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Chatty Member
It’s a bit weird for a hv to still be visiting you from your first birth surely?? Maybe they have concerns and are keeping a close eye on her especially now she’s pregnant with number 2
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I find the constant Temu links and paypal screenshots very embarrassing. She doesn’t work, wears expensive make up and has a weekly H&M delivery, but is pretty much begging for people to click the links.

Cant afford her mot but has another child coming..
Sounds about right for Jade Beb logic. She's always been the same. Screaming poverty but going on holiday abroad and constantly buying clothes and make up, all on 4 hours a week at Asda. Her parents probably foot the bill as they always have done
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This girl needs to fuck off. I’m 34 weeks pregnant, worked 35 hours this week, my husbands away on a stag do all weekend, 3 year old son got up and 5:40am and I’ve just got back from taking him to the park to feed the ducks and play in the park and a walk around the pond. I don’t get these mothers who think the only thing there is to do with toddlers is take them to soft play and then complain when they can’t just sit there with a coffee
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Chatty Member
'Can't quite believe I'm saying this' - us either jade beb! your dull enough to not see your child desperately needs attention and ur bringing another into the world I hope to God it's another boy cause u and rodney the plonker really don't have a fucking clue.
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Chatty Member
Fuck me Jade why oh why would you admit online you haven’t showered in 3 going on 4 days!! Some things your really should just keep to yourself you grotbag.
Honestly she blows my mind. Won’t tell her instagram she’s pregnant but will tell them she hasn’t washed her Fanny in daysss 🤮
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Can’t believe she’s posted that she’s just gone to her first mother and baby group… girl, your ‘baby’ is two years old ffs.
So sad cause he’s actually smiling in the photo at the group, and not looking blank like he does in 99.9% of the other photos and videos she posts.
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Chatty Member
River is in colour!? This is legitimately the first time I have seen him in something other than beige/brown/grey
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And I find it hilarious how she’s been to one appointment and is now acting like a speech and language guru 🤦🏼‍♀️ trying to give tips to her followers.
She came across as a patronising prick and I completely agree, one appointment and she’s an expert. Jade Beb the “mothers” didn’t message you because you mentioned Rivers speech a year ago, they messaged because it’s as clear as those fucking ridiculous brows on your face that the child has additional needs. Clear to everyone except you!
And fuck off with your condescending “it’s not your fault”
I’m going to have to unfollow I think or mute her for 6 months 😂
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Well-known member
The comments section! People saying they had known for a while and could tell from her videos…”really? Could you?” Pissed on her chips!
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Chatty Member
Love the 3 sad beige dresses to throw you off the scent before the unveiling of the pink one she probably ordered the day she found out the gender 😂
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Chatty Member
My little girl is a couple of days younger than River and is so comical and engages with everything. I was so alarmed yesterday watching her stories of River watching the cars. There was zero interaction or expression from him. She even had to lift his arm for him to wave! Jade put your phone down and properly engage with him. Now I know children develop at different rates but if that was my daughter she would have been waving and saying car, zoom, zoom etc. I have a feeling River isn’t hitting all his milestones and Jade needs to get some guidance for him.
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Wasn't river in a travel cot for about 2 years!
If river isn't speaking by 3 ... and I don't think he is because she said "he's pulling me to my shoes" not "he's asking if he's going to playschool today" then surely to god she must suspect autism. Its as clear as day to us and we see about 2 minutes of her whole day.
Get your head out of the h&m carrier bag and help that poor boy!
Another sign it's a girl. Wasn't fussed to sort anything for River, but for baby girl she's itching to give up her beauty room and get decorating.
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I’m sorry!!!! I have 2 children and I love them beyond words, but that is not normal behaviour! I was a young working mum so mine had to go into childcare to allow me to work, was I gutted to leave them, absolutely, was there a few tears, of course but ultimately they needed to be around other children to develope and I needed to work, it’s pretty normal!!! The pair of them are setting this poor kid up to be full of anxiety if he isn’t already!! Poor bugger!
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She would do well to get herself off Instagram, stop sharing crappy Temu links, stop preening herself and doing videos of her with that ridiculous face vibrator and focus all her energy on helping her child. Poor wee soul is going to be even more at a disadvantage when there’s a new baby taking up his parents’ energy 😞
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Can I please ask how old your daughter is and what signs she’s displayed to make you refer her?
I don’t think jade has her head in the sand anymore about River. I think a health visitor has seen them recently and mentioned about River mixing at play groups and nursery to help his development and they will review it in a few months before a referral is made.
I think she still has her head firmly in a H&M carrier bag tbh. Agree that that the hv has probably said go and socialise him and see whats what but Jade should be saying that she already knows what's what and pushing further. Problem is she doesn't know. Most parents of nd kids knew before any hv came along to tell them.
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Admittedly River is six months older than my son… but he’s had people fuss over him every time we’ve gone out since he was a proper wee’un. Because we actually go out, and have done since he was a few days old. All she’s done there, as you say, is highlight what strange, sheltered lives they lead.
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