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Trials and obstacles in the first month? Life begun from that moment?


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He looks really creepy I'm not being mean I'm just feeling it in these pics big time 😳😳

I’m gonna throw it out there that this ‘relationship’ is all a stunt. A grab for engagement. That this bloke is being paid. They don’t look like a couple and seem mismatched. Getting ick vibes.
Yep me too something is off 🤢🤢🤢
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[QUOTE="So many of you have asked, post: 94

The mutual insincere jerk off between Crystal and Lies is so cringe, two love bombing narcissistic idiots…cannot wait for this shit show to implode 🍿
Crystal is off her chops, does she have her own thread? Sitting there at Dream world for the third day in a row crying because her life is so great.
Exactly!! It's so embarassing and sad
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Wow. Just cruel. Also the drama about a supposed fun day out? The claiming she had to do dentistry for a lost tooth! Kids teeth fall out on their own, they bleed a bit, the most you have to do is hand them a tissue? The normal everyday stuff for this woman is just so hard isn’t it? No wonder she thinks she is some sort of warrior. Stuff other people take in their stride is a massive deal for her and her limited skills.
Exactly she couldn't handle a lost tooth and it was her first. As another member said a special moment and she still made it about her 😔
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I just stumbled across this stellar of a thread when I was trying to figure out what Leila’s story is.

I have met her 3 times and each time I couldn’t follow her story (different businesses, different bf’s, random stories etc.)

I then saw that Crystal had moved into her place (I know Crystal pretty well) and it made me want to get to the bottom of it. To say this has been eye opening is an understatement.

Here’s a couple of things I can confirm:
She seemed fairly nice on the surface, I had no idea that she was so cray - I just felt like some things didn’t add up.
she looks nothing like she does on insta IRL
She’s a nasty piece of work behind peoples backs - one time when I was out with a group including her, she and Kelle stood in a corner bitching about everyone and making fun of them
She brags about her business success but then complains about how broke she is because she’s a single mum and had a lot of medical bills from her mum
She oscillates between being a life coach, business coach, influencer, photographer and jewellery designer. When I asked her about it she said that she is multi passionate and has a lot of talents that the world needs.
At one event it was a moderate sized group and people will taking turns buying rounds, when it was her turn she got an urgent call to have to do something for her mum and left (in her car after having at least 5 drinks).
She was also complaining about a BF at one event how she didn’t really like him and he didn’t help with Ever and he was really possessive but she didn’t want to leave him because ge was helping ger financially.

now for Crystal - I don’t know how they know each other. I know them both but for different reasons and haven’t ever seen them together before.

there were lots of questions about why she doesn’t have custody of her boys. Ihonestly can’t remember all the details but I do remember that she was jailed briefly for attacking one of the Dads (the Byron one I think) she then wanted that to be written off as mental illness so she admitted herself to a mental institution (no judgement just recounting what she told me).

she never felt ready to be a mum, she hated kids, she didn’t want eaither of the boys - she wasn’tcut out for parenting. She wanted to travel and live life.

her version of what went down with Design Twins was that she went overseas and the husband embezzled all of the money and she had no idea it happened. His version is different that she mismanaged the business and lost all the money and blamed him.

she builds all of these relationships with semi famous people by telling them lies, she does free work for them to bolster her authority to then charge unsuspecting people ridiculous prices for poor design (and only recommend the same basic stuff to all of them which coincidentally is stuff she has a trade account on so makes Up to 50% on each item sold). Same strategy Kelle used to build her businesses.

she’s all over the place with men, where she wants to live what She’s doing with her business etc.

just in the last few months she has “rescued” 3dogs and cried that she couldn’t keep them (because the pound found their owners) before buying the one she has now and making her poor kid drive for 4 hours after school (when he was clearly tired) to go to a work appointment which was actually picking up the dog (from the back of someone’s car).

she also opened a store, which became a design studio which became a collaborative hub for women???

she manifested her dream house, which was aroom in someone’s house that she agreed to do a renovation design for free.

she bought a boat and was learning to sail, she found God, man I can’t even keep up with it all.

she is forever changing everything and very unstable.

Ihave firsthand accounts of her neglecting her boys - leaving them alone for hours on end while she’s “busy”.

im sure there’s more
I’m forgetting but this is a good beginning.

if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I don’t know Leila super well (have only met her 3 times)but know Crystal fairly well (at one point considered her a friend), I’m also connected to some others in this thread through theMLM gang because I almost got sucked in.
This is fantastic! Thank you, love to hear tales of Liela in the wild!

