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VIP Member
I've just been listening to a clip of Ben Kentish saying 1 in 4 pensioners are millionaires. Where the hell is he getting that figure from? Ben talking about private pensions and luxury holidays. That's a few lucky ones Ben. Not the majority.

I'm assuming house valuations are coming into that but house prices in the South vastly distort the figures.

Makes my blood boil.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I wonder who 'They' are. Brexiteers presumably. I'm flattered that he expended so much blood, sweat and tears over us.

Imagine ripping the gaily coloured paper off the book-shaped parcel on Christmas morning, hoping that your loved one has picked up your hints about the latest Jack Reacher or Madonna's memoirs, and finding that glaring at you!
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VIP Member
This TRIC award thing ... Best Radio Presenter: Julia Hartley-Brewer. James was nominated. Oh dear.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
I have just found out that today (Thursday) is a RAJAR report release date, for last June.

Unfortunately having just found out, there is no time to look in any great detail at the figures. What I could see is that the LBC audiences are DOWN on last quarter. However, if NF or J O'B have individually increased their respective audiences then that is what LBC will crow about ! There maybe some other figures that they can interpret as a gain - if so, expect to hear it on their news bulletins. If there is no mention then it is down all round!
No figures for individual shows but LBC's silence on the RAJARS indicates there's nothing to boast about. Had a look at Radio Today's chart and it looks as though there's a slight loss across the station, although Global's music stations are doing well. GB News flourishing! The headlines are all about the kicking Radio 2 has taken after getting rid of Ken Bruce- 1m down!
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VIP Member
Where's he going to flounce to ? He's got the perfect gig, turning up every day and spewing tedious bile to his lickspittles and earning a fortune for it.
Well ... that's why his position is quite interesting. If I was LBC management I would call his bluff and offer him minimum wage. I don't think he's got anywhere else to go.

I wish LBC could find some more male presenters that weren't ex public school boys. James' replacement is alright I suppose, but I just cannot relate to him at all, same with Swarbrick. Alright, but just no wit or charm.

Btw ... I caught a bit of Ian this morning and it was quite good, talking about male mental health. Some interesting callers. Of course, "She got the house and I got the pension" was mentioned. :LOL:
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VIP Member
I had a proper listen to Lewis Goodall today and really enjoyed his show.

I enjoyed listening to him and Ben Kentish discussing PMQ's. They then went on to talk about Farage and it was really pleasant to hear a proper adult discussion about him without resorting to childish name calling and sneering.

I wonder if James would like to extend his holiday? 🤔
With the UK economy getting good news ( inflation falling and the new Jaguar battery factory)

Plus his mates being outwitted again by Farage.

I bet James would like to take August off as well.
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VIP Member
I used to have it on almost 24/7 for the terrific variety, programmes about health, antiques, Blue Badge talks about London, sex problems, relationship problems, car advice, dating show (Mike Allen? Whoever it was seemed to consider any girl over a size 12 undateable!), the wonderful late-night Robbie Vincent, Clive Bull, allowed to be funny and cool and curt, and playing snippets of music sent in, I think, by two North London taxi drivers. All we have to break the turgid hamster-wheel of news boredom LBC broadcasts now are the two legal experts for one hour apiece.

Losing Steve Allen was the last straw.
Ah yes Mike Allen ‘Midnight Encounters’ .. would probably be described as pimping in current times 😳. And the wonderful Robbie Vincent, Robbie also did a morning show on LBC but definitely more suited to night time broadcasting.
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Chatty Member
Maybe LBC are grooming him in case James either flounces-off or gets sacked. Having one JOB on LBC is more than enough thank you very much we don't need two.

Where's he going to flounce to ? He's got the perfect gig, turning up every day and spewing tedious bile to his lickspittles and earning a fortune for it.
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How many more people are going to be ripped off by bars in Mykonos, some tourist got charged over 400 for 2 drinks and 2 appetisers…. Do check before you travel, if in doubt take sandwiches!!!!

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VIP Member
Change is necessary but not simply for the sake of it. What had Musk against the little blue bird? The stylised X looks vaguely sinister. My current beef is the changes to University Challenge. It now has a set that looks like a Saturday night game-show and a monosyllabic host who never raises his eyes from the screen on which the Qs and As are written.

Sorry - off topic.

They're welcome to him!
There will never be another Bamber Gascoigne..
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VIP Member
James will have been hitting the Grey Goose heavily after seeing this on Twitter.

He runs a Twitter feed like his show he just blocks any views which are inconvenient for him
I've not much time for old Musky pants but I love how he's essentially trolling Twitter obsessives, especially ones with entrenched left-leaning views. Waaaaaagh!!!!! :LOL: I'd like him to just say: "Oh fuck it". And shut the whole thing down.

...I've personally known advocates of free-speech turn on a dime once they'd got a substantial following, they'd start blocking people who criticised them. Free Speech ... but only if you agree with the person. Ridiculous.
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Maggie Moggy

VIP Member
What a nice surprise to have Ian on at a reasonable time. I usually hear just the last hour and a half on his regular early show. I think he will have to be in more serious mode rather than having a giggle but at least we won't be getting rants and axe-grinding.
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Ahh, I like Ian Pyane, he is just honest about his life and what has being going on and engaging with callers
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