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VIP Member
LBC needs a massive shake-up. Maybe even a re-launch, with a new logo. Entries welcome. 😬
Loving Britain's Chaos now..but after next year's election how can the present air of gleeful malaise/ Tory bashing survive?
LBC needs a massive shake-up. Maybe even a re-launch, with a new logo. Entries welcome. 😬
Loving Britain's Chaos now..but after next year's election how can the present air of gleeful malaise/ Tory bashing survive?


VIP Member
How's David 'The Laminator' Lammy doing today? I felt sure he'd be at church this morning, tending to his flock. I wish he'd just flock off frankly and focus on being an MP.

This argument that MPs who also work in broadcasting state, namely: 'it allows them to hear views from 'normal' people across the country' is so fucking disingenuous, if that was the case they should either be doing it for free (with expenses) or at the same hourly rate as they get paid as an MP. Mogg is on about 400quid an hour or something mad at GB News. Are they expecting us to thank them for appearing on TV and Radio? Do they regard it as some sort of service? :rolleyes: Not sure what Lammy gets paid ... I'd rather not know, it would depress me on this fine Sunday morning. Hereth endeth the surmon ...
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Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
OMG, the first hour of Nick Abbot's show was mad last night. There is no other way of putting it other than all his callers were nutters. :ROFLMAO:

He had 'Humphrey' call in. Nick said people reckon it's Dom Joly but he's denied it. Other people were saying it's an actor who used to call James Whale years ago.

Like the good old days when Peter Cook used to call Clive.
Humphrey was great, then the guy who is convinced that Artificial Intelligence is already in control of the planet called in 😁


VIP Member
Previous political editor Theo Usherwood left LBC with very little fanfare despite years of hard slog didn’t he? I wonder what that was about? Mind you, I always thought he was a bit of a pillock.
Theo was spotted at Rupert Murdoch's summer party last year at the Serpentine Gallery, so he is clearly chummy with high-ranking Tories and News Corp. execs. Not sure if that had any baring. Probably not given this new Editor is from The Sun, but I thought i'd just mention it. 😬


VIP Member
I used to like Iain Dale but I can’t even stand him anymore. What an oddball he’s turned out to be. And it all started when he started doing the Sky News paper reviews. Bit of telly and it went right to his head, now he thinks he’s some sort of celebrity with his Edinburgh Festival residencies. He’s a lightweight, boring interviewer and when he starts blubbing on air over emotional stories… we’ll just pathetic. Man up you pathetic twonk.
I saw him at a 'talk' (is that what it's called)? at a nearby university. Came across as a bit of an arrogant prick. I can't work him out tbh.

It's funny you should mention the newspaper review thing, the actual format is flawed because rather than review the stories, the people they have on usually spend all their time pushing their personal agenda (be it left-leaning or right-leaning), no important subject can be adequately discussed in a two minute soundbite anyway, it's utterly pointless. I just want to know what the papers are reporting and why they are reporting it and perhaps what they think of the piece as a whole ... is it fair? Is it unfair? Why? Who wrote it? Does that make sense?

Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
Thanks for all that info. Assuming Labour get to form the next government surely the good reverend won't still be on the radio ... having the actual Foreign Secretary hosting a phone-in show is pretty demeaning to that high office of state. Or should I be getting with the times? Maybe he should annouce future foreign policy via TikTok. 😬 (Although I think TikTok will probably be banned by then). David Lammy as Foreign Secretary doesn't exactly fill me with much confidence I confess ... but I guess we'll see won't we.
At least he always looks smart and won't disgrace us on the international stage, unlike some.


Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
The Secret Celeb Gossip thread has gone mad. Got through 3 threads in 24 hours and all we know is it's not Rylan, Jeremy Vine or Gary Lineker :ROFLMAO:
Funny how Jeremy Vine seemed to be the first name to pop up. I was glad to see Clive Nyrie reading the news today. He's such a good presenter.

I've hardly listened to LBC over the past few days, apart from an hour or two first thing. It isn't their fault. There's just no interesting news at the moment.


VIP Member
Look at the state of this thread from Sangita. You've got to go some when you use the death of a highly suspicious, vile, supposed arms dealer to have a go at the government.

Sangita gets absolutely destroyed in that thread.

There was a much more interesting response here. The only issue I have is that I think one should give relatives and friends a bit of time to grieve before you go on the attack.



VIP Member
He apparently applied for a job there and was rejected. He's a bit of a sad case really.
Worse than that he was busy continuously slagging GBNews off. To which they responded by asking if this meant he would like his CV back?

He just seems desperate to create an impression

The replies ratio him especially the one relating to his past claims of being a martial arts ninja.

" Thats cos you’ve kept the streets clean with your encyclopaedic knowledge of streetfighting matt mate "


VIP Member
Well, if you're talking about 'celebrity journalists' who really aren't journalists in the true sense of the word, a borderline personality disorder is a big help ... you know, no sense of shame, no ability to empathize. Some kind of psychopathy.
It is another rough day for Maitlis and Sopel



VIP Member
Don't remember any VIP/royal being at the women's netball world cup final?

James Cleverley got his usual freebie jaunt to represent us. I'm sure Mad Nad would have loved to go too if she hadn't been AWOL.


VIP Member
Wasn't Emily Sheffield on LBC for a while? I didn't realize when she worked at The Evening Standard she laid-off 1/3 of all staff. Well, now she's been 'moved on'. :LOL: