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Chatty Member
Wow she is manic. Must be that new love. She is so predictable and pathetic the way she is all over her stories making out she is sah busy and always off to a shoot, or doulaing, or saving women from birth injuries from those negligent midwives or being a political boss babe. We all know you're putting on a show to the new fling and his family trying to make out you're more successful and in demand than you actually are. In three weeks time the charade will be wearing off and we will never see ding dong Dion again.
I’m one breath she’s holding back from that gram, now she’s saying share it all.
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Chatty Member
So from diving a little deeper 🤣 I have come to see that his family appears to be such a lovely close knit family. The Dad seems so doting and loves his family to bits.I feel upset knowing that this bitch is going to try and come in with her evil agenda and lock herself in with the family for good.
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I came here to comment on the boobs. Breast Implant Illness is definitely real with more research proving so. Issue is, to remove the implants CORRECTLY it is nearly a $20k surgery as it is essentially a mastectomy. Normal removal leaves behind some of the tissue considered "toxic" and issues will persist unless a full explant is done. There are limited surgeons in Australia who do this full explant, most of which specialise in breast cancer.

A quick look at Cosmeditour suggests they dont do a full explant, just implant removal.
Not necessarily. Can confirm that a full explant performed for breast implant Illness cost $12k from a reputable surgeon in Sydney performed in 2021. Removed 375cc implants. No lift. However, there was no encapsulation and implants were perfectly in tact. It was a textbook explant. Tarahs look massive, there is bound to be a lift involved unless she likes empty pillowcases hanging off her chest.
I just looked at that surgeons Insta. He is putting 700cc into some very small framed women who have clevage up to their collarbone - wtf. Personally I’d be avoiding him like the plague.
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I just stumbled across this stellar of a thread when I was trying to figure out what Leila’s story is.

I have met her 3 times and each time I couldn’t follow her story (different businesses, different bf’s, random stories etc.)

I then saw that Crystal had moved into her place (I know Crystal pretty well) and it made me want to get to the bottom of it. To say this has been eye opening is an understatement.

Here’s a couple of things I can confirm:
She seemed fairly nice on the surface, I had no idea that she was so cray - I just felt like some things didn’t add up.
she looks nothing like she does on insta IRL
She’s a nasty piece of work behind peoples backs - one time when I was out with a group including her, she and Kelle stood in a corner bitching about everyone and making fun of them
She brags about her business success but then complains about how broke she is because she’s a single mum and had a lot of medical bills from her mum
She oscillates between being a life coach, business coach, influencer, photographer and jewellery designer. When I asked her about it she said that she is multi passionate and has a lot of talents that the world needs.
At one event it was a moderate sized group and people will taking turns buying rounds, when it was her turn she got an urgent call to have to do something for her mum and left (in her car after having at least 5 drinks).
She was also complaining about a BF at one event how she didn’t really like him and he didn’t help with Ever and he was really possessive but she didn’t want to leave him because ge was helping ger financially.

now for Crystal - I don’t know how they know each other. I know them both but for different reasons and haven’t ever seen them together before.

there were lots of questions about why she doesn’t have custody of her boys. Ihonestly can’t remember all the details but I do remember that she was jailed briefly for attacking one of the Dads (the Byron one I think) she then wanted that to be written off as mental illness so she admitted herself to a mental institution (no judgement just recounting what she told me).

she never felt ready to be a mum, she hated kids, she didn’t want eaither of the boys - she wasn’tcut out for parenting. She wanted to travel and live life.

her version of what went down with Design Twins was that she went overseas and the husband embezzled all of the money and she had no idea it happened. His version is different that she mismanaged the business and lost all the money and blamed him.

she builds all of these relationships with semi famous people by telling them lies, she does free work for them to bolster her authority to then charge unsuspecting people ridiculous prices for poor design (and only recommend the same basic stuff to all of them which coincidentally is stuff she has a trade account on so makes Up to 50% on each item sold). Same strategy Kelle used to build her businesses.

she’s all over the place with men, where she wants to live what She’s doing with her business etc.

just in the last few months she has “rescued” 3dogs and cried that she couldn’t keep them (because the pound found their owners) before buying the one she has now and making her poor kid drive for 4 hours after school (when he was clearly tired) to go to a work appointment which was actually picking up the dog (from the back of someone’s car).

she also opened a store, which became a design studio which became a collaborative hub for women???

she manifested her dream house, which was aroom in someone’s house that she agreed to do a renovation design for free.

she bought a boat and was learning to sail, she found God, man I can’t even keep up with it all.

she is forever changing everything and very unstable.

Ihave firsthand accounts of her neglecting her boys - leaving them alone for hours on end while she’s “busy”.

im sure there’s more
I’m forgetting but this is a good beginning.

if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I don’t know Leila super well (have only met her 3 times)but know Crystal fairly well (at one point considered her a friend), I’m also connected to some others in this thread through theMLM gang because I almost got sucked in.
Welcome and wow just wow. This is real in the wild stuff like we've never had before. thank you this is amazing confirmation that they both have BPD crystal actually sounds like she is way more impulsive than Tarah. I thought she'd been to jail or drugs something crazy as you don't lose custody like that
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Chatty Member
We don’t know who the toxic one was in his marriage but we definitely know who is toxic in his current relationship!
Has she changed her bio to include Lover of Dion yet? I’m blocked.
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Lol well sorry for the spoiler Daisy!

