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VIP Member
Surely this is actually illegal, she is getting money deposited into her own PayPal and Bank account. You aren’t buying a friend a bday present you are getting money from complete strangers to donate! There has to be a way to report this

She’ll probably take money out of that 3k for fuel to drive to the shops to buy the gift cards
You could report her actions to the government’s scan watch. She is definitely behaving fraudently.

Also, the ‘flood donation’ description she wants? That’s for Centrelink purposes not her accountant. 🙄
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Chatty Member
I read (well skimmed) her word vomit stories about the school day. What’s with the romance novel type narrative with a cute boy always offering to fill up Evers water bottle? I’ll file that in the things that didn’t happen folder. Then saying she “tries” not to work at dinner. If work is that pressing you don’t take yourself off to house of Gucci while your child is at school, you get your work done. I don’t know who believes this bs, although given the lack of comments on her post no one really does. It’s pretty clear she hates her life and her only way to cope is to create this whimsical fantasy world. I almost feel sorry for her, but then I remember the horrible things she has done.
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I love how Liela tries to tell people to get a job in comment sections but has been a government leech for the majority of her adult life.

I have a friend who unfortunately was scarred working at a gov funded Job Provider last year whilst she was between other more fulfilling employment, she said that single parents get a lot of support and leniency for those two years from when their youngest child turns 6 and until they are 8, they are also the hardest group to get motivated to find work for many factors, mostly because of generational government reliance, lack of experience or plain ol’laziness. Of course that isn’t the case with everyone but we all know that Liela wouldn’t tolerate some lowly government employee dictating to her when she can or can’t have a soul day.
I would agree with this, plus the fact being out of the workforce for such a stint of time with likely very little in the way of transferable skills would make it hard for people in this cohort to get fulfilling employment, as well as being more likely to be under-employed.

As for Leila, she presumably has the safety net of the payment (it's not huge money either)... which is a luxury if you think about it. She starts businesses on a whim because she is "multi-passionate" without actually taking on any risk and then gives up. Anyone remember the caravan she was going to renovate? even her photography business could be a decent earner if she wasn't lazy, but she has no 'hustle' (ergh, hate the term). She also has no communication skills or anything that would be helpful in a conventional workplace (I don't think you can just call people the c word if you don't agree with them Tarah in a business setting!). The fact she bullshits about climbing the corporate ladder... Who would honestly give her a job?
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Lauren lately recorded leilas live. I hope it comes out.

Anyone feel like there’s a GFM coming for the sisters recovery or something to that effect?
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My lord this selfish woman has reached a new low even for her.
No matter what she says or does the only consist thing is her DISDAIN for her own child.
That poor child. L
Let’s not even touch the “stuck inside” comment ….even she seems to be aware that many people as close as “in my town” are now homeless due to floods.
Surely no one legitimately follows her for anything else than entertainment at how much of a hot mess she is.

And what does she plan to do on her “break” whilst Ever is at childcare in the middle of a FLOOD crisis ???
Oh yeah - drive up to the GC and down some cocktails with her bogan mate Kelle.
Now that’s GOLDé! 😂
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Chatty Member
There’s no effing way she was out there helping with any clean up efforts. We had to drive through Lismore today and I kid you not these poor people were head to toe covered in mud in their actual real “boots on ground” she makes me feel physically sick. How fucking dare she.
She’s proper putrid.
shut it lei lei. You drove around in someone else’s care (sorry what’s the PayPal for again?) and took happy snaps for two days because #soreback. Wait. Didn’t she see some amazing healer two weeks ago who completely healed her in one 45 min session?
Big confusion
And wow, yes you’re right, she literally had that back of hers healed last week. The lies just blow my mind. Does she actually believe them? She is honestly pure evil, she just doesn’t stop.
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Active member
A million people! LOLOLOLOLOL. Her intelligence knows no bounds. What exactly is she supporting them protesting against? The population is vaxxed, lockdowns are over, the borders (WA aside) are open. Just remove all mandates so you can say you’ve ‘won’? Despite every single bit of that winning being caused by the 95% of the population who got vaccinated and did the right thing? Wtf does she want to happen now? The majority of those protestors seem completely unhinged, raving about pedophiles and kabals and trump and being ‘sovereign citizens’. Any mandates in place are state laws not federal so what are they even doing in Canberra? NUFF NUFFS.

