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Maybe if you threaten to kill someone then that excuses them from having to pay you child support?
Potentially he has an exemption due to DV? They go both ways. Mums can get an exemption (therefore getting a higher rate of FTB - but Im sure his CS would be more so unlikely Leila applied for this) or dads can get an exemption to not pay due to DV (therefore forcing mum onto FTB). Obvs can be vice versa, its not always the dad who pays etc
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Ok so here’s a screen shot from the live (only watched a minute; couldn’t stand her voice - something about transitioning priorities and not being able to explain it - then saying she has to put Ever to bed cause they have an early rise for a job she’s doing …. She’s 5 shouldn’t she be in bed already before the all important live) Anyway … it says there’s 29 people watching but … 48 + people have joined?!?!!!????


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Oh god I wonder if they’re rekindling their love affair? Equally toxic douche bags. Another fuckwit she had in her bed with Ever within weeks, I’ll never get over when she filmed him holding Tilly in her bed and commented that Tilly was a “Daddy’s Girl” 🤮
I reckon she's fixing up cracker crystal and bulgey eyes.
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She must spend a LOT on fillers, her face is so puffy? I saw some photos from when Ever was a newborn and she looked so fresh and pretty, fillers really have changed her whole face.

From the wild! I would love more in the wild stories 😆 also which time do you think was next level Liela chaos? I need to go over the old Gomi thread to catch up on the last five years.
It's a ride!

Would also love stories on this lying quack job!
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2018 recap

TW - miscarriage and child abuse

The year starts off quiet for Liela. Other than sharing her vision board of her dream wedding and posting many sponsored vacuum cleaner posts it’s all relatively calm.

Content sounds pretty dull including how to wipe down a table and how to use bath salts. Snooze.

Regular trips for botox, filler, fresh nails while complaining about having ‘no time to herself’ as she’s always looking after Ever. Being a single Mum is HARD and it’s so expensive!

Liela announces that Ever the After is done in March as it was ‘too much work’ and ‘no longer fun’.

Side note - my computer crashed and I lost the page so I cannot confirm the timeline however Ever became very unwell due to a septic infection from a cut on her foot. After being in hospital Liela then films Ever dance barefoot in a dirty bar in Byron Bay less than a week later and dumps Ever to go to ‘work function’ the night after she comes out of hospital.

May 15th 2018 - held a live on the topic of ‘happiness’. During this live:

Said to Ever who was ‘interrupting her’ - ‘do you want smacks?’
Said ‘toddlers, I wish I could punch them in the face and it was legal’
‘The other day in the shops I wanted to KO her, I never would though’.
Starts yelling during live at a commenter who told her to cuddle Ever as she just wants some love and then called them a f*ckwit.
Said ‘I just hate it when she touches me past 7pm, this is my time’.
She also disclosed she is no longer friends with any of her previous girlfriends/housemate because they are fake, negative b*tches.
Ever touched her hand and she aggressively shoved her off and said ‘stop touching me please’.

This live was held in Evers room when Ever is meant to be sleeping so of course Ever is wondering what’s she’s doing and interested in her Mum chatting into her phone?!

Sad that people in live were encouraging her by saying she’s a great mother and they also hit their children. Actual WTF?!

Much talk about this live and concern for Ever. It sounds dreadful and very heart breaking.

Liela was aggressive to anyone commenting on her behaviour and told them ‘why don’t you f*cking come and look after her if you have so many opinions, I wish you could’.

Several teachers expressing great concern at what they witnessed.

May 16th 2018 - Leila sets account to private after talking about bullies.

May 17th 2018 - sets account back to public.

May 23rd 2018 - films herself driving down winding roads with Ever in back of vehicle.

May 26th 2018 - Ever is with sister again (this has been very frequent throughout 2018). Sister seems to have Ever at least once a week and many comments on how happy Ever looks with her cousins compared to having a sad wee face when with her Mum :(

She’s posting various men in the background of images however hasn’t seemed to manifested a long term boyfriend.

May 28th 2018 - Liela announced she is having a miscarriage. She was pregnant to someone she has been spending time with for a few months.

