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Grim, this I did not need to see this morning. I don't know anything about pregnancy tummy's but I can tell you that as a person with food allergies the hardness of her stomach makes me feel sick. Copyrighting your baby bump to a talent agency for fuck sake. Also different clothes than the post lying on the couch ten minutes before. Lies lies lies. (The full video is on her stories) just realised she also as all the curtains shut to make the photo dark so don't get the full view 😂
Chaz’s at work so she’ll be bored 😂
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There’s been a couple of instances of Big Liz being papped by ‘real’ photographers in quite an unflattering way, when she’s been with moleman. Do you think this is a coincidence or could he be setting them up?
Big Liz 🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈 I’m no good !!! 🤣🤣🤣
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“Boiled water” 😂😂😂 well done for knowing how to boil a kettle, Loz.
Does she think she’s a master chef for making a cup of tea? I’m sure we have all heard of lemon and ginger tea, no need for the ingredients list 😂 thanks for reminding us to use water ffs
She is thick 🤣

That is her goodness for the day. Why on earth do we need a run down on how to make this , bloody twat. She really really irritates me ! But I keep going back for more stupidity!
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Will she gave a ‘jendah reveeow’ party? I’m sure she will , she wouldn’t be able to resist
She most certainly will and it will be papped for dear life and plastered all over the Gram and the Daily Wail. I will be shocked if she says it is a boy after last week’s gaffe. Mind you, a mum I met at a mums and tots group yonks ago was told she was having a girl so she did the nursery in pink and bought loads of dresses only for a boy to pop out!!

Apparently, sonographers get approx 4% of genders wrong. It is usually when they say it is a girl and then it is a boy. Something to do with the Willy being hidden / tucked in at the scan. If you are told you are having a boy, it is pretty much certain as a willy will have been seen on the scan. I was told I was having a boy and it was. I was told my second child was a girl but, after hearing that mum’s story, I didn’t believe them and just kept to neutral colours. She was a girl but I wasn’t convinced until I saw her with my own eyes!
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Had a cortison injection today that was a lark! Currently watching the US army sing a song from my favourite musical Dear Evan Hansen and in tears so the pain killers are both working and not interacting with wine well 😜
Holy buggering Monkeys! What did I miss? what have you been doing Katie8ee?
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@Jsmith92 you’ve only posted in here 😂

I honestly couldn’t care less who the dad is. I wouldn’t put it past Big Loz and Moleman to rope Oddbod in on the promise of £ and fame. I don’t write on the DM and I try not to open any article on her, particularly if fellow Tattlers post the horror show pics on here instead. The words and content are all repetitious nonsense anyway, most people scan the pics and then read the comments.

I ONLY follow here, what I mean is I read every day but don’t post regularly. But thanks for being condescending, I’m so glad I finally have posted 🙄

If I was Craig why would I say I think they’re trolling us 🤣 I didn’t say anyone cares who the dad is none of us do. I’m just saying I think it’s them posting on the Daily Mail. Sheesh...
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No there is no money in it. As stated it has been going off for years and we caught her out many times which was worth money back then. Now it's the same old thing it's been done it's nothing new. No one's interested. Totally, the photographers always get the worst deal but there's a reason we don't bother, as we need to pay our bills on better celebs but isn't worth our time or the petrol we'll be spending. That's why the more IPSO complaints , more chance of it being taken seriously.
How would the complaints ensure it’s taken more seriously? Genuine question. I don’t get how they work to be honest.
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Sasha Sinclair

Well-known member
That’s actually a really good point. I click regardless of whether they’re so called ‘candid’ pics or edited ones. She pulls in up to 2000 comments on DM, as many as A listers. I just wouldn’t want to be famous at the cost of being a laughing stock like Lauren is
Exactly. Me too . Yet I wonder why i do
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I love how this is your little safe harbor from all the drama 😂 it's the last thing this thread is! No sightings of Oddbod or Big Loz today! Apparently as Charlie is going to make this cooking a weekly live he will post the recipe and we can all join in.

Oh my Lord we should all cook along with Oddbod and dishclothdad that would be hilarious.
You don’t want to undo all your hard work with the weight loss, maybe you could cook along but not eat the supposedly healthy stuff 🤣xx
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That headline should read 'nun' not mum - that would make it mildly amusing.

Blocking them more like... do you think he has trademarked his 'wankomatic' sink plunger yet?
Chaz is going to use his wankomatic sink plunger 🤣🤣🤣🤣. That is hilarious
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Oh Dear! I seem to be the only one still awake and posting. Really sorry for the above essays.

I have been watching TV with Mr SS tonight and so I only came back a short while ago to catch up (BTW, did anyone watch The Bay? It was the final episode tonight, what did you think?).

I had several pages to catch up on. Whenever a post caught my eye, I posted a reply. It is only now that I have reached the end of the thread that I have realised that all my replies read like two very long boring essays! Really sorry for being such a bore. I didn’t realise all my replies would clump together to look like I was giving a full on opinion piece in the Sunday Times!

Please forgive me fellow Scrunchies ❤

And anyway, @Katie8ee, can we have our LG Tattle Convention at your gaff later this year or early in 2022 when, hopefully the COVID-19 restrictions have been sodded off? I can bring rocket lollies, loads of red wine, and Dreamies for the kitties. You could teach us how to do snowboarding! 😮😮😮😮😮. We can post all photos of us having fun WITHOUT FILTERS on the Gram and tag Lozza to make her well jell of all of us beautiful, filter free, people. We can even take photos of our meals just to rub salt into her twat!!!! 🤪😂😂😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪
I was very disappointed with this series of The Bay; not gripping and too much of their personal lives in it. First episode was great and I thought it was going to be good but was v disappointed 🙁
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Oh yes! Forgot about that! She knows the gender so she’s definitely over 20 weeks. You can find out before 20 but everything about her pregnancy makes me think that she’s further along then she’s saying.
When it first came out she was up the duff, 14 weeks was said everywhere but one of the papers said she was 18 weeks, then the story was updated and the 18 weeks bit disappeared 👍
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