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Does anyone remember when she posted about Ever finding her dream man and someone asked what if Ever maybe wouldn’t grow up and be straight eg and she fkn lost it with some homophobic nonsense? Am I imagining that one? She’s so toxic. I know discussion regarding sexuality, gender for kids can be super loaded but I find it even more problematic that Leila is barely a functioning human herself and has a very big stake in having a wedding and a partner but has zero success in her relationships… and wants to project it onto her daughter. Hopefully Evers dad will be a better role model in demonstrating respectful relationships.
Yes! That was in 2019, the post included a photo of herself wearing an engagement ring and wedding band. She made the post straight after saying in a live that co-parenting wasn't going so well so appeared to be a deliberate dig at Ever's father.
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Holding hands with her child on the beach was so scripted. That child’s life will be exploited for leilas performative parenting for her entire life. Sad.
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She doesn’t drive a Jeep unless it’s a very recent purchase. She drive a Hyundai or Kia or something basic like that. (Basic in the sense normal/mainstream/low key).
She drives a white Jeep Cherokee? The boxy one. She's had it before Ever was born. She owed money to the finance company or something and they were hounding her. She obviously could have bought a new car though.
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Do people remember when she would throw out Ever’s artwork and Ever would find it in the bin and then she would blame the dog?! She video’d Ever’s reaction while laughing and (fake) telling off the dog. It was very cruel.
yep 👍🏻

I do have video but can’t find a good free hosting option. Does anyone know?


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She also went live and stated that she believes Ever was injected by a nurse with an unknown substance instead of a vaccine. When I called her out and asked her if she called the police and reported the incident, she went offline immediately.
Omg I missed this. Sorry what?! A nurse went on injected ever with poison? Based off what exactly?!
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Yikes! Two scammers in one house. This is going to be a big mess.
Thank you for posting the link. I had tried "Design Twins" but couldn't find the reviews. I see I needed to add "Sydney" at the end so thx. I'm not from Australia so I wasn't familiar with their company.
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Doesn't anyone remember her weeks long love affair with her "vintage" "classic" "gawjusss" drinks trolley?? And she carried on and on about that being the peak of sophistication and class? A drinks trolley.

Allergic to alcohol. Sure Jan... Getting trashed and then hungover does not an allergy make
Oh yes, I remember this well. Another one of her “pieces” such sophisticated. There was a stage a while back where she was out at the pub every weekend filming her cocktails and wine on her stories 🙄
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That's old. I was 20, do I get an award?
Yep I was a young teen where the fuck is mine 😅, I raised my daughter without help I didn't live with my mum or anyone. I don't understand what is wrong with them they talk about situations in life that everyone has been in like they're the first and we must learn from them fucking jacked up nut jobs

More to the story I assume. I am someone who is very compassionate and understanding of mental health issues as I suffered myself. I do have complete empathy if she did what was best at time for her kids. I don't imagine it was frivolous and easy so I don't feel comfortable snarking on that. If she gave up custody so she could move countries or marry a guy who didn't want kids then yes. Who knows maybe the fathers had better lawyers and more money? It's a strange situation and I couldn't imagine doing that myself but I think there is alot of context missing and she won't share that. So sad boys don't see each other more often though, surely each father would encourage a closer relationship and more time spent together even if she's not involved? That tells me there are huge legal and custody issues. I don't get why she paints herself as a solo mumma supporting her kids by herself and single mum life is so hard (just like Tarah) if both sons live permanently with each father. Therefore wouldn't she be paying maintenance to them? Or does she expect the dads to pay when she has them? Make it make sense!!!! If she is playing the mental health card though I can't say she is in a sound state if she is living with Tarah, girl is nearly 40, get it together, get a therapist and a mental health plan and stick to it. You are not a young mum at 30 Crystal. I had 4 kids by 23 (yes all to same father), had a mortgage, kept an impeccable house, no childcare, worked 3 days a week and things were tight (interest rates were through the roof). Why does she think 30 is young??? Botox obviously going to her brain cells! Oh I just remembered how she ripped people off whilst still operating her business, I forgot that part. How the hell does she have the credit line to open a business in Tamworth? It's a store front isn't it? So rent? Overheads? Staff? How does she maintain Tamworth if she is living in 'Byron' and at Dream-world being a working mumma? I smell money???? Bank of mum and dad? Fathers paid her off for full custody of kids??
100% something doesn't add up she's shown from her previous scam that she's not legit pretty much doing the same thing selling shit from a website that probably won't arrive I'm assuming that's when things went down with the custody can't be certain but I think it was around 4 years ago so clearly something big went down
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Is there an authority that could investigate were the money from her mums go fund me went? Pretty sure if she takes the go fund me for her boobs that’s fraud
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“The government is corrupt”. I’m not sure that is what anyone is saying. Most of the charmingly referred to ‘feminazis’ (much love and light is our Tarah) are far more educated than she will ever in a million billion years be. Does she realise the Supreme Court in the USA is a different country. Also, that is is not actually a branch of the government? That this decision on Roe v Wade, if it comes down, will be a fundemental shift in the way human rights are treated in the USA and the precedent it sets has the potential of a flow on effect for decades to come? That same sex marriage, indeed the right to BE homosexual could be under threat within years in many states in America? Yeah - just like the horrific people who asked you to take a safe and tested vaccine to protect yourself and your vulnerable community. To help not kill more than the 3000 people that have already died in Australia.

lei-lei- you are a dreadful human being. You are also just the stupidest person on the internet. I don’t even feel any anger to you anymore as no one is listening bar us lot - and we do it for the entertainment. Sideshow Leila!
But she's still taking their money!!
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Damn it I can’t see anything on his profile! Only the comment on the cover photo from what I am assuming is his sister in law? Imagine if someone anonymously dropped into her DM’s with a link to here 😆
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That's exactly what I'm saying. We know this because we obviously know a lot more about her than what her filtered photos look like. That's why we know she's foul. These other new characters are having all kinds of assumptions made about them just based on their photos for the most part. They might all be horrendous people as well or maybe not. Appearance alone means nothing :)
100% agree, apologies I don't think my comment came across how I meant it to as how you look isn't what makes anyone beautiful in my view 😀

View attachment 1243538
Womb hara massage? That's a new one 😂
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