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K&A won't go for any access. If Kyle suggested it his marriage is over. Kyle is not bothered about her unwanted brats!! If he was he would be seeing them. He's caused enough damage with bringing her kids into Annie's home! It's not happening kids get over it!
Ps happy bank holiday Monday hope you all have a great week...even you crazy bastards who fancy Kyle & suggest custody 💜😘💜
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She looks so ill in that photo. Why doesn’t she just give up and have a nice life with her kids in her mansion. She could throw all of this insane energy she directs towards Annie towards being a good mum instead
She really does look ill, living the life she does full of hate will do that to ya, slowly eats away at you and then eats your hairline
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Long time lurker. Blog was stupid and not written well. Makes no sense, doesn’t have a point and is like a load of WhatsApp’s all jumbled up and not following a story.
I have a child same age as eldest RRRR and LG will cringe her head off when Kairo is same age asking to meet with all parents together.
How heartbreaking for those kids to be sat in a room with not just two new siblings but the woman that’s had their mum heartbroken for years. The woman they get told about in school. The woman they will hate with a passion.
Sitting with her and her fake voice on steroids as she’s near Annie. Trying to come to terms with what’s happening.
For such a great mum who clearly only knows what it’s like to have a toddler and no actual child experience.
Not only has she chose a hard painful life for her K1 she’s gone and chose to put K2 through it and thinks she’s done nothing wrong at all. Bonkers.
LG if you want your kids to have a family you do what the rest of us co parents do. Send your child off for the weekend, mind your own business and cry because you miss them but unlike us you have to sit there and think I can’t believe that I actually chose this for my kids.
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I can't believe that whore has the cheek to say anything about Annie and 'not trusting her' to be around the children when Loz is the one with prior convictions 🤡

Quite a bold statement to make without any proof, Prozza.

View attachment 2959925
View attachment 2959926

*Edited to add snippets from her blog post*

The words "risk," "bad feelings," "negative" and "not nice" are quite extreme.

Paul Lunt needs to get in here asap.
Ffs if you ring the man your shagging WIFE and tell her you had another kid behind her back I’m certain I would be like Annie raging

Whatever Annie said she was raging and she fucking deserves to be I would have called them kids too they ain’t mine but a product of my husband’s infidelity and some slag who knows he is married but can’t stay the fuck away

God she boils my piss !!
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I think they’re gonna gather as much evidence as they can to try get her sent to prison or some kind of lifelong super restraining order, hence why right now they’re just letting her dig away at that hole. People have been sent down for less than she’s done, she’s stalked Annie for 4 years and the walkers will have SO much evidence. All we know is what we see imagine what stuff she’s done that we haven’t
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This Sick Delusional Twisted WHORE...
I'll never understand what goes through a Twisted mind like hers
Kairo & Kinara will never grow up with their mother & father...No stable co parenting relationship...
She CHOSE cash over there livelihood and WELLBEING

Annie has no obligations over them kids or how they live YET SHE & HER HUSBAND pay for their Home. Nannies. School. Bills. Cars. Holidays & LIVING EXPENSES

Whilst she slanders them...
This TRAMP thinks she's something.... her day will come when the kids are old enough to read and put the dots together themselves of what a HOE their MAMMA IS...

LAUREN what do you DO to SUPPORT YoUr children's LiFeS other then the DaDs FINACIAL INPUT
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Wouldn't it be funny if someone slept with Grant and got pregnant, but apologised and suggested on boxing day for all the kids to meet up ..... now apply that sitch to Annie.....
Let’s fast forward and someone does to Kinara what Pan’s done to Annie.
Gonna be reasonable then Pan? Going to advocate for blended families? Going to accept a white flag Pan? Going to tell Kinara ‘well she apologised so why not let all the kids and adults spend Boxing Day together’ Pan? No?!! Thought not!
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Lizzy 93

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Dear Lauren,
Thank you for your weekend of being a grade A cunt !
You have led even more people here 🩷
Influencer ✨
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Lauren is a total fuck head! I'm mortified for her. She's never going to stop. She's doing that to cause arguments with Kyle & Annie!! Does she really think think will ever have any contact again? She needs locking up the deranged bitch 😤
Exactly, she wants Annie to question Kyle’s double life, evil bitch! Lauren chose this life for herself, Annie didn’t
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Why does she say 'Our Daughter'
Even in my own LTS married with children I refer to the kids as mine. Not ours, not my husband's but mine (until they are little shits then they are his, understandably)
But to refer to 'our daughter' when he said he wanted to crawl up and die when he found out about her just strikes me as very very odd. She's not a protective mum at all
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Well I’ve had to read that blog twice to try and make some sense of it. It’s incoherent and chaotic at best. What planet is she on? It’s ALL about Annie who has done fuck all wrong on all of this mess. Why the fuck would Annie agree to meeting up with the children?! Who would do that and want to meet up for a friendly get together with a brass her husband has been shagging behind her back. Does Proz not think about RRR in this? How would they feel having her forced on them like that? She’s a disgusting, evil cunt. I hope she rots.
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Bet big proz is reminiscing about this day last year when she was in her loving and intimate relationship (blackmail era) on her way to being a WAG living in Cheshire, expecting her soul mates and friend of many years 2nd wanted miracle child. What a difference a year makes. Right back under your stone begman. Used and abused ya big loser 🤣
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Chatty Member
She said Kyle is a professional dream seller. What dream did he sell her ?
Lauren is the professional dream seller, she sold Kyle the dream..."Kyle, I'm infertile and can't get pregnant, and I won't tell anyone we've had sex."
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Just re read all the document and read it out to the Mr, I said “after reading that can you believe she had the cheek to say she paid for his birthday from her business account” I said “she’s no even got a business” and he said “aye she has, her sons her business account”

How sad is that! One look at that document and you can see her child has merely been a financial transaction… a very lucrative one!

ETA - ** every time I read it I’m still shocked each time** The levels of ££ were astounding, the entitlement off the scale!! **
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Latest story from Victim Goodman
Surely she can’t be comparing Kyle to P diddy 😳

ETA - I’ve seen other videos made that guy it’s an account dedicated to bashing dead beat dads. Mainly ones who don’t provide financially. Which is rich coming from her having not provided a penny for HER own kids.
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“Her” and “she” - fuck off Lauryn

Also, her tune has changed because Kyle still wants fuck all to do with her. It was only a few months ago Lauryn was saying Annie was “nice about it”. She can’t get one story straight.
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On page 41 of the last thread and just read the blog. The majority of it is just noise and she has definitely had legal papers ‘all my own opinion, of course’ but the worst thing she said is about not letting annie near her children. So what sian said was true. If kyle took her to court for access she WOULD NOT get a say in the matter!!! Cafcass would not see annie as a threat, i doubt she takes drugs or has a criminal record. And if annie had said these things about her children then where’s the proof? I dont believe it.
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