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From watching Jade keep posting a few videos of River stimming, I actually don’t think she is aware he has additional needs. Especially from the Q&A last week about saying she doesn’t worry about milestones and they all get there in their own time.
My daughter is 4 months older than River and I’ve known she is autistic since around 18 months. I’ve done all the early intervention offered to me, plus paid for private speech therapy once a week since she was 2.5 using her DLA money and she has come on leaps and bounds with speech, interaction etc.
I know for a fact if I was in denial or oblivious she wouldn’t be at the development stage that she is now.
Some children do need additional support with things in order to thrive, it’s worrying and scary but they say early intervention is key and I really do believe it!
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Her fellas hair, both on his head and face is truly terrible. No wonder she hates having sex, I would too if that was on top of me.
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Has she really just said her and Rhod have been walking around with greasy hair, and using baby tooth paste for 5 weeks because she hadn’t had her shampoo and toothpaste delivered?! Get to Asda and grab some Colgate and herbal essences!! How lazy can two adults be?! Calling it ‘keeping up with my top ups’ it’s basic hygiene and buying toiletries for fuck sake.
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That poor child genuinely looks scared in the reel she’s posted. He genuinely looks like he has no idea what’s going on. I feel bad commenting but from her recent posts it doesn’t seem like she realises. For the first couple of years I thought it might just because he had crap parents and very limited interactions/ experiences but as time goes on it’s clear to see he has additional needs and his clueless parents seem to be doing nothing to help him.
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How on earth can anyone read the waffle she spouts and think she's getting intervention for her child? She has no clue. She's fannying about worrying about skincare routine, what new fave tan she has this week, taking the *actual* time to arrange and partake in a photoshoot for a pregnancy announcement. Sorry but nah, as a SEN mama, no way would any of this shit be a priority if I was trying to get intervention for my child. It consumes everything. Everything is a fight. Jade is a selfish airhead actually playing at being a parent and it is frightening and upsetting to witness how utterly oblivious she is to her own child, who is actually here - right now and whom desperately needs his two clueless parents advocating for him. I don't think for a single second that they are because as I said, the priorities here are all wrong. Has Rhod no balls? My fella wouldn't have any of this fannying about shit from me if I carried on the way Jade does.
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She’s in tune with her car now 🤦🏻‍♀️ Jesus wept! Shame she isn’t so in tune with her sons needs that are staring everyone in the face
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At this point, I don't know why anyone cares. I wish her well with her pregnancy, if infact, she is actually pregnant. Beyond that, I think huge announcements are ridiculous, gender reveals are cringe and baby showers stink of narcissism and grabbyness. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Actually that doesn’t add up as she said that her mum had river loads while she was bed ridden at the beginning of this pregnancy so surely they would have built a bond then, maybe if he does have some extra needs that would explain why the bond hasn’t fully been formed
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She can claim too anxious to take him to baby groups but that didn’t stop her going on a train to countless nuskin wank conventions since he was born 🤷
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Jesus, all these ‘it’s been wild times guys’, ‘I haven’t been dressed before midday for months’ etc comments are getting sooooo tedious. Spit it out or shut up, honestly, she’s infuriating.
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Basically, if you've been to Tenerife, Jade has been to Elevenerife. It's not bog standard sickness related to pregnancy, it's HG. It isn't a bad day, it's a bad life. Anything anyone else can do, she can do better. Or worse, depending on what suits the narrative.
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I can’t stand the attention seeking posts… either say what been going on or stay offline and don’t mention it! I can’t be bothered with all the skirting around the subject!
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She actually infuriates me. She is a horrible person. Utterly horrible to the core. I can already see River taking a back seat when this baby comes - she's definitely one of these toxic parents who will have a golden child & play favourites. It for shit certain won't be River, 'cause she literally can't be arsed as it is with him. She's pregnant, not ill. There's women with multiple kids, kids with SEN, who literally work for as long as they can, whilst pregnant and who wouldn't dream of sitting on their arses consistently and whinging about feelings of guilt and whatever other shite. Everything is always SO hard for her. Her child has additional needs and is clearly non verbal. My God. She is going to have to spend his entire educational life fighting for absolutely everything he needs. THAT shit is hard, it's exhausting. But hey ho, there's millions of us in that boat and we do it willingly for our children. We would do it over and over again, in a million different lifetimes, because having a child is making a commitment. This daft bint doesn't have a baldy. Someone needs to tell her to get a grip of herself. She lives in a fucking vacuum. And those eyebrows. They've their own postcode ffs.
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I honestly rolled my eyes at that post. Rhod telling her to be “honest on here” Jesus wept she’s not a celeb! Rhod your wife has MH issues and it’s going to impact the birth of your second child due to her fixation on a “natural” birth. Grow a set and get her some help instead of telling her to post on instagram. And Jade beb it really doesn’t matter how the baby comes as long as everyone is healthy. You don’t get a medal for not having intervention.
You’d think by this point second time round she’d have worked that out. I hope her HV and MW monitor her closely
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Staggering. Even now, everything is all about Jade. Her sickness, how she feels. She has a child who desperately needs intervention. He deserves SO much more than what these two fucking idiots are giving him and yet they've decided, in their wisdom, to add another kid into the mix. The mind boggles. How has nobody actually told these two cunt buckets to give their heads a wobble? We can't be the only people to see it? It's glaringly obvious what a shitshow it is!
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