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Chatty Member
Still howling at the “1 million” protesters 😭😂
As repulsive as she is, she sure is the gift that just keeps on giving. I see her followers count has dropped back down again. poor thing.
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Tarah has done nothing to actually help this town. There is a huge volunteer hub run right down the road from her home on the hill and many of us have been there coordinating volunteer help, ADF and navy jobs and also directing the police since day one. Many of us have not had a day off since the flooding started. If she actually volunteered her time she would know how much the citizens of this town have actually done and raised through legitimate go fund me accounts that are actually spent on flood victims. We are also sending out 1500 hot meals a day whist having built a makeshift supermarket free of charge for those affected which includes food, pertrol, gurneys, you name it. Not once have I seen her there with the actual volunteers, she’s all for show! Let’s see if she makes an appearance at the hub this flood because we’re still there!
Completely unsurprised by all this, yet to hear it first hand is infuriating all over again.
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Liela sharing testimonials from her psychotic friends wearing their gifted tack is everything 😂 like, guys this Hamsa is a highly vibrating amulet of protection 🤡😂🤡😂 what a Gronk!!
Isn’t Ali Express product made by workers on minuscule wages usually working in unsafe conditions? Tell us again how it vibrates positive energy? 🤔
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What's the bet Tarah has actually never been to Canberra? The global trotter that she is. Oh btw. My Aunt lives in Canberra and is a public servant. They are all laughing at you! And how dare you compare it to the work and progress that people do at the tent embassy. How fucking dare you.

Lol at Liela demanding the ACT police charge the driver who went ham on a freedom fighter at some traffic lights, I don’t condone that sort of behaviour and I’m sure there is more to the story BUT the irony, pot meet kettle, who’s the feral bogan who goes off on strangers in car parks, supermarkets & op-shops? get in the bin already
Plus she films and drives.
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Is Tarah doing her vague food posting with multiple plates so people ask her if she's cooking for a date? Oh Tarah, you did this four years ago. Get more material.
Also that terrible looking lamb reminds me to ask 'where is the poor rabbit?'
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So last night's rant seems to have upset another 'life coach' who is one of Tarahs soul sisters and fellow numb nut no actual qualification life manifestation expert Jessica Sol, she was known as Jess Schembri, the MLMer who now masturbates and drinks cacao at 4am whilst reading her divine mission statement. This tone deaf idiot is just as bad as Tarah selling her life coaching crap for thousands and wanking on about how successful she is and how much money she made whilst people 20 minutes away lost their homes. I actually had to agree with Tarah on this one, I knew who she was directing the whole outburst too and thought it was hilarious women who claim to support and 'fix each other's crowns' are now having a scrag fight through instagram. So woke, so enlightened, so absolutely nothing I would ever aspire to be like.
These are the woman who block and call trolls and bully's of anyone who politely disagrees with them.
Let the scrag fight unfold ladies!!
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Literally EVIL .
She’s proper putrid.
shut it lei lei. You drove around in someone else’s care (sorry what’s the PayPal for again?) and took happy snaps for two days because #soreback. Wait. Didn’t she see some amazing healer two weeks ago who completely healed her in one 45 min session?
Big confusion
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Chatty Member
A million people! LOLOLOLOLOL. Her intelligence knows no bounds. What exactly is she supporting them protesting against? The population is vaxxed, lockdowns are over, the borders (WA aside) are open. Just remove all mandates so you can say you’ve ‘won’? Despite every single bit of that winning being caused by the 95% of the population who got vaccinated and did the right thing? Wtf does she want to happen now? The majority of those protestors seem completely unhinged, raving about pedophiles and kabals and trump and being ‘sovereign citizens’. Any mandates in place are state laws not federal so what are they even doing in Canberra? NUFF NUFFS.

And not the idiotic new MLM lovin sister quoting Brent Brown? Brene who is a huge vaccine/mask supporter, who has done podcasts with Melinda Gates and is widely rumoured to be getting off Spotify as a protest against covid misinformation spreading?! Not sure she’d be too keen on an imbicile like the sister quoting her in support of anti vaccine BS or MLM nonsense…!


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My guess is it won’t be long before she moves again- she won’t be in this clean up for the long haul, she’s a quitter and never finishes anything she starts.
She would no doubt “quit” her daughter if there were some way to. IDC if it’s a nasty thing to say. Just hand over custody to her dad, Leila.
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Oh so your "Sydney tour" is postponed is it? Is that because NO ONE has booked with you?!! Or if they have booked, kind of sucky that you would have to cancel on them. What if that was the only time they had available?! Typical Lie-la. Always about HER & not her customers.
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What’s coming is… “I’ve had so many people from this community reach out in my DMs checking if I’m ok because I’ve been quiet. The truth is…. I’m not.”
Word for word.. it’s just been a lot… you know. Going through a natural disaster.. because I’m an empath
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Chatty Member
I am sure she has lost supporters due to her views. You know - the ones she was going to keep off her PrOfeSsIonAL business page. It also wouldn’t have helped when they discovered that her jewellery is imported from China and not locally sourced from artisans or whatever wank she has on her website.

I can’t believe that she had the audacity to attack that woman that crashed into that “elderly woman’s” car in Canberra. I don’t condone violence, but it was obvious that she didn’t mean it and we aren’t privy to the full story. It would be interesting to know what transpired before that indigent. When did Leila start to care about the elderly and the vulnerable anyway?? It’s ok for them to die of Covid but not ok to be abused for being a fucking pest?

Let’s face it, that road rage move was torn out of the Stead playbook 🤣 bogans from way back.
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It's very similar with the photography she sells. In the industry the cowboys with fancy cameras and no clue are called "fauxtographers."

One of my closest friends is top of her game in people photography. 20+ years experience. Has a qualification.
It costs her a fortune to run her business with gear, insurance, back up gear, calibrated monitors for editing, professional memberships, professional development, storage for back ups of images, having gear cleaned, calibrated and serviced regularly.

Buying gear does not a photographer make ...
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Chatty Member
This is the thing any normal person wouldn’t feel right having people donate into their own account. I know I would be mortified and worried people would think it wasn’t going where it should. I just can’t believe she thinks it’s ok to have donations put into HER bank account. She is filth. And love, you could have at least dipped your toes into a puddle to make it seem like you have actually been helping. Everything she posts on her stories makes me sick. You can just read through her lies. “Her accountant may have a heart attack” fuck off Leila.

How many times has she had a rant and a re brand? It's always someone else's fault.
Can literally read her like an upside down book.


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