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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
You can take some sort of solace from that. His arrogance must have had a wobble even though he won. Susan Hall was hardly a realistic option, I felt?
She wasn't the best option but it's not a job that attracts the brightest and best. To give her credit she worked hard at getting her message across but didn't get much support from the main party. Pity Boris didn't offer to have another go. He'd have walked it!

Off topic. To cheer me up I had a success this morning. My broadband supplier, EE, informed me that my monthly charge was going up by £11!! I've just phoned to query this and negotiated a £4 reduction!! :D🥳
On it goes with more bad news for Jimbo as a kicker.
But he's still got his monthly schmoozing sessions with Khan to look forward to.


VIP Member
Just when you thought it might be time to relax on Easter weekend here comes Stadlen with an absolute barrage of Misogyny



VIP Member
It would appear that however deep the hole he is in Matthew Stadlen will start digging.

The Community Note is rather clear

In 2021, Matthew Stadlen posted "I've never been mugged and never will be".
In 2024, Stadlen posted "This is the moment a thief stole my mobile".
Musk replied with a laughing emoji to @DefiantLs post highlighting the irony in Stadlen's posts rather than the phone being stolen


VIP Member
Caught some of Matt Frei's show, very good, he's an interesting listen coupled with reports from Hamish the military guy, and then the USA & Simon Marks.
Matt is ok, but he's prone to becoming hysterical on occasion. Actually, compared with most LBC presenters he's very good. I just wish I could have been there when he threw all of his toys out of his BBC Pram and flounced off to the commercial media sector. Seems like LBC is a good hoover for those types...


VIP Member
Jobby must heave a sigh of relief every time a new story breaks. It means he can leave Angels Rayner lurking near the bottom of the agenda again. But Nick makes sure we don't forget her! 😉
I am not so sure about that as he is digging an ever bigger hole on the issue below.



VIP Member
Listening to Ian on Catchup and he's just referred to 'that British number one tennis professional who used to work here'. Presumably ex-presenters aren't ever referred to by name. He then forgot and called him Andrew. :D
Ex British No. 1. Of course, at the time Britain's No. 2 tennis player was Sebastian from accounts.

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I'm not listening to Matt Frei but have just read on X that he had John McDonnell on, expressing outrage at the remarks made against Dianne Abbot. I bet Frei didn't mention McDonnell's own wish to lynch Esther McVey.

Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
Global will often blow their trumpet about great listening figures, yet it's basically the same callers to certain presenters.
Welsh bloke, Jonathan from Harrow, Ranjit in Oldbury, already on air to Abbot tonight :rolleyes:

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
This, a hundred times over. The supposed 'sensible moral centrists' spam the replies of any journalists daring to question Rayner with what amounts to "WELL WHAT ABOUT THE TORIES EH YOU CLIENT JOURNALIST TWATS".

Frankly, Carol and Jobby, I couldn't give a rats arse about Nadhim Zahawi anymore when he resigned well over a year ago. I do care about whether the incoming Deputy PM has broken the law.

It's this kind of whataboutery about the Tories, a busted flush already, that's going to be insufferable from these types come the election and first few months of a Starmer government.
If Mayor Khan is still in office, will his automatic response to public demands for more policing etc. be to blame the lack of it on the government for keeping him short of money, or will he have to backdate it and carry on blaming the Tories?


VIP Member
Seriously guys, if you don’t like him, don’t listen to him (unless you have a masochistic streak?)
Nick? Or James? I don't listen to either any more. In fact, I probably listen to about 15 minutes of LBC per week. I get more enjoyment and entertainment through osmosis via this thread! :ROFLMAO: I guess I'am a bit of a sociopath insofar as when something starts to become popular I tend to lose interest ... if what you're saying is right and LBC listeners are rising it kind of makes sense that I am listening less!

Do you think that listening figures could be affected by a larger presence on Social Media? I keep seeing LBC pop-up on my Youtube more and more. Are they getting more listeners from outside the UK? I mean, there's a lot of wriggle-room when it comes to presenting statistics. I'm rambling ...


VIP Member
Speaking of weird things. Around 80,000 England fans would have been out of their seats cheering. One however spent the rest of the game thinking up this point.....