Much confusion about this as Liela was drinking and partying in Brisbane two nights earlier on Instagram.

Liela announces that she doesn’t believe in contraception and was using an ‘app’ then later she is allergic to latex but ignores mentions of latex free condoms.

May 29th 2018 - Liela is drinking wine and swimming in hotel pool (I think she is in Byron Bay not clear on this).

Coincidentally her ex bestie Carly just gave birth to her second child over the weekend.

Tells followers her Mum had to take Ever so she could miscarry privately however is posting about it all over social media.

Apparently the guy is an old friend and of the situation leads to a relationship it would be great but if not she is soooooooo fine with it too because she’s super chill. Lol.

Confusion around conflicting stories from Liela including three days earlier talking about hitting clubs, videos of drinking and partying two days earlier and six days earlier talking about the next time she gets pregnant. Also confusion around miscarrying while in a pool as tampons are not to be worn during miscarrying due to the increased risk of TSS. Also wearing white shorts and earlier a white skirt which is an interesting clothing decision.

Holds live, says she had pregnancy symptoms so took test with sister (six weeks earlier). At scan foetus wasn’t found and then when bloods were drawn her levels were dropping.

June 1st 2018 - hold another live to answer questions. When asked if she knew she was pregnant when she went out drinking she said yes without hesitation. Confirms she would have terminated this pregnancy. She is grateful for the miscarriage.

Confirms she has been pregnant four times with two terminations and one miscarriage.

Is going out this weekend to celebrate with sister and friend who is ten years younger than her.

Has donated eggs previously apparently.

Timeline of the last week:

Fri/Sat - out in Brisbane partying.

Mon - Fri - miscarrying while partying and relaxing in hotel pool with wine and needing endone.

Fri - no longer needs endone and time to celebrate!

(Unsure what endone is my apologies so may be abbreviated for something else?)

June 8th 2018 - is now a model! Plenty of shopping, facials and threading. Off on a business trip and flashes new man even though he’s requested privacy.

June 9th 2018 - sisters kids all have gastro but Liela still drops Ever off for child care. One of the children is so unwell they had to go on drip in hospital. Sister is a trooper and just gets on with it.

June 10th 2018 - Ever has gastro.

June 12th 2018 - during live promoting ASN she tells followers to ‘DM her for which products are best for depression or weight loss’.

June 14th 2018 - posts birthing video montage including close up vagina/crowning shots for Evers birthday. Liela made montage including many shots of Evers Dad. Ever looked happy which is the main thing.

June 26th 2018 - Evers Dad is back in the picture.

July 2018 - Liela and her sister are going to renovate campervans!

Things seem to settle down and it’s ground hog day of facials, fillers, it’s hard being a single Mum, $600 lamps and washing machine breakdowns. Ever is having sleep issues and Liela is frequently locking her in her room while she screams.

August 9th 2018 - while on a live in the afternoon Liela threatens to belt her 2 year old and shut her out of the house. Tells everyone she wants to punch her in the face and ‘if you were a single mother you wouldn’t judge’.

Tries to justify her rage because she hasn’t slept in ‘months’.

August 10th 2018 - new day, new live. Announces she never wanted to be a Mum. She hates being a Mum. Regrets it and misses her old life as she’s done so much she could write a book. She was hit with straps and thongs as a kid and she turned out okay (that’s clearly very debatable) so she will keep hitting Ever.

Announces they are calling their van refurbishing company ‘Tallow’ like, beef fat?

August 12th 2018 - writes post about ‘Mom shaming’ and justifies her desire to throat punch Ever. Says ‘you parent how you were parented’.

Side note - My heart breaks for Ever and I despise Liela more than previously which I did not think was possible. This is so seriously f#caked up. I have no words.

New live on sleep tips! They include:

Homeopathic melatonin
Doterra oils!

August 15th 2018 - has adopted a cat which pees all over her bed as he is not desexed. I have to wonder…where is he now?! Where is the rabbit? What does she do with these animals?

August 26th 2018 - after much backlash and limiting comments on her posts Liela is now acting like a sweet, soft, spiritual mother. Has joined dating site.

