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Chatty Member

This lot always going on about ‘cognitive dissonance’ like they even know what it is - she could literally be a case study for it.
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Chatty Member
100% like she’s in a war zone.

I know I shouldn’t be in any way surprised by this, but can she not see the utter hypocrisy in criticising someone for promoting their courses TWO DAYS AGO and doing the same thing today? Is she hoping people just don’t remember? I mean - it was a fair old rant she went on. I think I’m signing off from watching her. She’s just too inconsequential and honestly - thick as a brick.


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I still think about how someone on the message board that shall not be named said they had experience with her during her mums hospital admission and confirmed that Leila isn’t the brightest crayon in the box and doesn’t listen. Her rambling nonsensical rants from that time painted her out to be a fierce advocate for her mum on deaths door and needing experimental treatment… clearly not true but also makes me think - was she listening to someone during Evers birth about positioning so she didn’t do damage? Or is it naturally someone else’s fault again? She lives in delusional land most of the time.
Funnily enough I have real life experience with Lie-la and her mother. Can't be too specific for obvious reasons, but trust me when I say that nearly everything she has said about her mother's initial hospitalisation was wildly inaccurate.
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Lauren lately just shared parts of her live. It’s even worse than I thought.
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Chatty Member
It will be full of ‘how do we donate? I admire everything you’re doing so much’ comments made via Liela herself no doubt 😆

Next up she will offer her ‘divine mission statement’ as a way to donate to the flood relief while keeping the $$ for herself no doubt.

Did they actually get anyone on board for that coaching that was offered a while back? Never saw anything about new clients.
If I had money and time to burn, I'd be tempted to enrol just so I could report back and tear it to shreds.

ARR is a dropkick, but she "seems" to get a higher uptake for her courses because she has more of a positive outlook. She is still dense, but she is more likeable, for want of a better word... hate describing a grifter as likeable but the people that align with her would see her that way. Whereas with Liela, even the people that may have aligned with her values, still see her as toxic.

If she could just keep her acid tongue and bitch face in check for longer than 35 seconds AND actually keep her word and stop publicising every fucking detail of her life on her business page, she might have more luck getting people to enrol in her courses. But she can't help herself. Her putrid personality seeps through.
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Adding transphobic to her long list of shitty attributes. You really are a small minded piece of shit Tarah

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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
I guess we can add gourmet chef to the resume...

What a busy life ol'Lies must lead to pretend she could finish a book in a day. With her level of literacy she would need to spend quite a bit of time on each page as she runs her grubby pointy talon along the lines, sounding out each word that is longer than 2 syllables. Besides, we all know the only time she truly cracks open a book is when she needs to photograph one for content, usually over her beloved cleavage.


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New member
Ok I think someone already beat me to it but I’ll post anyway…. Lol the story about needing food and then posts saying a homeless person asked if she needed help with her groceries today? So what exactly did you buy then if you have absolutely nothing at home to cook?! I can’t with this woman, she is so unbelievably delusional and fake!!!


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ok.. so, she blocked me ages ago (for what, I do not know. Perhaps I lost my self control and commented on a live and she engaged with me, then she realised I wasn't fawning...) anyways, I recently discovered ways of viewing anonymously and it is a TREAT skimming through her captions. A few of my favourite snippets are as follows

"I’ve learnt a lot about myself since taking my life offline" --HA!! the things she learned involved watching clouds (???) and reading books (hun, that seems a bit above your head...). She really is a profound gift to her followers.

"2022 / is all about saying “fuck that” to the options they enforce as you bravely look for a way you can carve out your own from the ruins." --eh? what?

"One of my high school teachers once told me “I have a bet on that you will fail and not graduate” I thought it was because she hated me but she actually said that because she knew I was stubborn and was trying to inspire me to prove her wrong." --um... nope. Didn't happen. If it did, it was because she actually just hated you. I can only imagine how infuriating this budding sociopath would have been in high school

"I decided a quiet life is better than one displayed in tiny squares for harsh critics. So I put my phone down, I picked up books" --again... this is just not happening stop trying to pretend it is.

"old French music bringing happiness while I dream up new Goldè pieces" --I genuinely want to know what she is listening to that she thinks is "old french music" and why she thinks this is an interesting detail????

Also, where did the god damn rabbit go???

In conclusion, she is as much of a disaster as ever. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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Collecting money she has no intention of passing on is deolorable even for her low bar.
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Chatty Member
I don’t need to buy the course to know what it says. You just have to “show up” guys. Seriously. Everywhere you go. Show up. That will be $600 please. Pay to my PayPal account if you will.
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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
Such an odd thing to make up? Delusion seems to run in the family.
This post is also very odd. She appears to be more focused on sharing every detail on social media (but don’t tell her to be positive or share your experiences!) than speaking to trusted friends, family and getting grief counselling.
Translation- I want everyone to place me on a pedestal as the only voice of endometriosis and I want you all to give me a platform that I can now profit from.
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VIP Member
I get the feeling not one of her many businesses/scams is doing very well currently. What happened to the 10k months she was recently bragging about? 😆
I just need to know where the rabbit went and what university qualifications she has. She has mentioned herself She is university educated.
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She will be moving onto her next money maker…posting her Golde peeeeeces and asking people to buy to help her “rebuild” after the floods because she is a single mum left pregnant, warrior woman, philanthropist.
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Active member
Holy heck this is dodgy! If you can’t afford to deliver the goods then help out in another way. Get into the community and start cleaning up? Go to a shelter and start preparing meals for the workers etc. Don’t ask for untraceable money.

There is plenty of fortunate people who are able to deliver things off their own back that she could ask to help instead of requesting cash.
If anyone is actually donating cash directly to her, I don’t think I can feel sorry for them at this point. It’s pure stupidity. Especially with the media coverage of things like Givit right now. I feel sick thinking about it.
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Chatty Member
This makes me so furious. It wasn’t some book fair. It was for lifeline. It’s how they fund their service where they are the 24/7 suicide prevention and crisis support. Their service is critical and saves lives. The government funding isn’t enough to cover their service so they run the book fair a few times a year to raise the funds to keep answering the phones. How typical that she didn’t even try to look at what that “book fair” was - which exists to support people affected by every other thing she’s written in that list. Idiot.
And it wasn’t just a book fair. It was also a farmers market which is a huge income stream for local farmers.
It's rather hypocritical that she has downplayed the importance of the book fair when she is forever spouting that suicide rates have increased during the lockdowns (which has not been proven btw). Wouldn't those people be dependant on a service like Lifeline?
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