And not the idiotic new MLM lovin sister quoting Brent Brown? Brene who is a huge vaccine/mask supporter, who has done podcasts with Melinda Gates and is widely rumoured to be getting off Spotify as a protest against covid misinformation spreading?! Not sure she’d be too keen on an imbicile like the sister quoting her in support of anti vaccine BS or MLM nonsense…!
Would LOVE to know how she thinks she stands up for something and put herself on the line? Does writing word salad Instagram posts and making reels trying to entice people into your MLM while you receive weekly payments from the government really contribute to a better world?
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VIP Member
Given the amount of reports made I think they will follow up especially as she’s said herself she’s raised donations of over $3k.

She better have her ‘accountant’ prepared for her upcoming audit 😂
Reports need to be made to -


Have I forgotten any?!

The more people the better. The fact she is riding such a devastating event like the floods is revolting. She has literally not lost a thing.

Yes, she did this with her Mum. But that's her scummy family. Using others?! No.

Report Tattlers.
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VIP Member
You could report her actions to the government’s scan watch. She is definitely behaving fraudently.

Also, the ‘flood donation’ description she wants? That’s for Centrelink purposes not her accountant. 🙄
100%. She doesn't have an accountant.
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long time lurker. first time commenter. this woman is nuts. and where the fuck did that rabbit go??

anyone get onto her recent live? apparently she doesn't post all her customers wearing her bewtifulllll jewels coz instagram has blacklisted her account so bad that customers can't tag her!?!?! thats also why her engagement is low, and her account is not growing. :oops:wow this woman's whole life is a constant delusional lie.
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She absolutely said that…. There may be a couple of words I didn’t quite get but that is what she said and what she meant. She’s disgusting… her terms are “these people” “if they want to be a woman then dress like a woman I don’t care”.
she’s obviously gone down some rabbit hole, she’s telling people to “do their research”around “them” trying to phase out women. Apparently women are under attack and we should all be very worried. I’m not sure who “they or them” are probably the illuminati or something
Can confirm these were her exact words and I came on just to say exactly this.
I should also add that apparently the reason why she doesn’t reshare Insta stories that others have put up commending her jewellery is because - and I quote, Instagram has me so heavily censored and shadowbanned that even if I did reshare these posts - no one would see it.
Girl. Just stop.
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Active member
There is definitely a cycle here. New man? New grift? Break the cycle Liela babes! Get a (qualified) therapist, maybe a job, some structure in your life, anything!
Do it for Ever!
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She’s at it again. SCAMMER!!!!!!! She’ll keep all the cash donations for herself and justify it by saying she’s out handing out nappies today …. Which btw were organised by someone else. How can people be so blind to this lying scamming piece of $hit.

Aaaand there it is. The PayPal link. This woman is so ‘successful’ with her multiple incomes yet can’t afford fuel from her own pocket. How much of the supplies (if any of it) have YOU donated Leila? How much money have YOU given from your own pocket to help these people? You won’t even buy your own fuel to drive down and ‘help’.
Im positive that she’s dipping into all those supplies not meant for her.
What a piece of shit.
Spot on !!!!!!
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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
The nerve…… “if” there were any childcare options available in her area they would be reserved for emergency /frontline staff and volunteers, the people who are out there actually doing the hard work so Liela can pop her very-rested and underworked bunions in a bath. If she enquired about child care so she could get out there and offer a hand then one could forgive her entitlement but no, she’s just a selfish cunt who can only focus on how anything & everything affects her.

Did anyone see the clip she wrote about the ADF? apparently they were all out in droves imposing isolation rules during covid but not now in a state of emergency… fucking clown…how can one person be so stupid?…Lie-Lie, maybe take a little look on the ADF website for Operation flood assist 2022, and those that are not already deployed helping with the clean up have been assisting in aged care homes, like the one your Mum is in to help with the ongoing crisis that is still unfolding due to your little flu that just needs a bit of Vitamin D
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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
I need to know who she has ripped off. It doesn't even sound jewl related to me. Probably someone that donated money to her then realised she's a fraud.
I was thinking possibly a photo shoot? She’s already got a bad review for her lack of professionalism and delivering promised products.

Liela’s burning bridges everywhere she goes! 🍿

Let’s see how far that arrogance gets you in 10 years Lie’s. I have consulted with my Angels and all of my Clair’s are tingling!…they see a criminal fraud charge in your future and you’re fucked!
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New member
F**k, I’m sure all those poor families who have lost EVERYTHING would do anything right now to be stuck inside their warm homes for 4 weeks straight with their children!!!
How low can this horrible woman go?!?! She’s absolutely disgusting!!!
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