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Who buys a jumper as a forever keepsake? At best it'll end up in a box in attic longterm 😆 I'd have thought she'd have got her a photo of her (jade) to have hung in mayas bedroom 😄
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If Jade was aware that she had a sen child she would milk every last drop out of it for content. She's just too thick and self absorbed to realise that there's an issue there with her son that needs fighting for for investigation. Trying to get recognition and a diagnosis takes effort. Something Jade isn't keen on.
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I just want to give her a shake. It makes me so angry that she just seems oblivious to everything and her feelings are more important that Rivers development. My wee boy started showing delays and signs of ASD during lockdown. No one listened. My HV was shockingly bad, no one seemed to care. No one took anything on board as I sobbed that he still wasn’t talking at 2! It wasn’t until nursery that finally someone listened to me. And you’ve got this one who seems more bothered about having matching Gilets!!!
the tears for adoration then straight into selling that bloody face vibrator
And as for Rhod fu** me he needs to grow a pair, have a wash and man up
IF River is on the spectrum they are both going to have to grow up. It is HARD! You have to fight for your child, the reports are brutal, the appointments and assessments exhausting. They need to man up and do better
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The IRONY of her telling her maw to calm down because she was flapping about taking the boy to the play centre. From her. The most flappy idiot in the world.
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Did anyone spot the balloon, qué the big gender reveal soon 😆😆
I think it's a girl. She was posting girl's outfits on her stories not so long ago. Really random when she has a son. But then again, she acts more of a mother to her niece 🙄 I bet the sister will get pregnant again too
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She doesn't have to announce anything as it's completely her choice but the hinting and deliberate inciting of "you OK hun" comments are annoying. We wouldn't know if she did or didn't take River to anything unless she tells us, so why even mention that she hasn't unless she wants the attention. She absolutely does my head in.
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So fucking fake on that video with the pregnancy test, you can see she already looks at it before the fake shock! Such an odd girl
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Poor River, she has basically cooped him up at home for 2 years with not much socialisation, then in a very short space of time expects him to just be happy going to nursery, play groups and parties and not be overwhelmed with all the changes and all the people.
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I know we all work to different schedules but the fact jade thinks a walk at 9am is “super early” when she has a one year old is baffling to me 😂
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I'd be pushing to get that child assessed. I think he's got autism. A delayed child will generally acknowledge their own mother and their surroundings in some way, without speech. He's just completely blank. There should be some sort of response present. There is a HV tick list of what your child should be able to do by that age, and I don't think he could meet one thing.

The way he wants to repeat activities with no response or emotion too. I could be wrong but that's my gut feeling from what she shows.

And I must be going soft because I felt so sad for her poor nana watching that. She's slipping so much, and as much as I take the piss out of Jade Beb and she wants a rocket up her arse, that must be really hard to see.
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Chatty Member
Her approach to parenting just blows my mind. She said yesterday 'river doesnt have a pillow or duvet yet, because no one tells you when they're supposed to do they?' Jade, no one gets 'told' when to or how to do anything for their kids, but the information is there! Same as his milestones etc. I feel so bad for River, but actually feel a little bad for Jade because she just seems so oblivious to it all and totally out of her depth
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Oh I feel so awful saying this, but god love him that's the most gormless child ever that's the product of the two most gormless people ever
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