

Sorry for the rant but it’s been really bugging me.
Yup I've noticed that anything that isn't current and won't make money from ISN'T linked. I don't know how old she is but I'm just 30, a single mum, OK my situation can't be helped and nobody's fault but I do not have the money to waste on fast fashion. Like every day. Some paydays are better than others but I love a second hand bargain. There are so many sustainable brands she could he working with. I won't pretend I don't order from Asos occasionally and won't pretend I'm Eco warrior princess and soz to sound super old but to order and spend so much during times like these it's irresponsible and potentially damaging to a younger audience who may feel included to use dangerous apps like Klarna.
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Chatty Member
Does anyone remember how when she lived in Brighton she'd almost unnecessarily keep mentioning how she had the money to buy a house/she was planning to buy a house/she could afford a house after she moved for the 2nd time there? I feel like at that point she was ready to 'settle down' and then her illness required her to move back home and I feel that now she's trying to make up for that time she lived in Brighton and did nothing and had like one friend there?

I think she was making good money when living in Brighton and obviously lost a lot of income the year she disappeared and that's also why now she's just sharing 20 affiliate links each day trying to get more money. In another story she mentioned that the trunk of her car had been broken for a year and didn't open - I mean if you rely on your car a lot who the fuck doesn't take it to a local garage to get it sorted? Jeez.

I wish I could have financial security with her level of effort but at the same time, she's obviously bored. There's no stimulation in her life. I wonder what her flatmates think of her 'job' whilst they most likely have actual jobs to do/go to. Sure some days I'd love to just hang out and do nothing and shop without a worry but at the end of the day, I know I couldn't do that for a long period of time. I was between jobs for 4 months in 2019 and I hated it. Sure I went to the gym, did some DIY and was job searching but I felt so empty and mostly miserable. I hated talking to my friends at some point, telling me about them buying houses, getting engaged, getting promotions, etc because I felt I was not included in this world. I like my job even when some days are shit. I like my colleagues. I like learning and being challenged. I like having something that fills my day.

I'm interested to see where 2021 takes her. If we're in December 2021 and she's still doing a swipe up link for those ugly oversize tees and disco leggings, it will be pretty pathetic.
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I was speaking to a friend who is really good friends with her and they said that she is also doing freelance stuff out of influencing for her income, but wouldn’t elaborate more on what that involves. 🧐 she’s in-genuine and doing “influencing” for the wrong reasons.
That makes more sense. I guess she just figures may as well keep putting something out on Instagram while she can still make some money off of it. I know a lot of the big bloggers and YouTubers from ten years ago have become a bit less active it's astounding to me that Lily started at a time when it wasn't very profitable and doesn't seem to have ever really enjoyed it very much compared to someone like Zoe Sugg or Helen Anderson (not to say these two aren't without their faults) who seem to actually enjoy exercising some creativity. I always used to feel sorry for zoelondon who wasn't quite as charismatic and never managed anywhere near Lily's numbers despite appearing to put in double the effort.
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What do we think her tattoo, sorry ink, will be???
I am leaving towards a lower back tattoo, maybe an enormous lily. Or a huge converse shoe on her thigh. Probably a tiny line tattoo, maybe some script writing, brave, love, covid19 or dirty thirty.

I am sad to learn she's a nose exposer.

I think it'll be on the inside of her upper arm. I think it will probably be quite small and something she thinks is totally unique and original which actually so many other people have too.
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It’s clear Lily has no real interest in engaging with her followers, she’ll occasionally share snippets of her private life which I presume she thinks are enviable. I genuinely think Lily is stuck in a cycle of spamming IG with affiliate links, sitting back and watching the money roll in and when the money dries up she starts over again.
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Chatty Member
Everyone brace yourselves for an incoming tattoo, which will be 100% unique and representative of the fact that lily invented and is the sole up holder of all things emo/scene/alternative.
Didn't she also make it a big thing how everyone always assumed she'd have/want tattoos but 'they weren't her thing' and 'she liked them only on other people' and 'couldn't ever imagine committing to one' back in the days?

I hope she gets starts on her wrist like every TRUE emo kid from back in the days. Otherwise how else could we know how unique and cool she is 🙄🥴

Edit: not saying there's anything wrong with changing your mind but I feel like she talked about it more than just once saying 'Nah, not for me.' or 'Not something I'm interested in now'.
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Lily on her instagram stories "I haven't bought something that I really really love for so long" - why did you buy so much stuff that you don't love?! That could be a very easy way of cutting down unnecessary consumption of fast fashion, just buy stuff that you truly love.
That sums it up for me. So she hasn’t bought anything she really loves in ages but is happy to shill any old tat to her followers via an affiliate link. That’s before you even consider the implications of so much overconsumption. I’ll admit I used to have a shopping problem, I’d buy clothes, not wear them and charity shop them, sometimes in the space of a couple of months. But even with all the awareness now of fast fashion and it’s negative impacts, Lily still feeds into it massively.
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Well-known member
Oh Lily, the hair is truly awful. Why do you do this to yourself?

You just know if raccoon tails came back into fashion Lily would have a whole head of them.
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You can tell she doesn’t give a toss about her audience. I would not call anything she posts “content”. As the person above said it’s just constant affiliate links. I find it quite insulting tbh. I don’t follow her anymore.
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I don't really know what lily's understanding of her job is tbh, she does the intense "I'm a private person thing" when she chose to become an "influencer", she used to post daily vlogs of her day, she posted when she was in hospital recently. if you want to be a private person and use Instagram to make your livelihood then do it but stop treading this weird in-between line and acting like your followers are in the wrong for misunderstanding what kind of influencer you are. I follow plenty of people who's private lives I know nothing about nor do I care to because they create content about things outside of their private lives but Lily doesn't give us any content outside of hints of personal lifestyle things without elaborating?
I assumed her thinking it was reasonable to just post affiliate links all day to maintain a London lifestyle was her being on the way to doing something else in terms of content but now I don't even know what she's doing or if she's questioned the sustainability of her own income.
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