Life Plus Cindy

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I don’t think anything you wrote was harsh, I don’t think anything in this thread is. Even if she did have money saved for piercings/tattoos/whatever surely her priorities would have to change if something big came up like affording to pay your rent and feed your pets? People can be so blinkered.
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Oh my god, I forgot about that place. I'm afraid to look and see what they are talking about now.
I remember someone posted the link in the simmers thread (I love to read what other people write there) and I checked it. Someone posted Andrew’s full name and people found a website that lists their home address, phone numbers, emails, job history, the schools they attended and even a family member in AK who was sexually assaulted a minor for 10 years (from age 13 to 23).
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Honey, in one breathe you're saying Cindy isn't begging for money and in the other you're admitting she asked her mods to post her donation link. It doesn't quite fit, does it?

Considering her comment section is just people fawning over her, I somehow doubt only the "unnecessarily harsh" comments are deleted
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It’s bizarre to me that there are people in her (top) comments on her latest video saying she should withhold sharing Augusts ashes with Andrew. Cindy hasn’t given any indication that she agrees with this so it seems to just be her fans saying this but it’s disgusting, imagine thinking you could use the loss of your child as a pawn in a messy breakup


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For those of us relatively new to Cindy (I started semi-watching during her Christmas Vlogs and then stayed for the train-wreck that followed) - what is this top secret anonymous Sims gossip site?
LOL! Who needs a clock these days? We don't have a single clock at home - there's a clock on your phone that's with you ALL THE FREAKING TIME. Your stove likely has a clock, your microwave likely has a clock, if you have those Alexa things, you can ask them for the time. A clock these days is a frivolous expense.
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“Went over their boundaries” sure… That’s the first I’ve seen that. I don’t even think Cindy would approve of that unless the comments were genuinely false information.
I genuinely think that some of these people are cave people with no social skills.
Unless it’s a cheap clock that you’d find in a classroom it’s literally pointless.

I have a lovely watch that I got myself for my graduation gift 3 years ago. I barely ever wind it up or change the time - I only use it as a fashion accessory haha.
Regarding the other secret website, it’s on part 5 of the general Sims thread but don’t bother. I’d say that at least 70% or higher of the comments aren’t related to the Sims at all. It’s a glitchy site anyway
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That secret site is essentially kiwifarms or 4chan, but mildly related to the sims. It’s so cringe and hateful lol, and they ended up getting the comments disabled after they doxxed Cindy/Andrew last week
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I'm really glad y'all are being so thorough and summarizing, because I stopped keeping up with watching I never watched her before this all went down, so I lost the motivation. Anyway, it really irks me how much she spends despite claiming to be in a bad situation. I thought all the spending before was bad enough, but now tattoos, piercings, and concert tickets?? What the hell??? I don't know, it's all very strange and fishy to me. Or maybe she's just bad with money. Probably both
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That secret site is essentially kiwifarms or 4chan, but mildly related to the sims. It’s so cringe and hateful lol, and they ended up getting the comments disabled after they doxxed Cindy/Andrew last week
They did what? My god are they unhinged there.
Is this the same person I said was parroting Cindy because they quoted her pretty much word for word. Imagine being that obsessed. I don't know what isn't clicking with these people but I'm beginning to wonder if they have anything between their ears.
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I know I'm far reaching here but maybe the "new apartment" she showed was her sister's place? Selling a home doesn't take just weeks to do. The stuff she claims about being left at the apartment and him leaving his stuff just sounds so far fetched. How does anyone know that was her apartment she showed?

I also seem to remember her saying they rented the home and did not own it.

Then her saying she "let" Andrew have half the money. Well, if you get a divorce you have to split everything 50/50. She wasn't doing him a favor.

So many inconsistencies really makes you wonder. I don't know how people just accept everything she says.

Then the dating literally days after they separate? You are still married.

Ii think she has moved from Sims stories to life stories. All fairytale but she is benefitting.

That's just a feeling I get. I don't expect people to have the same feeling, but nothing makes sense.
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This is a reach but I do think dedicating your life/income to a game that lets you play God and make up stories does funny things to you.
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This is a reach but I do think dedicating your life/income to a game that lets you play God and make up stories does funny things to you.

She does have a very controlling type of nature about her. So bizarre.
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How is she struggling financially? Didn’t she get 50% of the proceeds from the sale of their house?
How is she struggling financially? Didn’t she get 50% of the proceeds from the sale of their house?
She said she spent all of the money on debt. My thoughts, the house wasn't paid off, she had medical/student loans to pay off and the $17,000 car. That would eat up a lot of the money. And that's assuming she is actually telling the truth.
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She said she spent all of the money on debt. My thoughts, the house wasn't paid off, she had medical/student loans to pay off and the $17,000 car. That would eat up a lot of the money. And that's assuming she is actually telling the truth.
Oh I see. But wasn’t the car paid for by the donations? I know that people were angry to know that she used the money they gave her for therapy on a car. And wouldn’t it be a foolish decision to get a car loan on top of all the debts she had?
Things don’t add up.
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New video.

So, apparently, Andrew did not sleep with that woman during Cindy's pregnancy and was not with her for a year, like she previously claimed.

He slept, however, with 5 women during their 10 year relationship.

Why the hell is she sharing this stuff online? She was clearly wrong when she accused him of having a relationship with that first woman, so who's to tell that she's right now? She also says he has a porn/sex addiction. Honestly, this could be defamation. Andrew doesn't see her videos, but this doens't make it right.
The 15:00 mark is painful to watch. She's supposedly crying, but there's no tears?
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She bought MORE concert tickets, this time in Georgia and "she'll drive or fly down." She also bought TWO tickets to each show just in case she finds someone to go with. The Cure tickets range from $30 to $240 plus gas or plane tickets and food, plus a place to stay the night. Probably looking at $500 plus without the flight and closer to $1000 dollars with the flight. Yeah, she has more money than she is letting on.

She also met with a female fan, from her Youtube community. Just eww, why would you do that? Do you know how dangerous that is Cindy?

EDIT: Also noticing a lot of comments disappearing from her video. Someone posted "don't let the trolls get your down or the people with negative thoughts about you" and that's gone. It was the top comment but someone deleted it. I wonder why? Mods only delete comments that are "too much or too harsh." Looks like that is a lie too. Cindy seems to attract liars.
I don't normally swear but god fucking dammit, another livestream tomorrow. I wish I drank. I don't know if I can stomach another one to recap it.
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You're right! I saw that comment before and I can't fund it now. Which is even weirder is that Cindy replied to it with something along the lines of she doesn't care about the haters, or whatever. Something very normal. So why delete it?
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You are right. . The stuff she says can be viewed by employers, family, friends, etc She purposely says things for shock value and then she backpedals.

Whether any of it is true or not for her to announce it on a video kind of shows the person she is as well. It's extremely vindictive and not very mature.
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