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VIP Member
Agreed it must be awful for those on the switchboard who have no power to change anything.

The people whining on X (Twitter) seem to know nothing about LBC as we know this is standard practice. So soon they will be asking where is Andrew Castle and Steve Allen? I jest but these silly self-important campaigns forget that for a boycott to be effective you need to have listened in the first place.
Like you I suspect many of the people on X gnashing their teeth probably haven't listened to Sangita and are jumping on a bandwagon.

It's also getting nasty because people are working out that LBC is privately owned by Ashley Tabor King who is Jewish.

Regardless, Sangita is done at LBC. The furore won't actually help her cause and the vast majority of their listeners won't actually be that bothered. They'll soon move on.

LBC have always just disappeared their presenters. Have done ever since I've listened to them. There was fury when Steve Allen went. Lots of people claiming they'll never listen to LBC again. People were up in arms when Maajid was let go but he didn't go quietly. Jame Whale didn't either. I remember he was furious. Most, however, just go off to the next project.
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VIP Member
This one is something else. Embodies all that is so unpleasant about black racist women. She's unbelievably patronising and no role model for anyone.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
Tell me, who wants to turn on LBC at 6 am on a Sunday and hear some bloke shouting: "Suella Braverman, Suella Braverman, Suella Braverman"? If they are grooming this guy to be the replacement for O'Brien I take back all I've ever said about James. What's this guys name again? He's a fucking menace with a monotone angry voice.
Oli Dugmore, the only presenter who could sound excited when telling us that 'after the news we'll be discussing the two child benefit cap!' And his callers are all the type of bores that can clear their local pub by simply walking in the door.
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VIP Member
I'm sure we'll find out what happened with Sangita. I'm sure she'll tell us ... unlike Andrew Castle who disappeared into the ether.

This is one thing that really pisses me off with Global. Their presenters are just taken off air and the listener is never informed why. I'm still wondering if Richard Spurr is covering for Darren Adam whilst he's on holiday or something.
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Heard O'Brien tackle it at 12.15. 10 minutes of yes but, no but round the houses waffle. Announced he'd be taking calls after the news. First one was a mother of a transgender child, second call was a transgender woman. I didn't listen long enough for the third
I spotted someone on Twotter pointing put that no actual women were allowed on air in this part of Jimbo's show.

Echo chamber alert.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
I wonder what will happen to all these people who are currently making a living out of slagging off the Tory government. They'll have a few weeks of gloating to enjoy but sooner or later they are going to have to find a new topic for their snarky campaigns.
They'll turn on Starmer if things aren't going how they'd like/fast enough.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
For the person in the previous thread who said 'Their Hubby reads a lot about Trump' (or words to that effect) ... Trump was convicted by a grand-jury of sexual-assualt against a woman (by fingering her in a department store without consent), he then defamed her by saying essentially 'she loved it and it made her famous' and was subsequently found guilty by a jury of 12 members of the public and ordered to pay millions of dollars. Ask yourself, how would YOU feel if you daughter or loved-one was sexually assualted? Ask yourself about the kind of person who normalizes this sort of stuff by defending Trump by not mentioning it.

Trump has been declared bankrupt numerous times. He has numerous cases of corruption pending. He incited an insurrection and still contends the last election was a fix. Anyone who defends him in the media is doing so for one of two reasons: (a) They want to be paid and are liars or (b) they have a psychiatric disorder. Anyone who normalizes him is complicit in his crimes. Admittedly, that last bit could be viewed as extreme, but that's how I feel personally. The man is utterly vile. He also wears a diaper and shits his pants, but I haven't got the evidence for that right now. :cautious:

I do agree though, LBC, like all commercial media outlets sows seeds of division. If it bleeds, it leads. Whatever Nick Ferrari may say, the legacy media (Global in this case) exist for one reason and one reason alone: to make a profit for their shareholders. The best way to create profit is not to broadcast reasonable, fair-minded, non-divisive, educational material. That's BORING, no one wants to listen to THAT. THAT doesn't make MONEY.
I'm no apologist for Trump but you might want to check out Bill Clinton (and his missus). He got away with a similar list of misbehaviour because he had more influential friends in high places.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Sean writes "Fat Ferrari you Far Right Wing puppet for the Right Wing media, Fat Ferrari you...."
"Sean, I look forward to hearing from you again on Monday, thank you"
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Chatty Member
This is how I view the current bunch of presenters ...

