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VIP Member
He broke the news in the last segment of NF’s show. Call me cynical but was he at LBC Towers having crisis talks with his ex bosses in an effort to get re-hired? Was the NF exclusive an attempt to ingratiate himself? He said he’s signed a contract to leave so they’re obligated to absolutely nothing.

This is what annoys me about Dale. He is so desperate to appear “edgy” with his podcast smut, gay confessions and slagging off the town where he lives. It’s come back to Biteback him on the arse. He’s actually about as edgy as my Nan. He looks a lot like her too.

This has absolutely made my day 😆
So what next? He could stand for any number of seats that still need candidates. But I also note that his name is still shown on next week's LBC schedule so it's possible the door has been left ajar...
Problem is, this political behemoth, this mover and shaker who”s supposedly at the heart of British politics, has everyone’s number in his phone blah blah blah shows himself to have zero political acumen. Basic error of judgement. Fallen at the first fence. If I was the Conservative Party I wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole.
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VIP Member
This is what Jobby will be doing on Sunday. at the Hay-on -Wye Festival. It looks like a riot of fun.
Book Festivals attract the kind of people I despise. Not the paying punters per se ... but the people who frequent 'the VIP area'. Ugh. I've seen it first hand. Grim.
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Chatty Member
Good luck to him, expect the 'be kinder' mob to be throwing all kind of dirt at him. Given the number of Tory MP's likely to be elected, he'll probably be in the Shadow Cabinet

Does leave a big hole in LBC's schedule though, wonder who'll they buddy up with Shelagh to do the overnight election coverage ?
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I can't say I've noticed much attention seeking from people who work in News and Current Affairs. I don't think listeners/viewers who are interested in this topic care much about the presenters' private lives. It's interesting to know a bit about their lifestyles and circumstances but I don't want too many details or constant reminders of how they are affected by the topics they are discussing. The only ones who got/get away with it were/are Steve Allen and Ian Payne, and they did/do it as entertainment.
The way I understand how it works at LBC is that whoever is the rank above producer likes 'the talent' to give some details about their personal lives in order to help 'form a bond' with the listener and therefore hope the listener will stay. I mean, who here doesn't want to know whether or not Mr O'Brien's lawn mower will or will not start-up this weekend? I'm a fucking nervous wreck worrying about it frankly.
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Chatty Member
They've given up on Nick as their number one hate figure. Shelagh now has that honour. Heaven knows why. I 'm not a regular listener but she strikes me as well balanced and sensible.

She made the mistake of defending Israel which never goes down well with rabid anti semites.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Feltz is in for Foggy today.
Is the Great LBC Listening Boycott over?
Did it even happen?

#SangitaGBNF x
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Chatty Member
That boy was horrendous, cringing listening to him waffling on.
I heard a long section of that call. The caller seems to have left without having his uninformed opinion changed by the superior intellect of Jobby. That is where Jimbo reveals his self-centred ego as he is so focused on showing off and point scoring that he ignores the fact he could try to change this caller’s attitude with respectful persuasion.
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Piff paff puff

VIP Member
Apart from anything else, her choice of clothing looks so uncomfortable. Plastic clothing over plastic body parts :sick:
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
I'll be honest, from what I've learnt about Iain over the past week, it's REALLY put me off him. There's a real insecurity and immaturity that I hadn't really noticed before. It's incredibly unappealing. He also appears to display some self-destructive behavourial traits that I find quite concerning and hadn't really paid much attention to previously. Hmmm, it's been a weird old week. It does all fit into my view that people drawn to broadcast media (and/or politics) are let's just say 'a bit odd'. Not ALL. But quite a high percentage.
I've tuned into Iain's show occasionally, he's a good broadcaster, I have no sympathy for him just now though, unfortunately his ego is huge, a bit like The Mekon at 10am.
I notice Iain's not listed on the LBC schedule next week, he's shot himself in both feet.
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VIP Member
Did he actually say that? Jesus. The narcissism.
Apart from that, how can you be classed as influential when you operate in an echo chamber?
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VIP Member
James has mentioned his books about 6 times now.
"I am soul singing"
Farage is living in the boys head, remarkable
It's like Alan Partridge's personal battle with Dave Clifton
The problem that James has is that Nigel Farage is far too nimble and quick witted for him.

By the time James has wound up his knock-out punch Farage has not only moved away he is in the next ring fighting someone else. So James gets a fist full of thin air.

So he is both bested and frustrated until the next time when exactly the same thing happens.
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Pretty Hate Machine

Active member
I actually feel quite bad for him. You know what they say about pride though...
He really has become quite full of himself over recent years. His books that he is so proud of leave a bad taste in my mouth to be honest. The fact that he asks his buddies to write essays on certain topics, sticks them in a book all together then calls himself an author just doesn't sit right with me. Not when you then attend book festivals etc and take credit for the books.
He would do well to take his house off the market in Lamas, retire and move there. I can't see him being very popular where he lives now! I don't think his partner would allow it though. They seem to have quite an odd relationship, but hey it clearly works for them.
I don't think the lib dems would have had to trawl through many hours of the For the many podcast to find something incriminating. He's been acting like a seedy man on there for years. Obsessed with what he thinks is "smut" but actually just comes across as a bit sad because it's so overdone. Think he told everyone about picking up a couple of men for a threesome in Ireland on a podcast a couple of months ago. :LOL: He also mentioned picking up men in motorway service stations. Calling one of his podcasts "sloppy seconds" is totally gross as well. :sick:
Pretty sure lbc will take him back. He always talked about his numbers going up constantly and I do think he was quite highly regarded there.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Memory lane with Jimbo...Ampleforth debating society....arguing for the abolition of private schools..... but now sending one's nippers to private school.......but I'm not a hypocrite just honest 😬
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
He just hasn't done anything, I think that's part of his problem and partly why I just cannot relate to him. A summer job once in a restaurant, two weeks work experience on a building-site ... I think that's about all his 'real-world' experience before his Dad got him a job on a newspaper writing about computer games and then writing a gossip column. It's pretty tragic really. His brand of rage radio must surely be nearing the end of its life now.
He once had a Saturday job in Burton Menswear.
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