I was just thinking the same. They’re still not in a good place - posting that hideous photo was the ultimate fuck you 😂😂😂

She's done this in the past when she's not been on great terms with Elle, ignores Elle's birthday and then posts one for NZ sister. An odd photo to choose instead of one of them together maybe being happy and smiling instead of pouting and filtered? 😂
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What’s with Tarah and Kelle both pretending to be holier than thou whilst standing in a corner bitching about others? Such bitches.
Was this the birthday dinner at The Tropic or The Pavilion in Burleigh that Kylie Camps was at too?
Wonder if Kelles friendship with Tarah who is clearly unhinged and a psycho came between Kylie and Kelle?
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Funny that. This idiot doesn’t have an original thought in her head.
She’s going through Cosmeditour which is fucking hilarious - won’t pay for the expertise of an Australian surgeon - but will go to Thailand for a holiday/surgery. She’s kidding herself if she thinks she won’t need a lift after those monstrous tits come out.
Monstrous is the perfect word to describe them 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
I watched that movie and I don't know what she's talking about it was clearly an awfully sad disturbing real life story but she seemed more concerned about the poor woman not getting her kid, he was 16 lived his life with his family since he was 4 and she was obviously so damaged made the conscious decision as a mother to put her kid first it's understandable she wouldn't have the emotional capacity to grasp why she would do this. I'm sure the woman attempts when her child is older it's so clear Tarah has real problems if she can't watch a movie and get it.

And what's with the pouting 😅
The pout got me too. But why.

No one is touching your back. Or your feet for that matter Tarz.


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Came here to comment on the Thailand boob thing - surely she’s getting a freebie? Why else would you go down that path?
Who would perform such a big surgery worth thousands on this absolute belter of a woman? No legit following, lost thousands during her anti vax crusade…. I don’t think any other influencers with much bigger / legit (HOW, ELL) got theirs done for free…more likely she would’ve scammed some cash from the fraudulent GFM…
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She had a jeep when she moved to her new town. It’s white! I seen it parked out the front of her house on my way to the walking track.

Also new man! That’s not her best photo either. She looks very manly. Wonder how long it’ll be until they’re trying for a child
Really bad photo of her actually, her chin looks gigantic
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Ffs Tarah just be present with your kid. I mean, I can understand a few snaps etc but she had her phone out every step of the way. So many performative photos and videos. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to go out with a parent and they spend the whole day on their phone.
Love how she's "soaking up moments in the sunshine" while her phone is glued to her hand. Posted 11 hours ago and no comments, 11 likes? She won't be happy!
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Hmm curious. Her sister did say ‘Dion’ to start with which is more like Dean than Raphael. But why put a pic up of a guy who’s not the bloke you’re seeing?! Something stinks here….
And that comment is deleted by the look of it 🤔
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Yep I was a young teen where the fuck is mine 😅, I raised my daughter without help I didn't live with my mum or anyone. I don't understand what is wrong with them they talk about situations in life that everyone has been in like they're the first and we must learn from them fucking jacked up nut jobs

100% something doesn't add up she's shown from her previous scam that she's not legit pretty much doing the same thing selling shit from a website that probably won't arrive I'm assuming that's when things went down with the custody can't be certain but I think it was around 4 years ago so clearly something big went down
Since I had a lot of free time today I decided to take a look at her posts from the past, specifically 2020 & older. Her posts of May 10, 2020 (Mother's Day) & May 27, 2020 explain a lot of things.

Also, I did not know she lived in America for a few months in 2017 & met Ryan Gosling!!

She definitely has a work ethic, drive & focus that we've NEVER seen in Lie-la!!


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On Crystals latest stories she’s out at a family (I presume) dinner and Ever is with her but no Lie-Lies in the frame, Ever puts on the oddest facial expressions to perform for the camera. Maybe poor Liela needed some soul time or had a Dick appointment? either way it’s so gross and performative how these kids can’t have a moments peace without a camera being shoved in their faces…
I came here to say exactly this
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I remember the Carly and Mylisse photos with their prams all lined up - each one trying to outshine the other, it truly made me laugh. I’m not surprised to learn that Mylisse was a total bitch. Might explain why her husband Justin cheated on her…… with me 🤫 *In my defence, I did not know she existed until after the fact
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I actually think he has Ever a lot more than what ol’ Lei lets on therefore she’s probably not “entitled” to a great deal. I know before she moved states he had her almost week on week off.
agree - and it wouldn’t be the norm for such a young child to be on 50/50 but I wouldn’t be surprised in Leila’s case. Ever is better off with her father more. How the fuck she has so much time to bathe is hilarious
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