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VIP Member
Vanessa’s first boob was in the NF interview this morning when she referred to LBC as if it was a London station and Nick quickly corrected that, which is a bit rich considering many of the presenters don’t seem to have grasped the National thing and Nick is one of the worst culprits at having a 90% London centric show.

I can listen to Vanessa, my only complaint is that she often spends a lot of time building context around a subject which wastes time and isn’t really necessary. For example if she’s doing a topic like availability of dentists she’ll do a complete rant like “so you WAKE up in the night with toothache you’re in AGONY you WAIT until breakfast and ring your local dentist you FNALLY get through and speak to a receptionist whose LESS than helpful you’re told you CAN’T have an appointment that day or in fact any day so you RING the local hospital….“ and on and on and on. Take a breath dear. It’s almost time for the ads.


Chatty Member
The amount of lefties on Twitter saying how Sangita being replaced by Feltz isn't 'free and fair' journalism... err, LBC is a private company, darlings. It can do what it likes...
Yep, because if there is one thing that this country really needs it is more right wing people in the media, darling.


VIP Member
Fenella is right and the media seems to be eating itself.
I thought I said that? Anyway. :cool: In the past there was a mantra in the media, Nick Ferrari would be old enough to know it .... "Dog doesn't eat Dog", now that they are all desperately chasing eyeballs and clicks Dog is very much Dish of the Day. I don't much like Dog tbh.

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I wonder how much more mileage Jobby can get out of the Diane Abbott row. All the other main news outlets have moved on, apart from mentions that she didn't get called to speak at PMQs but he'll drone on about it until another anti-Tory item comes along. I can't remember how he reacted when Labour MP John McDonnell called for Esther McVey to be lynched.
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VIP Member
Professional media whore. Wants to be on tv so much he even puts up with On The Buses Olive lookalike Jaqui Smith to get on GMB.
I can confidently say, she is into Iain much more than he is into her. If she hadn’t been a senior cabinet member back in the day she would serve no purpose for him.


Chatty Member
There are kids on Youtube who get 1.2 million followers unboxing stuff. I don't even know the point of having these figures revealed unless you're planning to advertise with LBC. Honestly, who gives a shit?
Not me that’s for sure. But it certainly rattles the cages of the haters 😉.
Seriously guys, if you don’t like him, don’t listen to him (unless you have a masochistic streak?)


VIP Member
The problem with Andrew Castle going is that LBC has no idea at the moment who to bring in. I had genuinely forgotten about Natasha Devon for example and I am someone interested in LBC! Then there is the ongoing disaster which is Marina Purkiss. She is am example of the problem created by picking someone who makes a splash on social media. There's Vorders seemingly unaware of the libel laws even though we see others paying up.

Putting it another way, what is there to listen to these days on the LBC weekend schedule?
I try to listen to at least some of Matt Frei on Saturdays, 10-1pm.

Ali Miraj is fair and respectful but I can understand why he doesn't want to be a regular fixture on LBC. Paul Brand too. At least Clammy Lammy's days are numbered unless he decides to continue with his Sunday morning sermons post-election when he's out and about pontificating.


Well-known member
Can anyone give me the lowdown on the fandom over Sangita Myska? I've heard of her but not listened to her shows but the reaction on twitter is like she has died

What was she like as a presenter?


VIP Member
Just heard the tail end of an ad about Rishi answering questions from the public on LBC. I presume this will happen on Nick Ferrari's watch?


VIP Member
Just when I think I've got the measure of Nick Abbot he always says something to make me think 'what?' ... In one his recent podcasts with Carol he was saying he'd been busy watching Bernard Manning videos and laughing like a drain. Will the real Nick Abbot please stand up? 🤪

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
Lewis Goodall it is then.
Another one who, along with Maitlis and Sopel, left the BBC because they didn't like the impartiality rules. He's a bit of a leftie so let's hope he's somewhat more balanced than some of his like-minded weekend colleagues. I wonder if he'll keep his 10pm-1am show. I haven't been listening to it so I can't judge.
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