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Chatty Member
It’s funny. I was thinking this morning that she must arrange all these outings to keep her brain busy. She can’t just be at home and get up and exercise like a normal person and chill out without constantly shopping and looking for the next material item. She honestly seems so restless. Like why doesn’t she exercise? Does she prefer ‘skinny fat?’ Heading straight for a premature death with the lack of movement, poor nutrition and unhealthy boundaries in life.

Don't talk with your mouth full! 😫 I know she's always done it, but it's so yuck. Mind your manners. Another reminder that she's just a basic bogan.
The first time I ever saw her stories she was eating something and talking and showed a DM where someone said quite politely words to the effect of ‘can you do the snack reviews without your mouth full’. She JUMPED on them, publishing the DM, snarling about how rude they were. I thought she might have a screw loose then.
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I just finished listening to the podcast :sick::sick::sick:
I think she was really honest during the part about her dad. That felt authentic. (My dad passed away a few years ago so this part really touched me.)
But the rest of it was so unnatural and contrived. God, she infuriates me so much and in so many ways.

Saying you want your only child to go to daycare all day every day... was that supposed to be funny?
And telling everyone he wants boobs. Really?
Don't tell me you're happy and satisfied with your life and yet you clearly are not "enjoying" the stage you're at in your life.

But all of this aside, the thing that bothers me the most is the constant talking about money, the Eastern Suburbs, her "privilege" etc. (I know I harp on about this a lot but this is the reason why I came to Tattle because it KILLS ME)

I am born and bred in the Eastern Suburbs. My parents and their parents have always lived here. I am raising my children in the east but it's no better than anywhere else in Sydney or the world. It's a group of suburbs. It's not Buckingham Palace.

And news flash - not everyone wants to live here!! She acts like the eastern suburbs is a VIP room and everyone wants to get in. She was one of the lucky ones who got into the "VIP room" and all those who didn't get in are "losers" and we should pity them.
There are affluent families, successful people, big houses, good schools and smart kids EVERYWHERE! Some people choose to live here and some people don't. It's not a flex, it's an effing postcode.

Furthermore, (I'm getting really fired up now!!) I went to a private school. I'm from the east but a lot of my school friends are from all over Sydney. And guess what - some of them have a lot of $$ but don't live in the eastern suburbs. Who knew this was possible?!
Some of the girls I went to school with were from less affluent families who made sacrifices to be able to afford the school. Some of them were on scholarships (academic and sport) so their upbringings were different to mine. So it really annoys me when LC says regardless of whether her son goes to public/private school, she knows he'll only be associating with other affluent people.

I couldn’t agree with you more here on her ridiculous obsession with money and the eastern suburbs. Her attitude is astonishing.

I for one, am one of those people who couldn’t think of anything worse living in the east! (Please don’t take offence to that I have lived in the east too and loved it many years ago but couldn’t live there now it’s a bit too busy for me). I live on the northern beaches (where Leigh cannot possibly live, it’s too far from Tegan 🙄) in a beautiful home and it’s lovely here- the only reason she wants to stay in the east is for the flex of it (and it’s not really a flex sorry Leigh). Like you say, it’s a group of suburbs/postcodes.

Leigh is *desperate* to have Tegan’s life and it shows in everything she does. If I was Tegan I’d be feeling very uncomfortable.
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It would want to be from Ms pay women for their time, she who is so flat out busy she needs compensation through affiliate links.
Ill put money on its not paid!

She expects all this free shit yet hasn't sent any product out!? Won't pay people for their time!?

She is a cunt.
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Well-known member
Wow, so many poor reviews.

I noticed a lot of negative reviews re an episode on toddler bullying from back in 2020. I went and listened to LC’s part. I can’t believe how arrogant this was.

I have transcribed the relevant part below. This was from TGM 6 July 2020. A mother had written in about her almost 2 year old bullying other kids.

Leigh “I really wanna make sure I raise him right, to not be a snatcher or a bully or a pusher.
And I’ve got friends who are great friends who are great friends but I think their toddlers are jerks, and I don’t want my kid to be a jerk.”

Tegan “do you think that their toddlers are jerks because of how they parent?”

Leigh “well, yes. I dunno. Look I think some kids are just born bad. I’ve got a friend with a kid that I really don’t like, I think it’s a bad person. And I won’t mention who […] But I want to make sure that I raise Alexander so that when he goes and plays with his peer group, that he’s not the kid biting. He’s about to start daycare and that many stories I’ve heard of horror kids coming home with bite marks on their cheeks. I don’t want him to get bitten or be the biter. And I can admit this, I have the type of personality that thinks my kids the goddamn best. I don’t wanna have my rose coloured glasses on and he ends up being the pusher, and I think no my Alexander would never do that.”

Tegan “but don’t you think that no parent wants their kid to be the biter?”

