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“Our worlds have been turned upside down” oh fuck off you twat. Just say that you and your baby are fine. People like this just make me so fucking angry. You know who’s world’s have been tuned upside down, Ashley and Saffiya. You’re lucky enough to have had a healthy baby. Stop being a prick Jade. Attention seeking idiot.
She’s thick as shit and to think she has a newborn to look after is quite scarey! I’d love to see how many more people she’s upset and who have unfollowed her myself being one of them
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is she ok? Is she safe to look after him?! It’s frightening. after giving birth it is a shock and they don’t prepare you for it BUT you get on with it!
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What an absolute attention seeking person- i genuinely believe she will have NO idea of what she has done and the affect she has had on others - someone please tell her once you have a child YOU are never the main priority anymore - hugs to all the people who have been affected by her selfishness 💕
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Air pods- a necessity for someone with no cash and a new baby 🙄
Also a BabyBjorn carrier 🙈 she has no cash!!! Poor Rhod. I actually feel so sorry for him. He should have escaped ages ago. How long till she ‘gives up work’ (can u call 4hrs a week in Asda work?!)
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Acknowledging she knows nothing about weaning and is asking for help. Why can this woman do no research of her own?! She literally did nothing the whole 9 months she was pregnant
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Has anyone inboxed or commented asking if alls OK? Or even asking one of the "others"
I get if she wants to keep the baby of social media but just a token foot/hand pic would be great for everyone that's worried.
She did some stories a while back saying all was ok but she was just a bit traumatised. She did say baby was ok. I’m imagining she didn’t realise the baby came out the same way it went it!!
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She’s so bloody lazy and constantly dependent on others. The whole gifted pram is a total joke as well. I honestly really dislike her. That baby is constantly lying on a changing mat- it’s weird. Get him toys, get our walking instead of spending three days deciding on a bloody duvet cover. Priorities eh?! 🙄
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I do wonder if she is finding it all much harder than she expected. Jade found life in itself hard and considering how little she knew about birth (and sex I expect) I wonder if she is either too busy or trying to save face. I do feel slightly sorry for her, but no one forced her to have a baby. At 30, you should be able to educate yourself, she had months of being in bed to do so and her family knew her mental state.
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Chatty Member
As much as I think jade is a bit of a twat I don't think she has shown anything on insta that would make any health professional think that River is at risk or she isn't coping.... she is basically falling down the instamum profile of creating content around not having time for basic hygiene etc but that's about it
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It’s actually horrible to see. The child is surrounded by beige and lies on the floor on a changing mat. Never seen him socialise with other children or go to a baby class. It infuriates me as I had a lockdown baby and was so limited but still did more than she does! Lazy cow.
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I agree with what everyone else has said, it is difficult for most of us to adjust after having a baby but if she’s on Instagram liking and commenting she could’ve taken two minutes to do a reassuring update post, especially after the constant bump photos, asking for recommendations and exploiting her followers with the lumi shit! She’s always been an attention seeker, and often people like her actually get worse once they have kids as the focus isn’t on them any more. I had two absolutely horrendous births for different reasons with long recoveries, and colicky babies who both hated sleep but I could still have taken a couple of minutes out my day to post letting people know I was ok. And if she’s struggling now imagine how much more difficult she’ll find it when she no longer has a newborn so there’ll be less napping, the starting to roll and crawl, teething, trying to entertain them when they become more alert, stopping them from eating everything or sticking their fingers where they shouldn’t go, weaning, sleep regressions then learning to stand/ walk, tantrums, then eventually toilet training! I think she has no idea what she’s in for. Jade beb probably thought the baby would crawl out itself, feed itself, sleep 14 hours a night, barely cry and generally cause her no hassle! 🤣
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Chatty Member
I am shocked at what she's wrote, I thought the worst to be honest, an even when I read on i still got thr vibes something is up.
I really hope not.

Hope everyone who's been triggered is okay x
Agreed. She said people want to know if baby is safe and well but she never actually said those words. She alluded they were home but didn't type the words, "both baby and I are safe and well" that's literally all it takes. She makes me so cross.
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I'm unsure whether I've ever commented on this thread before but I check in every now and then.

So I think it's totally understandable to take time offline after giving birth. To soak it all up, recover and find your feet. I don't think anyone can begrudge a new mother that and she doesn't owe anyone a big reveal with a picture of her child and their name/weight etc.

However, she was very active on her social media in the latter half of her pregnancy, the days leading up to it she was posting constantly and asking for advice and support. She posted an update from the hospital, with a picture of her in the bed being monitored. She created the interest. To then go COMPLETELY silent is very odd behaviour. Someone hit the nail on the head above its attention seeking.

She knows full well that people are concerned about her. She's ignoring messages on her last grid post from followers asking if they are ok, hoping they're ok, sending their well wishes. If she has time to be scrolling the gram and liking other peoples pictures she has enough time to write a comment saying thanks to everyone who has supported her over the last few months. "We are doing well. Just taking some time off as a family". That's all she has to say but she'll be enjoying keeping everyone in the dark about it.
Exactly! She doesn’t even have to show the baby, she could just post a blank story or old picture of something. It doesn’t sit right with me that she can just ignore all those people, some of which are clearly concerned. Don’t sit in stories giving it all that about “how you want to let everyone know XYZ” but then disappear for weeks and weeks. I think she knows that once she posts the traffic/engagement will die down, the reveal is over, she’ll just be another influencer with a baby and I think she hates the thought of everything being less than perfect. Maybe she’s waiting until she’s done some ridiculous photo shoot before announcing.
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