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Bobby Chariot

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James has mentioned his books about 6 times now.
"I am soul singing"
Farage is living in the boys head, remarkable
It's like Alan Partridge's personal battle with Dave Clifton
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
"Ah yes...this is the one I've been waiting for"
Shaun in Surrey writes "no surprise that the fat man is supporting orange man Ha Ha 38 charges fat man"
"No Shaun 34 actually, back of the class for you"
Thank you keep them coming
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Brilliant opening to Tom Swarbrick's show, with Trump - "I like Big Men" soundbites
Yeah well, there's plenty of them in prison Donald, quipped Swarbrick 😬
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I think I'm going to be very selective from now on from what I listen to, I'm already sick to the back teeth of all the commentary so far an we're only 12hrs in. Iain Dale was quite good last night from the bit I heard. Quite why he had Mad Nad on though was a mystery, she reminds me a bit of Marjorie Taylor Green from the Republican Party in the US, she shouldn't be allowed near a broadcast studio, let alone politics.
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Bobby Chariot

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Nigel Farridge will be taking calls on the Nick Ferris show tomorrow morning and one LBC obsessive is already getting some practice in.
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Here’s the clip. I think Iain Dale knows exactly what “other things” he’s said that might get used against him. One wonders how the good people of Tunbridge Wells would take to his stories about sucking some random geezer’s cock on a California public beach back in the day.

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Iain reinstated on the LBC website and listed as doing his show tonight. :oops:

Farage making an announcement at 4pm. The speculation is that he's decided to stand for Parliament.
If Iain had held back a bit he might have got Nigel's old slot on GB News! I'm very pleased for Iain. An excellent presenter and good to have him back in the LBC fold.
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I've just wrote in another thread (Kate Garraway) regarding the oversharing of personal details, my position, like yours is: WHO CARES. It's so juvenile and pathetic. It smacks to me of some underlying self-control issue, or a need for attention that has been or is lacking somewhere. There might be some self-loathing issues or lack of self-worth. Maybe they enjoy demeaning themselves. It's hard to say without a psych-evaluation really. Broadcast media (and print media) really does attract these types of people though, I briefly worked in the field and was around these people (production side) ... I won't name names (you probably haven't heard of them anyway!), but I didn't enjoy being around them, they made me feel uncomfortable. It was as if they were deliberately saying things to get a reaction, to make you feel slightly uncomfortable, does that make sense? It's hard to describe and it's obviously not illegal, but it was just somehow inappropriate. Ugh, just unpleasant. Thinking back now, it kind of made me feel grubby somehow. Stained. It was as if they wanted to make me feel the same way as them ... Oh I don't know, it's hard to explain.
Trouble is people care enough to subscribe to all the oversharing nonsense. They love it and it's now got very competitive so if you want to remain current and prominent you need to stand out from the rest of the attention-seeking desperadoes all vying for top spot.

Must be horrible working and trying to exist in that artificial environment. So fake and deeply unpleasant. I'm glad I'm old and don't need to keep up with that nonsense!
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Chatty Member
There's a naive vulnerability about Dale who's always taken things personally and gets triggered about what people say about him on social media

I hope his partner is giving him the support I fear he desperately needs
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Marr going all Maude Flanders over Liz Truss doing an interview with a 'far right conspiracy' website the owner of whom once said to Jess Philips 'I wouldn't even rape you'. It's a truly disgusting comment, but Marr had the bloviating Philips on bleating that Truss should have the whip withdrawn. Meanwhile she's spent all her Parliamentary career sat on the same benches as John Mcdonnell who said he wished he could have gone back and assassinated Margaret Thatcher. Spare us the sanctimony love
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Welcome Lord Cameron formerly David Cameron now Lord David ex-Prime Minister Cameron now Lord David Cameron, welcome Sir.
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Jobby is having a virtual orgasm this morning. He’s so pleased with himself. I’m sure if you checked the livestream he’ll be topless smoking a Gauloise.
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Maggie Moggy

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Oh dear. Nick giving the Shadow Education minister the Diane Abbot treatment. Somebody should have warned the poor woman that he loves nailing guests down on their numbers. 😵
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Simply embarrassing from Jon Sopel.

How can someone employing 260,000 be seen as a bad thing? How many people does Jon Sopel employ? ....I'm guessing one, but his ego probably counts for about 1000. Luckily no one gives a fuck about what Sopel thinks, about ANYTHING. Sopel? Sopel Who? would be most people's response.
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Dale has played a few minutes from his podcast every week on his show for quite a few years. It's excruciatingly bad and not once has it tempted me to listen. On the other hand, he's had loads of interesting guests on All Talk
Iain Dale will often read out his own tweets on the podcast. He’s the person who sends a tweet and Is so proud of it that he wants to regale Jacqui Smith and everyone else with it on air lest anyone might have missed it. He also judges people by how many Twitter followers they have, dismissing the opinions of anyone who unlike him doesn’t consider followers to be a status symbol. He takes every opportunity to talk about himself and I detect more than a hint of the misogynist. He is a pompous arsehole.
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He was given an awful lot of rope and he certainly hanged himself. What puzzles me is there must have been many people listening who support his views but they still won’t see how deluded they are. Well, maybe not deluded, just bigoted.
Yes, because one chosen caller who couldn't elucidate his opinions properly is representative of a whole group of people. That you follow up with the snidey lefty closed statement abuse says all we need to know about you.
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