September 2nd 2018 - Neighbour was involved in DV and Liela ran next door to tell the guy to leave. What a hero!

It’s Fathers Day (September 2nd 2018) and suddenly Liela has a family emergency!

Later that evening holds a live and it turns out she got a business loan for her car under her old business name ($10k) and the repayments for the car have now added up to $30k and the broker is saying they will take the car back. Strange this is all happening on a Sunday however apparently often debt collectors will turn up on the weekend of their notices and phone calls are ignored as better chance of people being home.

September 10th 2018 - three lives throughout the day about a man she was seeing who was been cheating on her. Apparently they have been on again/off again for several years? Internet sleuths found his account and it’s very clear he was with another woman as many photos posted of them together. (This is a different man from the recent miscarriage I think but unsure?) clearly Liela would have known he was dating this other woman all along. Calls her a ‘hoe’ and ‘ugly’ and ‘desperate’.

Starts to speak about a man in Sydney who is hot but married.

Mentions her Mum dates a ‘phile’ when she was a young teenager and it makes her wary of men.

September 13th 2018 - Liela’s bad moods continue as she posted a story wiping marmite off her bar stools while Evers face is bright red from crying.

September 19th 2018 - in a live Liela tells followers she has colour induced anxiety and has been given Valium and stillnox which she has stashed around the house.

She says that ‘if you haven’t called your kid an asshole or threatened violence then you’re lying’ and she hates parents that don’t admit that they do, because everyone does apparently. One follower commented that she wanted to slap her daughter the day prior. (Seriously WTF). She locks Ever in her room when she’s naughty and lets her scream.

Apparently stillnox isn’t prescribed to people with children as it’s a heavy duty sedative.

September 25th 2018 - a psychic has told her she will be the next Bachelorette!

September 27th 2018 - films Ever sobbing with a hoarse voice. Liela says she is ‘so tired and exhausted’ and then posts photo with an overflow of breasts.

September 30th 2018 - in live tells Ever to leave her alone.

October 3rd 2018 - a new dog has appeared and previous dog seems to have disappeared?

October 5th 2018 - declares in live that she will always be one of the women to uplift others and sprinkle love and reassurance…..then starts talking about sl*ts and jealous cows. Lol

Sister has Ever again and many mentions of how happy Ever looks when she is in sisters care.

October 10th 2018 - rescue dog has diarrhoea poor thing. (Will be from stress of a new environment). Sister has Ever again. Follower asks if Ever is okay with new big dog and Liela appears not to have thought about that and says she’s fiiiiiiiiine! She has had the dog a few days and it won’t hurt Ever.

Same day but now she may have a new man!

Sister is minding Ever weekly.

Liela wants a three day a week job.

October 12th 2018 - sister has Ever again and appears exhausted. Liela is flashing new man on the gram.

New man introduced to Ever and is tickling her.

Mentions of last BF filmed in bed with Ever.

Discussion around low engagement on posts.

October 15th 2018 - Liela posts about infant loss and then domestic violence as she is a survivor of this.

October 16th 2018 - an account called Daddy Fashion Stylists has been calling out fake mommy bloggers over the past few days and now has posted a video of Liela. She is going off in his comments and he has shut her down. Liela hasn’t responded but is encouraging her fan girls to attack.

Video sounds hilarious! Was a video of her previous live when she says ‘and for those who said where was I when Ever was asking for cuddles…well where the f#CK were your kids’ and then it cut to a rap of ‘where the f*CK were your kids’ and then slowed right down. I wish this still existed?

Liela heavily critiqued for leaving her child screaming and crying by followers of Daddy Fashion Stylist and her own followers.

October 19th 2018 - films Ever hitting the foster dog with a stick. Left Ever with the dog and dog bit her. Ever is crying but Liela continues live.

October 20th 2018 - has left Ever with new man.

Deactivates Instagram account that evening.

October 21st 2018 - reactivates account and is filming herself with new man and his kids.

Later that night does live. Ever isn’t sleeping so she went away and locked her in her room.

