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Some people heal down there really quickly 🤷‍♀️ really not liking the sex shaming going on since she announced she’s preggers again- sorry.
I got back on the dick after 4 weeks with my other half , it was fine ! I was younger though fanny of steel 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Genius it’s so exotic perfect for a baby who never leaves the house let alone Essex.

She could call it after her most favourite food Sweetcornella ... which sounds posh and regal for a bewful baby gel.

I’m having visions of a double minge trim pram combo. The bright side it being twice the size it will make Lozza look small!
She'll be on the beg for one in a few weeks, #notsilvercrossthough #notbasic

Just leaving this here, was this her???

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There’s lots of things on this thread that doesn’t sit right with me. “Vile” having two under two, and disgusting to have sex soon after birth, the majority of us comment about larose with concern but there have been a few which go beyond that and are just nasty ... can we stop please
Everyone has different thoughts on “too far“ and it’s not right to tell people to stop or try to limit what we can or can’t say.

If you think something is wrong hit the report button and let mod’s decide.
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Just woke up and saw the pregnancy news... FFS woman. I'm sure someone on here called it, not long ago, and predicted she'd be 'pregant' again...🤦‍♀️
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Make It Stop

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I think that people can react strongly to an innocuous comment directed at Big Loz and made in jest, when they feel it attacks them because it’s something they’ve done or haven’t done and they’re being judged. I remember a while back someone being quite upset that we all laughed at the idea of sweetcorn with a roast dinner!

We’ve also had people defend their parenting skills if they’ve done something that Big Loz is being criticised for. Remember that this is an anonymous forum and no one knows your background or history so whilst comments made may be upsetting, they are not intentionally said to hurt you.

I remember feeling the constant focus on her pregnancy last time was quite overwhelming because I was in a fragile place trying and failing to conceive. Sending my love to those who are triggered on this occasion. One poster at the time was pretty unsympathetic, tried to make it all about themselves (and likely reported me - kicking whilst I was down) so I blocked them. The block really helps filter out the noise you don’t want to hear, in this case a non-stop stream of bile and me, me, me.

I have always thought this was the best group on Tattle so hope the Scrunchies can all assemble and have a laugh together now she’s finally done something worth talking about!

It’ll be time for a new thread title soon! Perhaps we can collect the best suggestions for baby names and have a poll on the next thread? I’m happy to collate and add if I start the next one.

I had high hopes for Lau’rencé (pronounced like Beyoncé) if it was a boy. I’m thinking Laurenne as it’s another girl.
Agree I left the threads which I had been contributing too for quite a while because my opinion on something related to BF riled someone up and I was accused of mom shaming. That wasn’t my intention at all. Can’t understand how it’s ok to rip every shred of Lauren’s life apart but only if it doesn’t trigger a regular! Anyway I dipped back in as the news of the second baby made me curious as to how the Scrunchies were receiving the news. I was on a different username and it was during the days when mostly everyone was welcoming and the banter flowed and sometimes we’d spend an evening laughing at things not even Lauren related. The good days. Things soured after Larose was born and will probably go through a similar patch now As people give conflicted opinions on things.

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My Nana was called Rosella. I will hunt her down and hit her with a tin of sweetcorn if she calls her that!
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Morning Scrunchies! This dick shit is making my skin crawl 😂😂😂 *shudder* (don't care about the act just don't like the phrase haha) @Chi4 you have now given me an absolute hankering for some rich tea biscuits though!

What comes next in Laland of Laloz? The thing that makes me sad is that babies little minds are like sponges. Not talking about the physical well-being as I would have no clue what to do with all that 😂 but their psyche and mental growth is so important from so very young. Everything Charlie and Big Loz do is shaping the future mental health of that child.

Even if the fights are fake it is fucked up. Also things like we know they are smoking, Charlie posted the story with the ciggie in his paw. The kid has been in hospital with breathing related issues yet you smoke? It's just all messed up. We have also saw them out and her drinking when she has been supposedly pregnant with this new one.

I don't really have a point, just spitballing. I guess my main point is she's an arsehole.
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Now available on Snapchat 😂 Fuck sake, didn’t she start up a YewTube channel the other day too? Given up on that already?! She really can’t commit to anything can she...apart from being an attention seeking, beggy, immature nob that is. She’s pretty consistent on that front.
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Oh wow this is going to be so sad that another child is going to be mentally stunted from birth and just used as a photo op for her sad face articles in Closer. She needs parenting advice or classes before she ruins another little life.
She'll stick them both in swing chairs so they can stare lifelessly at each other while she's constantly on Insta as usual. Aah Larose an Lesink are sooo cue. Baaybee gewl an baaybee boi my lil famly is complete. Anyone no boy clothes supplier Cranham area DM me. Oh yeah an I don't wan no basic pram this time ok?Poor little things
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I remember watching that and thinking the same! I remember the therapist asking her a question “like are you worried you will make the same mistakes with your children?” and she replied “Never! I never will!”
But sadly I do think she is going down the same path. The fact that she is apparently moving in her own useless mother says it all.
If I was her I would get my tubes tied after this one and focus completely on building the strongest bond raising two girls.
As hard as it will be having two under two she’s actually in a situation some women can only dream of! Women who would make those girls their absolute world. But I really can’t see it being the case with her.
Can imagine Charlie/Charles/fat-headed lump whatever he is called will bite the dust pretty quickly. Then go on to have next to nothing to do with the kids while she uses that as her latest “woe is me” angle with the tabloids not giving one thought to impact it will have on her daughters, just her usual wallowing in self pity!
Followed by more toxic relationships with deadbeats prioritising them over her children. But still letting them play at being a father figure right up until the break up when they will never be seen again.
I can just see her repeating all the patterns and passing all her insecurities down to these girls!
I used to feel sorry for her in Towie but she clearly chooses to put herself in these toxic situations over and over again!
She is the definition of insanity, she does the same things over and over again and expects different results!
I’m genuinely concerned for those girls, especially as they get older. Lauren needs professional help. If she doesn’t get it she will pass on her self esteem / body dysmorphia and beauty standards on to those girls. So damaging for those girls to be brought up in a Home where mum is scared to leave the house, constantly pumping herself with filler and begging for anything instead of earning a living. Not to mention the alleged drug use. She’s going down the same low rent path as KP.
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Those photos side by side are like a before and after. Lauren's blood pressure must be through the roof. I'd say she thinks she will look like Amy once LaSequel is here. Dream on love.
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been a little while since I been on here! Little kittykat is now 6 months old 💙
And he is way more animated, stimulated and moving ten times more than larose! Could that be because we actually do things with him and go out to lots of places that he will enjoy 🤔
I see she’s pregnant again….good grief her mingella had barely healed before it’s being rammed again!
Charles just tosses off into a sink and Lauren collects it from actual sex occurs
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My sister is a midwife and she has walked in on couples having sex within minutes/hours of giving birth
Are you sure the daddy isn't just sticking it up the bum? (Sorry).

I. could. never. with my labia, vaginal canal, perineum ripped to bits.........

Unless these women are still under the influence of an epidural or something!! It would be like fucking a cactus.

Tougher than I am, anyway.
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