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I can’t help but think the overwhelming public feedback and also self admission that she hates parenting had to have played into it. She’s a narcissist. There’s no way she would have left her “life wife” there and stepped out of the limelight. I think it was “oh shit, people hate her and she’s crap - let’s move her on…so that the twins can host it eventually”. Lord help us.
I can’t believe the mediocrity coming out of that organisation.
The reviews are pretty consistent on Apple Podcasts, people just don’t find her relatable.
Maybe, just maybe she is starting to read the room??
She used to be ok… over time she has become so disingenuous and a sell out.
It’s obvious she doesn’t give a shit about her “parenting/beauty community” and that all they are is a way to make money.
She can’t handle that people have seen through this and called her out for it.
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It’d be so exhausting having grifter Lee as your friend. The pandering to get her to go out to icebergs just so she can paint her nails at the table and have her hand on your husbands crotch. The “two weddings” comment about her mate was so bitchy. but let’s give her 2 hours to read here and clarify that comment. I also can’t believe how lacking in chemistry every photo with her and Gunc is 🤮
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Leigh “ear pick” Campbell - the friend you can count on to always post your least flattering shot. What a pal.
I like to think her friends got her back by posting unflattering photos of her squashed chubby feet/ truly hideous shoes/ cankles (the Rachel friend) and videos of her awful bags under her eyes (Amy). Petty I know (me). Her eye bags were the most interesting thing about her when I first stumbled upon her lol - why hasn’t a “beauty expert” yet to find a miracle eye cream to get rid of her bags, also how is she a podcast host with such an awful voice, how does someone who doesn’t finish school reach the dizzying heights of editor (or whatever she is) at the world’s “largest women’s media thingy” and why doesn’t she get invited to events despite being in media. It was around the time she was all “oh I’m going to an event today and I never get invited so it’s such a surprise and honour to be invited.” Trying to be an everywoman like her esteemed boss Mia.

Also, Leigha, please give us your summary and analysis of the childcare article which I’m surprised you have been able to find the time to read given your busy schedule.
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Let’s put in a prediction right now - she bravely endures a long round of parties, festivities and swimming - but has to dramatically have an “ex-ray” on like the 27-28 ( coincidentally her pain will become impossible to ignore once Christmas festivities have concluded) and will announce she bravely carried on with some horrendous unique injury the whole week 😖 Cue needs a lot of rest and can’t parent for at least 2 weeks - but is fine for social gatherings 🤣
With a miraculous recovery for NYE child free in an outfit we’ve never seen before which will be “kindly gifted” by a new brand she found this year and loves
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She’s a piece of work but f*ck it’s entertaining. The hypocrisy, the car bins, the laziness, gunc’s shower, the hopelessness, the sex shop mask, the abandonment, the random slivers of pear and of course the onslaught of affiliate links. It would be hard to be more useless, but it’s the one area LeeA excels in.
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She identifies her greatest phobia as laziness lmao!
No wonder you find living such a nightmare Leigha, you really are your own worst enemy!
Probably the most lazy grifter I’ve seen 🤣
I don’t even know where to start here
However. Her fave colour is green and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wear it
And yes. Children are expensive when you choose to outsource everything about them.
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Poor little boy. My children genuinely love their daycare but they are always so excited for “holiday” even if we’re just pottering around at home for most of it and they’re only in care a couple of days a week. They’re so easy at his age compared to a baby or three year old.

I just feel so bad for that little child.
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“Media invite” of course - did we really think she’d go anywhere she had to pay for? So tacky. Does she actually pay for anything herself? (Except her beautifully renovated eastern suburbs house, jammed with grifted Catch product and crumpled clothes)
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The fact that her nearly 5 year old was happy to go there when he knows both parents are home says everything about how he feels about his parents.

Unless of course they told him they were “working” which actually I wouldn’t put past them to do.

She reads here all the time so let’s all see if there’s a passive aggressive story tomorrow or a fake dm asking about it and her claiming it’s because she’s so fragile.
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The second she doesn't have someone around to help/keep her amused/have a play date with, he's off to childcare. Also, Leigh, did you ever consider that childcare workers may like a holiday at this time of year as well? By keeping Bug in for non-essential reasons, you're adding to the centre's overall numbers which mean less workers can have a day off. Seriously! Like other people said, take him to shops! Let him help hang out the laundry! Pre cook yourself some fucking meals for the year ahead with him!
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