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Well not been on this site for a couple of years, and lately been lurking, but now I have something I want to say.

Lawrence is so so wrong for what he did to zak & his family, doesn't matter if drunk or not, violence is never ok, although I do feel like he is telling some truth in what he says about being mislead by Zak, I remember Zak being very flirty with him before they met and there would have been private messages, I can't imagine moving so far away from everyone I know for someone I met on TT unless I was made to feel there was more to it. Then you have the "family" holiday with Zak, Lawrence & family, after the fight... why have holiday if he is so violent and evil? I feel for Zak, he wants to move on he's said his bit and just wants to forget about it and move on, but his sister Pipsqueak_97 is all over TT spreading hate for him, even a mod for DHB, the guy that made all this public meaning not only L got hate but also Z and her mum, seems very suss to me, I think that family wanted it public, it was their plan. I don't understand why people are so full of hate, I have been through some horrendous things in my life (I'm sure a lot of us have) and I've never hated anyone the way people do on this app. Lisa's ex is a really awful man, he's very violent and possibly been done for murder and Pip (zaks sister) is loving all the stories and spreading more and more hate... but what she forgets is that hate isn't just aiming at Lawrence, but also at her Bro Zak and he will keep on getting hate until they forget and move onto something else, and she's not allowing that, cos she's so full of hate for Lawrence. 🙈 it really bothers me that people keep saying how young Zak is and so innocent etc, he is on OF not so sweet and innocent, I was a mum with a partner 10yrs older than me at 21... so according to Lawrence haters that makes my hubby a groomer then? I was 17 when I met him so I was groomed according to TT logic 🙄
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Bea Saint

Active member
I don’t watch either him or the smithy fam anymore its like watching a personality transplant with them all compared to last year this fame shit goes to their head.

and I’m not surprised he talks to none of them now either.

And what’s the excuse for him not having to housing, has given up the flat in Worcester park?
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Yeah, I've noticed the way he holds himself around his family is very much like he's the boss. His mum and sister always look on edge around him like they're worried he's going to kick off any second.
100% agreed I feel quite sorry for his mum and family we all know his simple soft nice guy act is fake as fuck I dread to think how he treats them
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The board was getting a bit "personal" so they all asked for the live streams to be cut pretty quickly. Then everyone went to Lisa's live to troll her and get her worried about Lawl
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The comments were not what he wants to read. A few videos in and this nitwit is still saying he's fuming and people are telling him but he takes no notice.
And, of course, now he's saying that those who said they didn't like it are 'haters' who ruined his chance of saying 'I'm going home' as his parting catchphrase when he left Ralph's house.

Hardly comedy gold, is it? Him and the Iffy Family have to be some of the dumbest people I've ever come across..
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The home the mother lives in looks really nice how did they manage to get that. That jewelry is old fashioned now I sold all mine years ago like that for scrap, you don't get much for it. How come he never mentioned Nick now.
She was in a domestic violence relationship I read on there before and was in temporary accommodation for ages and then got that brand new house she’s in from a housing association. Looks way better than scruffy Mel and Ralph’s 🤮
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Apprently mel has lost 10 pounds in a week on the diet she's doing .maybe Lawrence should follow what she's doing then he would lose it again
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Some guy came in his live and invited him round on Sunday for a free dog worth 4 or 5 thousand pounds. Lawrence said yes. People are trying to talk him out of it as he has a lot of animals already lol
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Dick Turpin

VIP Member
She's as dumb as she looks! I remember a vulnerable person living in my mum's street, now and then you would see someone from maybe social services visit him, lived on his own and would collect his benefits himself from the local post office, didn't take long for a group of teenagers to notice that, they started knocking at his flat and asking if he could help them out as their mum needed money for gas/electricity or food until she got paid.

This had gone on for a couple of months to the point 3 or 4 different people would blag most his benefits of him on one payday! Eventually police got involved and he was moved out his flat.

So according to space raiders logic, all that was ok? He wasn't a victim? Served him right? She needs to take a good long look in the mirror and realise what filthy scum she's supporting :mad:

He is supposed to have stolen cash of an old woman before when he was a home help according to his stepfather whether it's true or not I don't know . But I wouldn't put it past the wrong un. As for Mel she got married to that road man Ralf . No one falls in love faster than someone who needs a place to live. He is a homosexual , driving her car paid for from her disability allowance so he can film tic toks with it. 🙄
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Lazy Sunday

VIP Member
Why is that pickled old stoat getting involved in everything. I saw her on DHB live too. Nick is so wanting to shut DHB but it's not him who has posted all the information. I'm sorry to say what Nick is saying seems to be trying to take people on a wild goose chase to me.
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He's just joined slimming world again, easily done with weight gain, always goes on much easier than it comes off. Don't really get all the hate over his weight loss journey, it's his journey what does it matter to anyone else if he gained. Atleast he is honest and this is a lifestyle change and so sometimes there will be gains. Not raving, just don't get all the comments on his TTs like he owes everyone a weight loss when really he is showing the reality of being on a weight loss journey... 6lbs in 2weeks is nothing I've gained that on a weekend on the lash 😂
Well, in fairness I think its because he treats his account like a business and sells merch etc as a weightloss channel. I think people's attitudes would be very different if he was just a bloke trying his best.

And as I said, I think if he was more honest about what he's doing too, it would help. I wish him no ill-will, and as I've said in previous posts, he is of course free to eat and do as he pleases.

But, as I said, if he's going to treat his page as a business, then you either need to do as you say or be honest.

I don't think his actions outside the weightloss thing with Zakk and his ever growing cocky attitude help to desuade the 'haters' from giving him a hard time either. Plus, if you want to be in the public eye, you're going to get good and bad comments :)
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Where's his mates tom boy Ralph and space raider Mel nowadays? No jollies to the iffys either and I bet he aint having much luck on grindr 🤭
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I'm not being awful, but there is absolutely no way he's lost three pounds this week as he's claiming. He's eaten so much rubbish this week. I think he just lies now and knows his loyal followers will believe it.
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She is shit at making people laugh as well. She fall out with the mug chucker yet wait and see. Like I'm just Sare from the shop did and the pest in the vest and Zak.
If someone has power of attorney over their own finances they can’t be classed as vulnerable? Amazing logic from mel there
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