Ferrari = right of centre
O'Brien = left of centre
Fogerty = centrist
Swarbrick = centrist
Marr = don't know
Dale = right of centre
Kentish = centrist
Spurr = right of centre
Payne = world of his own.

Abbot = left of centre
Wright = left of centre
Myska = left of centre
Devon = left of centre
Dugmoor = left of centre
Bull = centrist
Lammy = shouldn't be there
Johnson = centrist
Miraj = right of centre.
Vorderman = left of centre

In all, especially at the weeknd, the left dominate IMO.
At least there is some variety there which is more than you can say for a number of media outlets. I don’t have a problem with newspapers, magazines, radio channels and TV stations having a right wing bias but there needs to be some kind of balance which in this country there clearly isn’t.
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Chatty Member
Probably the first and last time I'll ever quote tweet O'Brien

James O'Brien on X: "@EveryCountry Nope. She is perfectly free to shut down the ludicrous claim that criticising Israel has anything at all to do with her departure. My explanation is entirely accurate. The key metric is listening hours. It is not for me to explain further." / X (

Those who usually hang on his every word disagree vehemently. Guess their anti semitic trope of Jews controlling the media trumps everything
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VIP Member
Such a London-centric non-story to me, obviously because a 'celebrity' is invovled it ticks some sort of box and has to be covered. :rolleyes: I think I must have listened to a total of 15 minutes of LBC this week. 15 minutes too much.
I don't think it's a London centric non story. It may have happened in London and it maybe owned by a celebrity but it does highlight how ridiculous the trespass laws are in this country. He will not only be paying his rent, he will also have to pay legal fees to get them removed and then it will cost him again to fix the premises so he can reopen his business. How can that be a non story? It happens all over the country and because it's a commercial premises it's all fine and not illegal. Makes me sick. Not everyone who this happens to have GR funds and resources.
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VIP Member
What we might agree on it the poor way that Global handled the situation thus giving conspiracy theorists an open goal.
I know that she isn’t a big hitter like O’Brien or Ferrari but they wouldn’t just vanish from the air and be replaced for a week or so by a stand in before being replaced properly a while later would they?
I think they would. If Ferrari or O'Brien walked in and said they were leaving because they'd been offered a massive role at XYZ you can guarantee they would not appear on air again. Likewise if either of them behaved in such a way Global didn't want them for their brand anymore, they would be gone.

I know we keep going back to him but Steve Allen had been there 43 years, loyal as can be to LBC and Global, finished work on a Friday morning saying 'I'll be with you on Monday' then he never came back ... two weeks later him and Global are releasing statements that his contract was near the end blah blah blah No explanation from either of them. he had a big audience and was always bragging about his show was the biggest in the country in that time slot. He had big audience and a loyal following. It meant nothing to Global.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I don't think Ian Payne gets enough recognition for taking over SA's slot. It was not going to be easy but most of the regulars seem to have taken Ian to their hearts. Worrying about his Mum, sending him sweets etc etc. I think he got the balance absolutely right tbh. He does some daft stuff for the first hour then gradually leads into NF.
When my radio came on this morning Ian was chatting with Pete the Poolman! Do he and the Boyband have icecream delivered as well? I'm going to start listening to his first couple of hours on talkback, starting now! :D
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Chatty Member
Just to save anyone else from hunting for the lbc announcement post, twitter as ever is so unrepresentative.

It's bizarre all the people expecting special treatment for one presenter, especially as she hadn't been there that long and nore did she have a high profile show. She was treated the same way as lbc does with them all 🤷‍♀️
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
According to Carol Vorderman referenda are bad especially that awful Brexit one.

Yet apparently we are supposed to listen to petitions! She really is in a mess.

Is that her photoshopped into driving the forklift?
Attention seeking of the highest order.
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Jobby getting hell on my X/Twitter timeline. So he didn't rush to Myska's defense. Why should he? Their shifts don't overlap; he might not even know her. It's almost certain that an NDA is included in presenters' contracts, banning them from disclosing internal politics, during and for a specified time after they leave. I almost feel sorry for him - almost but not quite.
Yeah, to be fair James tried to debunk all the nonsense about the presenter's departure to a caller, but to conspiracy theorists everywhere they weren't having it. 😬
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