Ever the after was another idea she stole and turned into a scam, she “sourced” items from op-shops & garage sales all beige crap you can find at Kmart. Sold the items via instagram at huge mark ups, funniest item was an old crochet tablecloth your Nanna would of had that was advertised as a blanket or bed spread. Then once the complaints started rolling in that paid for items were never received or came damaged, she claimed the account got hacked and was made private. I believe another social media break quickly followed and she then returned as if nothing ever happened. The business was never mentioned again. Sound familiar?, I think the mini caravan business came next…
I would have loved to have seen the duck bread bowl too haha! The end must be coming soon as already people aren't receiving their "vintage" homewares lol! I love the spoilers too, thanks so much!

I also found the ABN history interesting, seems she has never paid GST on any of her businesses?
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I’m almost impressed that Golde lasted close to a year. I’m dying to know if anyone has paid for her business coaching? Like surely not? It’s already such a weird MLM type scam amongst those who can claim success, but has she ever enlisted a client?
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Since I had a lot of free time today I decided to take a look at her posts from the past, specifically 2020 & older. Her posts of May 10, 2020 (Mother's Day) & May 27, 2020 explain a lot of things.

Also, I did not know she lived in America for a few months in 2017 & met Ryan Gosling!!

She definitely has a work ethic, drive & focus that we've NEVER seen in Lie-la!!
Someone said earlier that maybe it's the bank of mum and dad that gets her going and I'm thinking they're right it's hard to understand how she got anywhere especially when her last venture ended so badly. You need funds behind you to do what she does. I'd love to know how they met not sure anyone has covered that part 😅

This is the picture I have got of the situation too.
I don’t understand how you can be saying you have created amazingly successful businesses in one post, then be living in a $3000 tent and having to do a shop fit out with nothing but a screwdriver because you were broke in the next.
Now she is in Leila’s spare bedroom. Me don't thinks flattie is as successful as she makes out to be. Smoke and mirrors. Have we had an update on the Bunnings collaboration yet? Why on earth would a big business like that do a range with someone who ripped people off when her previous business went bust? Blows my mind. Let’s see if it is actually true....
This is all exactly what I'm thinking!!

She voluntarily gave up custody of the boys as she didn’t like motherhood. (I think the oldest already was in his dads care predominantly in Tamworth - her home town - when the 2nd was born.)

After 2nd marriage split, the dad moved to Byron and that’s when she decided she didn’t want to mother and only saw the boys in school holidays.

moved into a dream apartment that she manifested in bondi….Then moved to Bali. When Covid hit, she moved home to Tamworth and turned the parents backyard into a fucking weird bunnings Bali bar and lived in a bell tent….

She’s dodgy as fuck! Did some interior design freebies for Lorna Jane and Lisa Messenger and has a few other design clients since but not many. Her interior style/skill is not up to par (im a stylist myself). Just specifies pieces one wholesaler she has that she used when she owned Design Twins with hubby 2.0.

She also did the MLM Kagan water thing for a while and Freedom life coaching and goes on about making 6 figures and all that MLM bullshit…

She’s as dodgy as Leila for sure. Birds of a feather…
I'm a stylist too and equally confused. How does she get work? I'm lost 😒😳
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I was about to say just this, bitch is broke! Who the fuck isn't right now but she's extra broke I think that's why she's been so quiet. Don't think she's paying for her dumb healing sessions with dip shit Allira, they went to school together she wouldn't have any clients they're just trying to make each other look "woke" both idiots she loves Joe Rogan if that gives you a bit of insight into what she's about.
Joe Rogan. Yep. That's another good way to judge people to see if they have any braincells! Dimwitted idiot that she is.
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Chatty Member
This is sooo possible. All 3 of these pics were clearly taken on the same day. Same shirt, she’s in the same outfit, same table. Maybe she just paid some random bloke to take pics with, then made an IG account in this name to claim him as her lover 😂
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Good spotting! Maybe he is Georgia’s brother…?
Either he’s made up, or she’s made him change his profile picture to something more aesthetic.
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He's not a good guy I'm sure of it. No one gets married and has a child to get divorced when the kid is under 5 that's a major red flag. They also look somewhat religious which is odd to divorce so early in a marriage. I think this guy could be the completely wrong one in a really bad way. I'd love to know if the sis in law is still friends with the ex he's probably trashed her to his family when he was the fucked one. I'll knowestly put money on this, his pictures tell a thousand words and something icks me.
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So many of you have asked

Well-known member
On Crystals latest stories she’s out at a family (I presume) dinner and Ever is with her but no Lie-Lies in the frame, Ever puts on the oddest facial expressions to perform for the camera. Maybe poor Liela needed some soul time or had a Dick appointment? either way it’s so gross and performative how these kids can’t have a moments peace without a camera being shoved in their faces…
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