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Chatty Member
Leila cares about the health system and health workers - when she was abusing them about her mothers treatment because she “knows best”… she was hanging to cut the cord so her mum could die (?!) by the sound of it. She also cares about elderly people, and was so happy to care for her mum for about 2 days before she shipped her off to a government funded nursing home. She also wanted to homeschool for about 6 minutes until she realised it would mean spending significant time with her daughter. Not to mention the number of men she connects with, moves in as the new father figure and then dumps (or they dump her) rather suddenly before she has time to update her Pinterest board. I get whiplash from it all. Such cringe. She is just piggybacking anti vax sentiment because it’s the only way to get engagement. I find it mind blowing she can “turn away” customers considering how much she’s discounted the photography and jewellery in the past few weeks. I bet teaching boss babes to “manifest” doesn’t pay for all the beige furniture and exorbitant rent.
100%. To all of this. The narcissism is strong in this one.
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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
Umm ok. She has had days to prep . It has been raining but not flooding and surely her clairvoyance would have told her to stock up? Hmm .
Exactly, maybe she should just manifest a little harder…

Most people, especially parents, keep spare tins/packs of essentials to see you through those days you can’t leave the house let alone a disaster you have had days to prepare for.

Like everyone else I feel sorry for Ever.

Liela can get fucked, she’s irresponsible and as per usual her scheming steaming pile of shit personality is always on the lookout for what she can gain or benefit from in this situation
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I thought she had multiple income streams and was abundant? Surely she has manifested enough spare cash for a rainy day like she always goes on about?
Isn't that her course?
Now she has no way of making money because of Australia Post? Surely every boss babe who is abundant and professional business women who climbs the corporate ladder has resources and a safety net?
What Tarah you really think people are going to buy your BS? Again thinking she is owed more and is more special than anyone else. She'll be starting a new go fund me, claiming every hardship payment their is and still claim poor me I was a single mum left pregnant. There will be a post soon about how unlucky she is to not have the luxury of a man during these hard times a 'king' to protect her and someone to ease her troubles, because she is the only person to ever be left pregnant and a single mother in the entire world!

I guarantee you all. There will be a link for her gofundme page any day now. Plus she’ll claim the 1k flood relief payment.
There is also a 13 week hardship payment for businesses affected. That won't be good enough and the Government will again be to blame even though she has taken every dollar given to her.

"I will be offline for a few days". Sure Lie-la, sure! I give it half a day. She just wants people to feel sorry for her. And I agree with the others about the GoFundMe popping up anytime now. I hope we can shut it down somehow though. She's beyond scum.
Her mental health will be suffering because you know bad stuff only happens to Tarah.

I’m sure it was a MASSIVE day tarah, laying in bed and fretting about not having a bath to film your feet in. You stopped to check the welfare of homeless people? File that under Never Happened.
Umm it was indigenous homeless people because she is an empathetic warrier.
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Not to mention too that most of us volunteers also run actual businesses or have actual jobs that they’ve put on the back burner to help the town and many of us have children that aren’t going to school as well. If the flood is affecting her Ali Baba “bizness” so much and it’s quiet than she’ll have all the time in the world to actually help out! No soul days here Tarah.
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Chatty Member
I’m actually shocked that she has put up her own PayPal and people are actually giving her money. How exactly does she prove she’s donated it all? She hasn’t said to write something specific when donating so she can just say it was money from a client for services.
She’s just soo gross, I feel awful for the people effected by the floods but if there isn’t any food how does visa credit cards even help, also they have about an extra $5 charge per card so that’s a huge waste of money.
The fact that she does not validate that people have questions about the money going straight to her pocket, she should be saying I know it’s strange but we’ve found it’s the only option right now.
As others have said she’s taking donations, getting her fuel paid for, getting volunteers she just likes to be the star of the show. And where is Ever?
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Chatty Member
The old 80’s scrunch dry of the hair? Works every time. Have we ever seen this Polynesian hair before? This is hysterical. Next she’ll be doing a haka or something. Give us strength.
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Chatty Member
My hate watching only goes as far as stories. I can’t do the lives and my ears could never do the podcasts. Ears would explode from the shite dribble.

I feel really sorry for the sister- that pain sounds so horrendous. But as ever with these situations - I am gobsmacked that on the one hand they will take all the medical Advice and do the operation etc- but on the other, I won’t believe a word you evil doctors say on vaccination. WHY? WHY the complete confusion? It is so obvious to anyone with a brain that it is exactly the same as the many situations of people begging for a covid vaccination as they are dying in ICU. Because the pain and crisis of endo is right there on you, you’ll take the advice to make it go away (as you should), but if I cannot feel it impacting me directly, I WILL NOT LISTEN AND YOU ARE ALL SHEEP.
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Chatty Member
This interaction 100% never happened 😂 she’s so full of it.

I hope people know better than to donate to her 🤞🏼
If she TRULY wanted the act to be anonymous (and that's only IF she has actually been "love-bombing" people like she says), she wouldn't post about it on her page. F*ckwit.
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Her sister: "I know how to be positive and I'm quite good at it". Uh, apparently not. 🙄

And why does Lie-la need to "retreat to just "be", because of the rain? SHE wasn't personally affected!!! Except to scam all her followers into directly giving HER money that she most likely kept most of?!

She infuriates me!!!! 🤬🤬
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"You have ran one hell of a marketing campaign"

Honestly on be grasp on basic English is so so bad. She surprises me over and over with how bad it is.....
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Chatty Member
Surely this is actually illegal, she is getting money deposited into her own PayPal and Bank account. You aren’t buying a friend a bday present you are getting money from complete strangers to donate! There has to be a way to report this

She’ll probably take money out of that 3k for fuel to drive to the shops to buy the gift cards
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Chatty Member
I’m perplexed. Why do we need garden tools hanging when there is one potted olive tree? Put them in a shed, they look stupid. I could not be less inspired by a porch reno
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Oh fuck off Liela, it's just water, I don't know why you're making such big deal about it, it rains every year, no one dies from getting wet. The media is just trying to scare you.
You win the internet today! Bravo!
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I have a friend in media who is MORE than happy to expose this (and to not bring positive attention to her). I’ve been collating images and if anyone has any side by side with the products, let me know!
Really?!?! This is actually the best thing I’ve read in months!! There’s heaps of side by sides on previous threads. Should I get them?
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