Leigh “totally, but I wanna make sure I’m looking for the signs, looking for the behaviour, learning how to nip it in the bud.”

Tegan then immediately goes on to say that given she has 3 toddlers, she deals with all of this daily, it’s just toddlerhood. She says it’s learning, developmental, it’s just the stage.

At the time of this recording, Leigh’s kid was 1.
This!!!!!! This is the episode I referenced in an earlier comment. It is outrageous what she said about little kids. And that he child would never do anything wrong. From that moment on I could not stand her.
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Chatty Member
She is so full of $hit!! Claiming she is only compensated a small amount for doing the links in her “spare” time.

Literally no one has asked for her daily iconic/Amazon hideous fashion spam. She is not doing this for anyone but herself and it’s disgusting she’s trying to come across as holier than thou and oh so transparent about it all 🙄.
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Agree. If someone asks where a product is from that she’s using or wearing or someone asks for a recommendation, I think it’s reasonable to share an affiliate link if she’s taken the time to help someone.
Saying ‘here’s what looks good in the Iconic sale’ and sharing multiple links in a row for things she hasn’t used or worn is not doing anyone a favour except her. And no one will actually admit how much they get whether it’s a percentage or monetary value. Leigh is a ‘beauty expert’ but seems to share many, many links for things that are not beauty related.
Yes!! If she said, “I wore this dress and you all loved it and asked where it’s from, here’s an affiliate link” I’d be like…alright, sure. Or even if she did an ad for a brand and had an affiliate link. But it’s the constant shopping links with, “here’s a heap of random things that I have no intention of purchasing and am only recommending because I get a kick back, but please spend your money”. And zerooooo transparency about what it means. Then the fact that she’s then lied today?!
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Just when I thought I'd seen it all from Leigh, she does a paid partnership for cat food?! 🐱🐱
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Chatty Member
Leigh having to compress lots of work into one day before going on leave….how unbearable, it’s not like any of us have to do that before going on leave, however will she cope 😱

ETA I’m sure every single second of 2 weeks carers leave will be spent caring for her child, and there will be absolutely no washing of makeup brushes, scrolling Instagram or any social events for Leigh.
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Chatty Member
What is wrong with Leigh?? Instead of spending the 5 minutes she actually has with her child, she spends the morning part doing hideous dress affiliate links and the afternoon making him talk to the camera she set up.

Why can’t she put the phone down and spend time with him?
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$175 for these privileged pieces of shit to dribble pure shit!? They get paid to talk lies about products they 100% don't use! Tigga just went on a fully paid trip to The GC!! Come on!!

That will do me.
And what can Leigh tell us about motherhood when she spends about 2 hours a week with her child...
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Someone has asked about the Brillo event and a link to the tickets. I can’t believe how incredibly poor the marketing for this event is, if nobody can find information about the event anywhere, no one is going!!. When I looked at the link this morning, there were 40 tickets left and now there are 41.
Do people really want to pay $50 to listen to 2 privileged white women from the Eastern suburbs of Sydney talk about their struggles to start a business?
the whole thing seems really poorly organised and thought out. Charging people to come to a promotional event? Lol. There are problems if they’ve only sold 9 of 50 tickets.

i saw that Story with someone asking for the link and wondered if it was genuine? Are people really asking?!


Just keeps sharing what could possibly be the same photo of orders going out from the ‘warehouse’. And reviews That may or may not be legit!
could just be a stack of empty boxes that they shuffle around every few days to make it look like a tonne of orders are going out 😂


I do not believe for one second that they have THAT many orders going out daily. No way.
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Active member
Only 44 tickets to go guys! They’re now throwing in a magnesium spray and plastic bag for guests. Mustn’t be getting swamped with attendees desperate to have “a conversation” with these Brillo beauts.
How many devotees do they honestly think they have?
And finally, “…and 15% anything you purchase at the event.” Can someone (anyone??) proof read their business materials before publishing? So careless and embarrassing - can’t take them seriously.
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I admit to paying around $30 to attend a ZFB book launch around a decade or longer ago. It was a great night though, well organised, lots of canapés and alcohol. ZFB was lovely and wrote a cute personalised message in my book. I’d never do anything like this now, but it was a fun night out with friends in my early 20s!
I stand corrected then. I wouldn't pay $50 to meet a self absorbed, racist, bitchy, passive aggressive 'beauty expert' who's doing another lazy cash grab
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Well-known member
That Naomi who runs that joint looks like a disgusting cyborg.

Massive camp vibes from Rich. Saw him this morning on his way to the gym and from a distance I thought ‘wow, what a fit queen’ before I realised it was him. He’s so ripped that he looks hungry and insecure. Life’s too short not to enjoy a carb you fuckwit.
"What a fit queen", I'm crying 🤣. Spending all his time in the gym is probably more preferable to spending time with Leigha.
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