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VIP Member
Oli Dugmore is such a tedious little bore and know-it-all. He positively salivates at the prospect of racism, migration and exploitation of the workers' debates. Odious and opinionated....No doubt keeps his privileged background well under wraps.

I don't think Jobby need worry though. Deadly Dug is a droning dud.
Tom Swarbrick, graduate student of Theology, read out something someone sent in the other week, "You only do a 15 hour week", something like that ...and Tom's reply was: "Well, I have to fit my golf in". Honestly, the entitlement of these twats is mind-boggling. Honestly though ... who goes to University to study theology for 4 fucking years? :rolleyes: It's quite a gift that broadcast media corporations are able to find people who have absolutely nothing in common with their core audience. Amazing.


VIP Member
I can listen to Vanessa, my only complaint is that she often spends a lot of time building context around a subject which wastes time and isn’t really necessary.
Yeah she's flawed. But at least if no callers ring in she can fill the vacuum. Sometimes she can get fixated and she also has a very flat delivery-style. A bit like a jaded consultant giving out their fifth terminal breast cancer diagnosis to a patient in the same day. As I said, doesn't do it for me, but has to be better than old whatshername.


VIP Member
Oh dear. AI generated trolling? Really?
Anyway, delighted to hear James O’Brien’s highlighting the strange interview given to Nick Ferrari where Kemi Badenoch completely back tracks on her first statement re Hester’s deeply unpleasant comments about Diane Abbott. I don’t supposed it has anything whatsoever to do with the £15m donation? No sir.
I heard that, but missed the start ... I thought it was an incredibly, incredibly, posh man speaking! :ROFLMAO:


VIP Member
It is a good article. Not full of hyperbole. I'm sure she'll find a new broadcasting home soon. She's obviously well thought of within the industry.

I don't think that interview is why she's gone. As I said, they haven't rejigged the whole of the weekend schedule just to cover her. If it was just a case of binning Sangita they'd have just brought in a cover presenter for her slots. Maybe she just didn't fit behind the scenes.
Was she really the jewel in LBC's crown as claimed? Was her show "hugely popular"?

I agree with you, Fenella...Maybe she was just a bit too precious and fell out with the wrong people? Maybe she had ideas above her (radio) station?


VIP Member
I reckon they pay punters to phone in and then tell them what to say.
Yeah, LBC got caught doing that a few years ago during 'Call Kier' ... the shows producer rang a notorious right-wing woman who lives in Spain to call in and ask a specific quesion. Can't quite remember all the details now. It was covered in Private Eye.


VIP Member
That's for his therapist to deal with. He treats his 'show' like a therapy session. Again, I just don't see how the bean-counters or whoever is in charge at LBC don't see this. Judging by an earlier post, he just rambles on for an hour talking to himself taking no calls. I mean, I do it myself sometimes ... muttering to myself as I walk along the beach, but I'm not on national radio and nobody hears. It's a weird co-dependancy James and whoever calls the shots at LBC has. His time has come, he needs to go. And I don't say that because I think he's a hateful prick, I just think enough is enough ... find some new blood.
What about Kate Garroway?


VIP Member
God help me but someone on the dark side (and what a nasty bastard George_S is on there) linked to a Novara interview about Myska and what a terrible decision it was to cancel a brilliant presenter for telling some 'truths' about Israel, the only problem was that Sarkar was pronouncing her surname as Misska, she'd clearly never heard a word of her output

And by the by, anyone who uses the term 'Likud Broadcasting Corporation' or 'Zionist shill' or links to a tweet saying Feltz has the blood of 5,000 Palestinians on their hands are anti semitic filth.
Sarkar was a product of the Corbyn times that the media felt they had to indulge. Now Corbyn has moved on she has remained like a bad and smelly fart. In some ways George S is similar as he boycotts LBC via posting about it all day on the dark side.

In other news the mob seems to be turning on Jimbo now.

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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
It does become a bit tedious when it is every show. Jonathon from Harrow doesn't appear every week but Ranjit? Give it a rest. Why do they let him on all the time. I swear he must never cook anything in his chippy because if he's not on LBC he's on every other radio station!!

As for Uncle Bryn ... he's as boring as Annie from Carnforth.
Haven't heard softly spoken Sophie call for a while, Lenny in Ashford, Mike in E Yorks are still regulars too.


Chatty Member
He's getting a right coating on twitter today for imagining himself getting changed in a cubicle next to a female separated only by a flimsy curtain

I'm pretty sure it was an interview from years ago with Kellie Jay Keen though


Chatty Member
He was saying the yesterday how he had fallen for a scam online and ended up giving some 'gorgeous woman' a £1000. Bless him. He's a bit of a disaster at times.
Oh dear. That's quite a lot worse than the time he thought he was getting a good deal on a steak, when it was charged by the gram.

Has the government fixed the cladding for his flat?


Chatty Member
I care about your opinion. I rarely agree with it, but I read it. Don't fret poppet.

As you alluded to, it's pure economics. Sangita Myska at worst was shrill and at best incredibly bland. As Boris 'Cunt' Johnson once said: Them's the Break's". She'll be fine, it wouldn't surprise me if she's married to some incredibly wealthy bloke and lives the life of riley in North London. I am even more sure that she, like almost every other LBC presenter, has absolutely NOTHING in common with the average listener and couldn't give a toss about the out-pouring of faux grief, unless she is some kind of narc.
I’m not fretting poppet and you don’t like her, I get it. I thought she was ok but we all have our opinions.
What we might agree on it the poor way that Global handled the situation thus giving conspiracy theorists an open goal.
I know that she isn’t a big hitter like O’Brien or Ferrari but they wouldn’t just vanish from the air and be replaced for a week or so by a stand in before being replaced properly a while later would they? And it wasn’t as if her shows were a disaster, her listening figures were up 12.5%.
How much “fretting” would be done if Nick Ferrari suddenly disappeared and no reason was given for two weeks, then he was replaced by a firmly left leaning presenter I wonder.
I am delighted for all those who love Vanessa, still support the morally bankrupt Tories and hate Muslims. I shall be finding something better to do with my time 😉. As for faux grief, if you enjoyed her shows and are horrified by the thought of Vanessa taking her place, I would suggest that the grief is anything but faux.
So basically, her contract wasn't renewed because she got poor listening figures. Rather than admit that (or put out any sort of statement about her departure) she has allowed the vacuum of her silence to become filled by an anti-Semitic Twitter mob, piling on abuse towards her former colleagues over conspiracy theories that she is a "journalist" who has been "silenced" for getting too close to telling "the uncomfortable truths"...?
Apparently her contract hadn’t expired yet and it is not for her to discuss her contract in public. It is down to her employer. I expect might well have a clause about what happens if and when it is up for renewal. I don’t subscribe to unsubstantiated conspiracy theories but Global have handled the situation very badly. If they had let her present the last couple of shows and announced that she was leaving and being replaced by Feltz in a few weeks there wouldn’t have been a reason to look for a conspiracy. As for getting too close to uncomfortable truths??? If she did anything at all she questioned a very spiky Israeli spokesman who kicked off big time to a very reasonable comment about their attack on Iran. We all know that any criticism of anything that the Israeli government does nowadays is a big no-no and leaves you open to claims of antisemitism.
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