Says she has a new job as content creator but does not specify who with.

October 25th 2018 - somehow scores new jaguar? Films herself in car singing along to rap music with the n word.
DFS reposts story where Liela raps the n word.

New man is called Dan. Posting videos of them in bed.

October 27th 2018 - Posts story about her Mother having cancer.

November 1st 2018 - films Ever hitting her and telling her to ‘go away’.

November 17th 2018 - posts new boyfriends kids in paid sponsored posts.

Someone asks about her book! Apparently she was half way through when her computer died and she lost it ALL! It can’t be retrieved.

Turns out Jag was a test drive. Now loaning an Audi.

December 8th 2018 - shares photo of boyfriend naked on bathroom floor while intoxicated.

December 15th 2018 - complains about BF’s children.

December 25th 2018 - shares Christmas Eve with BF and kids.

December 31st 2018 - deletes all photos of BF. No longer following each other on Instagram.

Happy 2019! Will touch on early NY in regards to break up and make new recap for full year.

1st January - evening live. Dan ‘wasn’t her person, it didn’t feel right, I’m looking for my forever’. They had been together 7 months.

Timeline doesn’t quite fit as she posted in October about having seen him for ‘a few weeks’.

One user has found her Pinterest board. 690 pins for wedding board and Mamalife board has 2 pins.

January 4th 2019 - is launching her own make up line!

She actually needs some intense help.

Great work!
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As much as I froth for @DaisyNZ recaps, I feel an overwhelming sadness for poor Ever who hasn’t stood a chance since the moment her mum was left pregnant. We’re gonna need 2020 and 2021 @DaisyNZ

I can’t believe how much this bish documents publicly, it’s truly horrendous. Yet Liela doesn’t seem to think she has a problem at all.

She is a vile, horrible cunt.
Oh christ, Leila in all her Antivax glory.
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“I live in love” has the be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen come out of this turds mouth.
- aLsO iTs EvEr - the poor bitch just ran out of characters 😂
It was so obviously her. God she is dumb.
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Chatty Member
My point is made with these above posts, it's definitely him and not her let's just hope there isn't a DV order or something sinister like that. It's obviously not all men but most men that fuck the relationship sadly it's just how it seems to go. People definitely show there true colours when a child comes into the picture I'm guessing that's what happened here.
How do you know it is definitely him and not her?
It’s a hard one for me. As I said above, my partner left a toxic relationship (quite agree that this is rarer) but she is so manipulative that she managed to unfairly make him appear in the wrong to many people. I guess that’s why I get a bit defensive.
I too left a DV situation so can completely understand the other side of the picture too. I just feel it’s a lot to speculate on who left who.
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She's so ignorant it hurts. I'm hoping her following drops after this rant about abortion what a vile human she is. Anyone noticed she really tries to copy Ruby Matthews, not bashing on her not her fault Tarah has a personality disorder and has no inspiration of her own
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Well-known member
Lets be honest here..regardless of her past issues.Here she is now..bestfriending and choosing to live with such a problematic person.She could google Leila..she is choosing to sit on the wrong side of humanity here.
Nothing human about Leila
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Kelle Howard - she’s a friend of Leila’s and another one that was desperate to find themselves a man. Seems as though she may be cut from the disingenuous cloth too but maybe not as crazy as old mate 😂

No idea 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yep - I don’t think Kelle is crazy or even a super bad person. I just think she’s disingenuous, has stretched the truth on a lot of things and has garnered her following and built her business off the back of things that aren’t entirely true. She’s also a bit of a user and social climber.

not crazy, not bad, just not a kind genuine person.
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On Crystals latest stories she’s out at a family (I presume) dinner and Ever is with her but no Lie-Lies in the frame, Ever puts on the oddest facial expressions to perform for the camera. Maybe poor Liela needed some soul time or had a Dick appointment? either way it’s so gross and performative how these kids can’t have a moments peace without a camera being shoved in their faces…
She still looks a lot happier than she EVER (no pun intended) is when she's with her witch of a mom. And I LOVE it when the witch shows up in Crystal's stories because we see the unedited version of her.


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